Belgium: Covid-19 and Detention

Belgium halved its immigration detention capacity (from 609 to 315 spaces) in the weeks after the outbreak of the pandemic. By 19 March, the total number of detainees in the country’s six detention centres had dropped to 304. However, because reception centres for asylum seekers are no longer accepting new arrivals and detainees are being […]

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Detainee Handcuffed Against a Wall in a Room with a Staff Member Covered in Protective Gear in a Detention Centre, (

Hungary: Covid-19 and Detention

Among the initial cases of confirmed Covid-19 infections in Hungary were a group of Iranian students studying in Budapest. This spurred Hungarian authorities to capiltiaze on the pandemic to stoke xenophobia, blaming migrants and refugees for the spread of the virus. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said there was a “clear link” between illegal immigration and […]

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Hungarian Police Patrol a Transit Zone on the Country's Border with Serbia (

Saudi Arabia: Covid-19 and Detention

On 26 March, the state-backed Human Rights Commission (HRC) announced that 250 foreign detainees – held on non-violent immigration and residency offences – had been released from detention facilities. A HRC spokesman stated that more releases were to be expected. Previously, on 18 March 2020, Saudi authorities decided to close tribunals for two weeks and […]

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Indian Migrant Workers Held in the Riyadh Immigration Detention Centre, 15 June 2015, (

Ireland: Covid-19 and Detention

Ireland does not have specialized immigraiotn detention centres, instead using prisons and jails to detain people for immigration reasons. In Irish prisons, the prison administration announced on 13 March 2020 restrictions regarding visits. Visits are only allowed for 15 minutes, once a week and per prisoner. Visitors under the age of 18 and those that […]

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Derick Hudson, Mountjoy Prison Fence and Wall in Dublin, Shutterstock, (

United Arab Emirates: Covid-19 and Detention

UAE authorities provide little information regarding where non-citizens are detained for immigration-related reasons. Some sources indicate that the country has operated at least one dedicated deportation facility, but detainees are also known to have been held in criminal prisons. Authorities announced on 23 March 2020 that all inbound, outbound, and transit flights would be suspended […]

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Inside an Emirati Prison, (

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

On 23 March 2020, the Ministry of Justice announced plans to extend a programme under which some prisoners are allowed to serve their sentence at home to help curb the spread of coronavirus. The proposal could benefit up to 12,000 prisoners and they would be kept under electronic supervision. The GDP has been unable to […]

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A Polish police officer stands at the country's border with Germany, symptoms testing drivers entering the country (

Qatar: Covid-19 and Detention

Riots have broken out in Qatar’s prisons. In the central prison in Doha, prisoners attacked a guard and burnt several cells. It has also been reported that the administration is refusing to release prisoners even though Covid-19 is spreading within its penal institutions. Rioters are being placed in isolation, without water, food or cigarettes. Some […]

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Pete Pattisson, Dormitory of Migrant Workers Living in the Industrial Area Outside Doha, (

Honduras: Covid-19 and Detention

In mid-March, the Honduran government declared a state of “health emergency” and suspended all visits to prisons following reports of two confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country. In addition, staff and detainees must wear masks in Court. The GDP has been unable to obtain information concerning measures taken within the “Centros de Atención al […]

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Families gather outside a Honduran prison (

Romania: Covid-19 Measures in Prisons

In Romanian prisons, measures such as the curtailment of visitation hours have been taken to minimise the risk of Covid-19 spread. However, on 18 March 2020, a riot broke out at the Satu Mare prison, leaving three inmates dead and two others seriously injured. The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that […]

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Inmates in a Cage During Recreation in Bucharest Prison, 2 August 2017, (

Immigration detention In Ireland (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2019 visit to Ireland)

Immigration detention (Read full CPT report) 24. In the course of its previous visits to Ireland, the CPT has reiterated that a prison is bydefinition not a suitable place in which to detain someone who is neither suspected nor convicted ofa criminal offence. In those cases where it is deemed necessary to deprive persons of […]

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