
Detains migrants or asylum seekers?


Has laws regulating migration-related detention?


Migration Detainee Entries



Total Migration Detainees






Asylum Applications




As Poland faces escalating challenges on its borders with both Belarus and Ukraine, the country has come under increasing criticism for its treatment of non-European asylum seekers and migrants, which has included forced pushbacks, deteriorating detention practices, and militarised border controls. While the country has responded generously to the millions of Ukrainians who have fled Russia's war on their country, anti-immigrant rhetoric remains prominent and foreigners from outside Europe are often viewed as security threats.

Types of facilities used for migration-related detention
Administrative Ad Hoc Criminal Unknown

Poland: Detainees Hold Largest Hunger Strike To-Date; Poles Called To Vote on Refugee and Migrant Policies 

Between 5 and 9 September, immigration detainees in Poland’s Przemysl detention centre (Guarded Centre for Aliens) held a hunger strike against “arbitrary detention” and their prolonged detention in the centre. Taking place against a backdrop of growing anti-migrant rhetoric in the run up to the country’s October elections and referendum, this was the largest collective […]

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Foreign nationals held under aliens’ legislation (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Poland)

1. Preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report) 25. The border crisis between the European Union and Belarus, which had begun in the summer of 2021, saw thousands of people, mostly from the Middle East, trying to enter the European Union through Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland from neighbouring Belarus. In response to an unprecedented increase in […]

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Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as of January 2022 there were 1,675 people in detention centres across the country (with 972 persons in detention centres for families and the rest in those for men). The Red Cross reported that they had distributed hygiene kits, including personal protective equipment, […]

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Wall Being Constructed on the Border Near the Polish Village of Tołcze (Wojtek Radwanski, AFP, Getty Images,

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

The escalating crisis on the Belarus-Polish border has spurred a growing number of countries to accuse Belarus of weaponizing migrant and refugee movements, using them as pawns to destabilise the European Union. At the same time, there is growing international outrage over Poland’s response to the situation–as well as that of other countries that border […]

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A family from Syria on the border between Belarus and Poland, November 2021. Photograph: Wojtek Radwański/AFP/Getty Images.

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

Poland has experienced important reductions in the number of arriving asylum seekers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: in 2020, there were 2,803 asylum applications, compared with 4,096 in 2019. According to the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, as of 1 January 2021, there were 1,319 persons holding valid residence cards for refugees, […]

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Polish Border Guards Detain People Attempting to Cross the Border Between Belarus and Poland on 9 August 2021 (Main Command of the Polish Border Patrol, Reuters,

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

Although the number of confirmed cases continues to rise in Poland, authorities have continued to refuse to issue a moratorium on new immigration detention orders (this was previously confirmed by the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights in early July, see 8 July update). According to an international organisation who asked to remain anonymous, but whose […]

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J. Plucinska and A. Koper, “Poland Reports Record Increase in COVID  Cases as Coal Mines Hit,” Reuters, 4 August 2020, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-poland/poland-reports-record-increase-in-covid-cases-as-coal-mines-hit-idUSKCN25011C

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman’s office) contacted the Polish Border Guard to obtain information concerning Covid-19 measures for migrants and refugees. The commissioner said that the Polish Border Guard had informed them that on 17 March, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard ordered the […]

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Biala Podlaska Guarded Centre (No Borders Group Warsaw, accessed on 8 July 2020, https://migracja.noblogs.org/obozy-strzezone-detention-camps/biala-podlaska/english/)

Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

On 1 April 2020, the Polish Government decided to extend visas for all non-citizens who hold work permits, national visas, or a temporary residence permit, for 30 days after the end of the emergency state. The Office for Foreigners stated that “based on this extended stay, a foreigner will not be able to travel on […]

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Poland: Covid-19 and Detention

On 23 March 2020, the Ministry of Justice announced plans to extend a programme under which some prisoners are allowed to serve their sentence at home to help curb the spread of coronavirus. The proposal could benefit up to 12,000 prisoners and they would be kept under electronic supervision. The GDP has been unable to […]

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A Polish police officer stands at the country's border with Germany, symptoms testing drivers entering the country (https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-poland-prisons/poland-to-let-more-prisoners-serve-sentences-at-home-amid-coronavirus-idUKKBN21A20C)
Last updated: October 2018

Immigration Detention in Poland




  • Detention orders frequently lack individualised assessments and observers argue that detention measures are not applied as a last resort.
  • Detainees are required to pay for their detention.
  • The country places high numbers of families with children in detention.
  • There are no well-developed mechanisms for identifying victims of violence and medical checks are not provided when entering detention.
  • Although the law stipulates that asylum seekers should not be detained if detention constitutes a threat to their life or health, courts rarely consider mental health when issuing detention orders.



Poland has not faced the same immigration-related challenges that some of its European neighbours have experienced and yet public discourse in the country is rife with anti-immigrant rhetoric that portrays foreigners as security threats. Like its “Visegrad Group” counterparts—the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia—Poland has refused to participate in efforts to improve the EU asylum system and rejected a quota system aimed at distributing asylum seekers more evenly.[1] Poland’s interior minister has characterised refugees as a “ticking time bomb.”[2]

Poland refused entry to 34,485 non-EU nationals in 2016, the third highest figure amongst EU states that year.[3] Very few asylum seekers are granted protection: more than 80 percent of asylum requests are rejected in the first instance while 98.6 percent are rejected upon appeal.[4] In 2017, 5,053 people lodged applications, but only 150 were granted refugee status and 340 subsidiary protection. These developments are taking place against a backdrop of steep declines in asylum requests: there were 5,045 in 2017, down from 12,305 in 2016.[5]

Asylum seekers are routinely pushed back across country’s eastern borders and denied access to asylum procedures. This practice is especially common at the border with Belarus—at the crossing of Terespol—where asylum seekers, predominantly from Tajikistan, Georgia, and the Russian Republic of Chechnya, are illegally returned to Belarus.[6] In 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) expressed concern over the difficulties faced by asylum seekers seeking to apply for protection at the Terespol border.[7] Several cases of push backs of Chechen asylum seekers, including three families, have been submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), which has granted interim measures in all of them. Poland has repeatedly refused to comply with these measures.[8]

In early 2017, the government proposed a draft amendment to the Law on Protection, which would impose detention on all individuals applying for asylum at the border, accelerate asylum proceedings at the border, and enforce removals without the possibility of appeal. The amendment also foresees development of a list of safe countries of origin, which would potentially include the Russian Federation, as well as a list of safe third countries, potentially including Ukraine and Belarus.[9] Given that more than 80 percent of asylum applications in 2017 were filed by individuals of Russian (3,536 applications) or Ukrainian (668 applications) origin,[10] this amendment would render the vast majority of asylum claims unfounded. As of October 2018, the amendment process was still on-going.[11]

Poland places approximately 1,200 people in immigration-related detention each year. Although material conditions in detention centres generally meet minimum standards, observers have criticised the prison-like set up of some of these facilities. Concerns have also been expressed about the lack of consideration of “alternatives to detention,” the failure to provide separate detention decisions for children detained with their parents, the lack of adequate mechanisms to identify victims of torture or other forms of violence, and policy of requiring detainees to pay for their detention.



2.1 Key norms. The Law on Foreigners (Ustawa o cudzoziemcach), adopted in December 2013, overhauled Poland’s legal framework governing migration. The law regulates the entry, transit, stay, and exit of non-citizens, and also contains provisions relating to immigration detention (areszt dla cudzoziemcow). The detention of asylum seekers is provided in the 2003 Law on Protection (Ustawa o udzielaniu cudzoziemcom ochrony na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej), which has been amended several times, and which sets out the rules and procedures for granting international protection in Poland.

2.2 Grounds for detention. According to the Law on Foreigners, a non-citizen can be detained if: 1) it is probable that a return decision, with no possibility for a voluntary departure period, will be issued; 2) a return decision, with no possibility for a voluntary departure period, has already been issued and it is necessary to ensure its enforcement; 3) it is deemed necessary to ensure transfer of a person to a non-EU or Schengen country based on international agreement and an immediate transfer is not feasible; or 4) to ensure transfer to an EU country under the Dublin Regulation if there is a severe risk of absconding, an immediate transfer is not feasible, non-custodial measures are deemed inadequate, and the person has failed to leave Polish territory within a specified period (Article 398(a)).

In 2016, the HRC expressed concern at the high number of migrants and asylum seekers, including children, detained in Poland and urged the country to refrain from detaining non-citizens and, if detention is imposed, to ensure that the measure is reasonable, necessary, and proportionate in the individual circumstances of the case.[12] Similar concerns have also been expressed by civil society organisations: in 2017, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) noted that detention is not used as a measure of last resort,[13] while in 2010, a study by the Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC) revealed that the grounds and justifications given in court rulings were often extremely similar, indicating an insufficient individual assessment of the specific circumstances in each case.[14]

2.3 Asylum seekers. The December 2015 amendment to the Law on Protection transposed the EU (Recast) Reception Conditions Directive and the Dublin III Regulation. This amendment modified the grounds for the detention of asylum seekers, mirroring those provided for in the Reception Conditions Directive. Accordingly, an applicant for international protection may be detained: 1) when it is necessary to establish their identity; 2) in order to gather information regarding their application for international protection, which could not be obtained in the absence of detention, in particular when there is a risk of absconding; 3) if the non-citizen is in pre-removal detention in accordance with the EU Returns Directive and had previously had the opportunity to apply for asylum and it can be substantiated that they are making the application for international protection purely in order to delay or frustrate the enforcement of the return decision; 4) for state security or public order reasons; or 5) in accordance with the Dublin Regulation, when there is a serious risk of absconding but an immediate transfer is not feasible (Article 87(1)).

The risk of absconding is determined to exist if the applicant for international protection does not have their identity documents; unlawfully crossed or attempted to cross the state’s border (unless they arrived directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened and showed viable reasons for their irregular entry and applied immediately for asylum); or they entered Poland during the period of an entry ban (Article 87(2)).

A controversial ground that had been frequently used to justify detention of asylum seekers was removed in the 2015 amendment to the Law on Protection. It permitted detention in order to prevent the abuse of asylum proceedings. A 2010 assessment of detention orders by HNLAC revealed that authorities tended to conflate irregular border crossings with the abuse of asylum proceedings, and found that it was used to justify detention measures in 24 of 46 cases assessed by the organisation.[15]

Under the Law on Foreigners (Article 406(1)(2)) and the Law on Protection (Article 88a(3)), asylum seekers should not be detained if detention constitutes a threat to their life or health. Asylum seekers with disabilities are also supposed to be exempt from detention (Article 88(a)(3)). However, the HFHR reports that in practice poor mental or psychological health is very rarely accepted by courts as sufficient grounds for not placing an individual in, or releasing an individual from, immigration detention. It is the physical, rather than the psychological, condition of migrants and asylum seekers that is more often taken into consideration by courts.[16]

In 2013, the UN Committee against Torture (CAT) expressed concern that asylum seekers, including children, were detained in guarded centres in prison-like conditions prior to their expulsion, and recommended that Poland refrain from detaining them.[17]

In 2016, Poland detained a total of 603 asylum seekers, compared to 246 in 2017—figures that constituted approximately five percent of the total number of people seeking international protection in these two years.[18]

2.4 Children. Polish legislation lays down different rules on the detention of children depending on whether the child is an asylum seeker and the age of the child. Under the Law on Protection, unaccompanied child asylum seekers may not be detained (Article 88(a)(3)(3)). Rather, they are to be placed in foster care or in a care-educational shelter (Article 62). However, according to the Law on Foreigners, if applicants for international protection refuse to undergo medical examinations to determine their age, they are to be automatically considered adults (Article 397(6)).

The Law on Foreigners fails to prohibit the detention of unaccompanied children, though it does prohibit the detention of children under the age of 15. Like in the Czech Republic and Finland, children who have turned 15 are subject to detention. The court decides whether the child should be placed in a care-educational centre or in a detention centre, taking into consideration various elements, including the circumstances surrounding their apprehension and personal situation (Articles 397(1)-(3) and 414(4)).

Unaccompanied children may only be placed in a “guarded centre” (rather than a “deportation-arrest”) and must be separated from adults (Articles 397(1)-(3) and 414(4)). In practice, they are mainly confined at the Ketrzyn guarded centre, which has dedicated rooms for children.[19]

Accompanied children, meanwhile, can only be placed in a guarded centre (and not deportation-arrest) and are accommodated together with their guardian (Law on Foreigners, Article 414(3)). In 2017, children were detained in the Ketrzyn, Biala Podlaska, and Przemysl centres.[20] As the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) observed, children detained with their parents do not receive separate detention decisions—a policy that the GDP has also observed in Latvia and Lithuania. Rather, they are considered as being accommodated within a detention centre in order to preserve family unity. According to the FRA, this practice may leave the child in a legal vacuum and undermine their right to challenge their detention.[21]

Compared to other EU member states, Poland detains high numbers of families with children.[22] In 2016, 292 children were placed in detention centres with their parents;[23] in 2014, 347 children (of whom 18 were unaccompanied), were detained; in 2013, 374 (of whom three were unaccompanied); in 2012, 127 (of whom 16 were unaccompanied); in 2011, 201 (of whom 14 were unaccompanied), and in 2010, 270 (of whom one was unaccompanied).[24] According to the Ombudsman for Children and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the detention of families with children and unaccompanied children between 15-18 continued into 2018.[25]

Poland’s practice of detaining children has attracted considerable international criticism. In 2018, the ECtHR ruled in Bistieva and others v. Poland that the country’s practice of detaining families with children violated the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The case concerned the detention of a Russian national and her three children at the Ketrzyn guarded centre. The ECtHR ruled that that although there was some risk that the family would abscond, this was insufficient reason to justify an almost six-month detention period. Poland did not observe the best interests of the child and failed to apply detention as a last resort. The country thus violated their right to respect for family and private life, set forth in Article 8 of the ECHR.[26]

In 2016, the UN HRC expressed concern at the large number of children in immigration detention in Poland. The committee urged the country to ensure that children are only detained as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, and that their detention takes into account their best interests.[27] The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) expressed similar concerns in 2015, in particular, its disappointment that the 2013 amendments to the Law on Foreigners had failed to remove provisions allowing for the detention of asylum-seeking children with their family members. The committee urged Poland to avoid all forms of detention of asylum seekers below the age of 18 and families with children, and to consider alternatives prior to detention.[28]

In 2014, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) also expressed concerns regarding the detention of children. The committee highlighted the detention of minors with their parents in guarded centres for asylum seekers—a situation that prevents such children from accessing an appropriate education. The committee recommended that Poland refrain from detaining asylum-seeking minors and fully implement the revised Act on the Education System to address their educational difficulties by providing language classes or tutorial assistance in their mother tongue.[29]

Concerns about the treatment of children in immigration detention are longstanding. Following a 2016 monitoring visit, the Polish Ombudsman noted that the Ketrzyn centre, which is the main centre where children are detained, did not have a permanently employed pediatrician.[30] In 2011, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) expressed concern that in some facilities, children’s nutritional needs were not given sufficient attention.[31] The CPT also expressed concern about whether any activities were provided for children, in particular at Lesznowola.[32]

According to the FRA, teachers from local schools provide classes in detention centres, but language assistance is frequently lacking and children are limited to just 18 hours of class-time per week.[33] Agreements have been concluded between border guards, educational institutions, and local authorities to ensure that classrooms with professional teachers are established in detention centres. However, education hours remain very limited: 27 hours in Ketrzyn and even less in Biala Podlaska.[34] The situation is better in Przemysl, where compulsory schooling was implemented in January 2018.[35] (Before this, civil society organisations had noted that classes were carried out by detention staff rather than by professional educators, did not follow a uniform programme, and were organised without age division.)[36]

There have also been some efforts recently to improve activities for children and provide them with recreational facilities. Centres in Przemysl and Ketrzyn now have well-equipped playgrounds, and Ketrzyn and Biala Podlaska purchased video game consoles.[37]

2.5 Other vulnerable groups. According to the Law on Foreigners (Article 400(2)) and Law on Protection (Article 88(a)(3)), persons who are victims of violence are not to be detained. In practice, however, there is no effective mechanism for identification of such cases—an issue highlighted by the HFHR and the Zbigniew Holda Association. The HFHR has documented numerous cases where torture survivors have been unlawfully detained.[38]

Victims of trafficking are not explicitly protected from immigration detention. Both the HRC and CRC have thus recommended that Poland amend its legislation to include a provision prohibiting the criminal prosecution, detention, and punishment of trafficked persons for activities they were involved in as a direct consequence of their being trafficked.[39]

2.6 Length of detention. Pursuant to the Law on Foreigners, a non-citizen arrested by the Border Guard or the police for immigration-related reasons may only be detained for an initial period not exceeding 72 hours in their facilities. If the police apprehended the non-citizen, they should transfer the person to the Border Guard. The Border Guard has a maximum of 48 hours to request a court to issue a detention order, which in turn should be ordered within 24 hours (Article 394(1)-(5)).

The initial detention order issued by the court can last for a maximum of 90 days. In cases where the enforcement of a return takes longer than 90 days due to a lack of cooperation from the detainee or delays in receiving the necessary documentation from a third country, the initial 90-day period can be extended up to one year. The detention period can further be extended up to 18 months if the detainee appeals their deportation order (Law on Foreigners, Article 403(1)-(5)).

The 12-month detention period under the Law on Foreigners does not include the time that a non-citizen spent in asylum detention (Article 403(4)). According to the Law on Protection, an applicant for international protection can be placed in detention for 60 days. If a person applies for asylum while already detained under the Law on Foreigners and the grounds for detention listed in the Law on Protection exist, their detention can be extended by 90 days from the moment of their asylum application. In both scenarios, if the asylum proceedings are not concluded during the period of 60 or 90 days and the grounds justifying detention still exist, detention can be extended up to six months (Law on Protection, Article 89(1)-(5)).

In 2010, the UN HRC expressed concern about the absence of specific laws concerning the detention of foreigners after the deadline for their expulsion, as well as reported cases of detention in transit zones extending beyond the expulsion deadline without a court order. The committee urged Poland to limit the length of detention in transit zones and to ensure that any detention extension is based on a court order.[40]

Polish legislation does not explicitly prevent re-detention however in practice, the courts do not allow periods of detention exceeding 12 months.[41]

The average length of detention in guarded centres (for an explanation of detention centre types, see 3: Detention Infrastructure) was 75 days in 2017; 71 days in 2016; 75 days in 2015; and 66 days in 2014.[42] In 2016 the average length of detention for asylum seekers was 68 days[43], an increase from 2015 when the average length was 65.8 days.[44] In 2010, the average length of detention was 59 days in guarded centres and 69 days in deportation-arrests.”[45]

2.7 Procedural guarantees. Under both the Law on Foreigners and the Law on Protection, migration-related detention is to be ordered and extended by a district court, upon the request of the border guard. Reportedly, courts usually accept the border guard’s arguments.[46] Both pieces of legislation also provide for a non-citizen to receive a hearing before the court makes its decision (Law on Foreigners, Articles 401(1) and 410(1); Law on Protection, Article 88(b)(1)). The non-citizen should be informed by the court, in a language they understand, about the grounds for their detention, detention procedures, and their rights (Law on Foreigners, Article 402(2); Law on Protection, Article 88(b)(4)).

Upon admission to the detention facility, the detainee must be informed—in a language they can understand—about their rights and obligations (Law on Foreigner, Article 411). In 2010, the UN HRC expressed concern that detained foreigners are often unable to learn about their rights, because boards containing such information are often only displayed in offices and interrogation rooms, are only available in Polish, and some interpreters are insufficiently qualified to translate. The committee thus urged Poland to ensure that non-citizens have easy access to information on their rights and in a language that they can understand—even if this requires the centre to provide a qualified interpreter.[47]

The extension of a detention order by a court constitutes a de facto automatic review of detention.[48] Foreign nationals have the right to appeal their detention, and its extension by a district court, to the court of higher instance. Such an appeal should be made within seven days of the non-citizen receiving the order, and the court has seven days to examine the request (Law on Foreigners, Article 403(8); Law on Protection, Article 88(b)(3)).[49] Civil society organisations, however, have observed that the appeal procedure can be complicated and appeals need to be submitted in Polish, resulting in few appeals actually being filed.[50] In addition, court rulings often lack an in-depth analysis of the non-citizen’s personal situation, and the reasons for their detention tend to be very general and without direct reference to the individual situation of the person concerned.[51]

Under the Code of Penal Procedure, asylum seekers are entitled to request free legal assistance for the review of their detention.[52] The Law on Protection provides that when ordering the detention of an asylum seeker, the court should inform them about this entitlement (Article 88(b)(4)). According to HFHR however, most asylum seekers are generally not aware of this and are unable to complete the necessary documentation, which is in Polish. Detainees who have not applied for international protection are not granted free legal counsel. Although legal assistance is often provided by NGOs,[53] such support was reduced in 2016 and 2017 due to a lack of funding caused by the delay in implementing the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).[54]

According to the Law on Foreigners, immigration detainees are entitled to lodge complaints regarding conditions of, and treatment in, detention to the authority in charge of the facility (Article 415(1)). Complaints, however, appear to be rarely made. For instance, between January 2008 and March 2011, just 13 complaints were lodged in Biala Podlaska guarded centre, all of which were considered unfounded. During the same period, three complaints were filed in Ketrzyn, one in Warsaw, and two in Krosno Odrzanskie. No complaints were filed in Przemysl, Bialystok, or Klodzko detention facilities during that period.[55]

The Law on Foreigners explicitly provides for compensation for unlawful detention (Law on Foreigners, article 407(1)).

2.8 Detaining authorities and institutions. All seven operative immigration detention centres are managed and operated by the border guard. The Interior Ministry is the custodial authority responsible for immigration detainees.[56] The Border Guard and the police are authorised to apprehend people for immigration reasons (Article 394(2)).

2.9 Non-custodial measures. When deciding on a detention order, the court should first consider whether non-custodial measures would be adequate (Law on Foreigners, Article 401(5); Law on Protection, Articles 88a(1) and 88(b)(2)). The Law on Foreigners provides four such measures: regular reporting to the border guard, bail, relinquishing travel documents, and/or residing in a specific place of residence (Article 398(2)). The Law on Protection lists the same measures, with the exception of relinquishing travel documents (Article 88(1)). In 2017, of the 2,314 cases of alternatives to detention that were reportedly granted, 2,094 were reporting obligations, 1,818 were residence restrictions, 49 were orders to surrender travel documents; and 4 were orders to pay bail.[57]

The use of alternatives to detention and the impact they have on detention rates are not clear. According to the 2017 Ombudsman report, non-custodial measures are rarely considered in practice and thus detention is not used solely as a measure of last resort.[58] Civil society groups had previously expressed similar concerns.[59] On the other hand, the number of non-citizens granted alternatives to detention has recently increased: from 1,411 in 2016 to 2,314 in 2017.[60] The adoption of alternatives has appeared to lead to decreases in detention rates for certain groups. For instance, border guard data shows that after the introduction of alternatives measures in 2014, the number of detained children decreased by more than 40 percent.[61]

2.10 Regulation of detention conditions. The Law on Foreigners lays down several rules related to the place and conditions of detention. Immigration detainees are to be held in “deportation-arrests” (areszt dla cudzoziemcow) or “guarded centres” (strzezone osrodki). Non-citizens are to be placed in deportation-arrests if there is a risk that that they will not comply with the rules governing guarded centres (Article 399). However, in 2011 the HFHR observed that in practice, this provision was not interpreted in a coherent manner and that officials often lacked a firm understanding of the categories of non-citizens to be placed in the two types of facility. Reportedly, foreigners who break the law are accommodated in guarded centres while those who stay in Poland irregularly for a long period of time without committing any crimes are held in deportation-arrests.[62] Both guarded centres and deportation-arrests can hold asylum seekers and irregular migrants; however, asylum seekers are rarely held in deportation-arrests, and only if it is deemed necessary for state security or public safety.[63]

Men and women, as well as children, are to be accommodated separately, while families are to be placed together (Article 414). Non-citizens held in deportation-arrests are to be given the opportunity to walk outside for two hours daily, while detainees in guarded centres are to be allowed to move freely within the facility between 7am and 10pm (Article 416). According to the HFHR, this provision is generally respected.[64]

Upon admission to a centre, non-citizens should undergo a medical examination (Article 413). Detained foreign nationals have the right to health care, including hospitalisation, medication and sanitary products; contact with close friends/relatives, legal representatives, Polish authorities, diplomatic representatives and NGOs; uninterrupted nine hours of sleep per day; clothing and shoes; access to the internet and a library, and visits (Articles 415 and 417).

The 2015 Ordinance of the Interior Ministry and Administration on the guarded centres and detention centres for foreigners (Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych w sprawie strzeżonych ośrodków i aresztów dla cudzoziemców) spells out detailed regulations for detention facilities. Rooms in guarded centres and cells in deportation-arrests are to have heating, ventilation, beds, shelves for personal belongings, tables, and chairs. Rooms for non-citizens in the guarded centres and cells in the deportation-arrests are not to be smaller than 3 square metres per male detainee, and 4 square metres per female or minor. The Ordinance provides that immigration detainees should receive three meals per day, including one hot meal. It establishes detailed rules regarding daily dietary allowances based on detainee’s age. For example, adults are to receive meals and beverages of at least 2,600 calories per day, while daily caloric intake for children 12-18, sick, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women is to be 2,600-3,400.

The Law on Foreigners provides for disciplinary sanctions for those that breach the rules of a centre: detainees may be banned from participating in sport and cultural activities (with the exception of library use) or buying food or tobacco products for up to seven days (Articles 419-423). According to reports, these sanctions are very rarely imposed because detainees are aware that they may be transferred to the Przemysl deportation-arrest—which is known for a much stricter regime than the country’s guarded centres (see 3: Detention Infrastructure)—if they commit a serious breach of centre’s rules.[65]

2.11 Domestic monitoring. The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) acting as the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture has a mandate to visit all detention centres. In 2016, the Commissioner visited centres in Biala Podlaska, Lesznowola, Krosno Odrzanskie, and Ketrzyn; and in 2017, the centres in Przemysl and Krosno Odrzanskie.[66]

A number of civil society organisations also visit the centres, including the HFHR, HNLAC, Association for Legal Intervention (SIP), and the Rule of Law Institute Foundation. Authorisation from the border guard’s headquarters must be acquired before every visit, however NGOs generally do not face problems in accessing centres. The visits are not for the purpose of monitoring conditions and treatment in detention, but rather to offer legal aid.[67]

2.12 International monitoring. As a State Party to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Poland receives regular monitoring visits from the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT). In the past few years, four UN human rights treaty bodies have issued immigration detention-related recommendations to Poland: the HRC (2016),[68] CRC (2015),[69] CERD (2014),[70] and CAT (2013).[71]

2.13 Criminalisation. Under the Petty Offence Code (Articles 49(a) and 24(1)), irregular entry is subject to a fine of up to 1,160 EUR. Irregular stay is also punishable with fines under the Law on Foreigners (Article 465(1)).[72] According to reports however, fines are rarely imposed in practice.[73]

2.14 Cost of detention. The total cost of Poland’s immigration detention operations in 2010 amounted to around 9 million EUR. Roughly 7.6 million EUR was spent on staff and half a million EUR on the maintenance of detention infrastructure.[74]

Like in the Czech Republic and Germany, non-citizens are required to pay for their detention.[75]

2.15 Trends and statistics. Poland detained 1,290 non-citizens in 2017; 1,201 in 2016; 1,051 in 2015; and 1,322 in 2014. Of these detainees, 247 applied for asylum from detention in 2017; 289 in 2016; 281 in 2015; and 236 in 2014.[76] In total, the country detained 603 asylum seekers in 2016 and 246 in 2017, figures that constituted approximately five percent of the total number of people seeking international protection during these two years.[77]

Between 2014 and 2017, the most common nationalities of detainees were Russian, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Russians constituted approximately 36 percent of all detainees in 2017; 37 percent in 2016; 27 percent in 2015; and 45 percent in 2014.[78]



3.1 Summary. Poland uses specialised detention facilities to confine non-citizens on immigration-related grounds. As explained above (section 2.10: Regulation of detention conditions), Poland operates two types of dedicated facilities that can be used for long-term immigration detention: “deportation-arrests” (areszty w celu wydalenia) and “guarded centres” (strzezone osrodki). A key difference between these two types of facilities are their security regimes: deportation-arrests have a more severe internal security regime than guarded centres.[79]

Until the early 2000s, the most common type of detention centres were deportation-arrests, which were located in police stations and border guard units. By 2009, the police had ceased operating these immigration detention facilities, which were transferred to the border guard. Before they came under the authority of the border guard, deportation-arrests had been criticised for mixing administrative detainees with criminal detainees.[80]

In recent years, the number of deportation-arrests has decreased significantly. The GDP identified some two dozen deportation-arrests in operation during the period 2007-2008. As of January 2013, Poland operated only six such facilities, with a total estimated capacity of 136.[81] By November 2015, the number of had declined to two—one in Bialystok and one in Przemysl—with a combined capacity of 48.[82] Currently the only deportation-arrests still in operation is the one in Przemysl.[83]

Meanwhile, the number of guarded centres has increased. Prior to joining the Schengen Area, Poland only had one guarded centre for non-citizens, located in Lesznowola. Established in 1996, the centre was run by the police until the border guard took over its management in 2008.[84] In preparation for Poland’s formal entry into the Schengen Area, four new guarded centres had been opened in the east of the country by early 2008 (where most asylum seekers are apprehended): in Biala Podlaska, Bialystok, Ketrzyn and Przemysl.[85] Construction of these centres was funded in part by the European Fund for Asylum Seekers.[86] In January 2009, the Krosno Odrzanskie deportation-arrest, located on the country's western border, was also converted into a guarded centre for non-citizens.[87]

Poland currently operates seven long-term detention centres.[88] The six guarded centres are located in Biala Podlaska (capacity of 130), Bialystok (capacity of 122), Ketrzyn (capacity of 122), Krosno Odrzanskie (capacity of 56), Lesznowola (capacity 42), and Przemysl (capacity of 103). The only remaining deportation-arrest is located in Przemysl (capacity of 33).[89] Poland also operates one short-term detention centre in a transit area at the Warsaw International Airport.[90] Individuals refused entry into the country are held there. As of January 2013, it had a capacity of 30.[91]

As of December 2017, the total capacity of long-term detention facilities in the country was 641,[92] compared to 558 in November 2015,[93] and 881 in January 2013.[94]

3.2 Detention facilities. Biala Podlaska guarded centre, Bialystok guarded centre, Ketrzyn guarded centre, Krosno Odrzanskie guarded centre, Lesznowola guarded centre, Przemyśl guarded centre, Przemysl deportation-arrest, and Warsaw Airport holding facility.[95]

3.3 Conditions in detention. According to the HFHR, all six guarded centres (Bialystok, Krosno Odrzanskie, Lesznowola, Biaia Podlaska, Ketrzyn and Przemysl) are in good condition. They were all built after 2008, except for Krosno and Lesznowola, which were both recently renovated. Yet, the design and layout of some of the centres closely resembles that of a prison, with thick walls, bars in the windows, and high exterior walls topped with barbed wire.[96]

All guarded centres are either separated by gender, or have two separate blocks: one for men, and one for families (family blocks also confine women and unaccompanied minors). In 2012, authorities began attempting to place detainees in different centres according to their gender and age—this was declared an official policy by the Interior Ministry in 2013. Since then, there have been modifications in the assignation of centres to a particular gender or age group. As of January 2018 only men are held in in Bialystok, Krosno, and Lesznowola.[97] The other three centres—Biala Podlaska, Ketrzyn, and Przemysl—are reserved for women and families with children of school age (up to six years of age) (although men were still confined in Przemysl during the Ombudsman’s visit, as well as families with children). The centre of Ketrzyn also has a separate area reserved for unaccompanied irregular migrant children and two places for persons with disabilities.[98]

In general, rooms hold two to eight people and are equipped with metal beds, small tables, and small wardrobes. If all of one’s personal belongings cannot be kept in the rooms they are stored in a separate space in the centre, which can be accessed only upon request. All the centres have adequate sport and recreation space including open-air space, libraries, and rooms for religious practices. For every detainee, an officer is appointed to discuss their case with them.[99]

Following its visit to Lesznowola in May 2017, the CPT noted that the material conditions (the centre’s state of repair, equipment, living space, and access to natural light) were of a good standard. Detainees were allowed to prepare their own food, and the centre employed a full-time nurse, who was also present during weekends and holidays but not at night. Doctors were visiting the centre on a contractual basis.[100] However the CPT did note that since there were no curtains in the windows, detainees had to cover windows with blankets as a protection from heat and the sun and were not allowed to open the windows without staff authorisation.

After its visit to Bialystok in May 2017, the CPT noted that rooms were of a sufficient size, and were well lit and ventilated. However, the committee noted several shortcomings—the centre’s daily budget per detainee was low and the CPT noted several complaints about quality and quantity of food; a general practitioner and a nurse were present every day but not on the weekends, and guards permanently carried truncheons and tasers, including inside accommodation areas. The CPT thus urged authorities to remedy these issues.[101]

According to the CPT, neither Lesznowola nor Bialystok carried out systematic medical screening upon detention and medical examinations took place in the presence of staff. Both centres employed border guards and educators (return care officers), and staff regularly received training, including in mediation and conflict resolution. Although most of the personnel had some notions of Russian or English, communication was reportedly still problematic. In both centres, detainees were given access during the day to well-equipped common rooms with TV, radio, internet, books, and board games; indoor gyms, and spacious outdoor areas. However, the availability of organised activities was very limited.[102]

After its 2016-2017 visits, the Ombudsman lauded some centres’ efforts to make the environment more friendly—for example, in Ketrzyn, grills were gradually being removed from windows and similar plans were made to remove bars from windows in Przemysl. It was thus recommended that bars are removed from windows in all centres, especially in those where children are held, as they create an unnecessary prison-like environment. In addition, the recent construction of a large recreation and sports area in Przemysl—comprising a children’s playground, an outdoor gym, a football and a basketball field, had recently been built.[103] 

On the other hand, the Ombudsman criticised the regime in the Przemysl deportation-arrest for being disproportionately restrictive. In order to use a toilet, detainees must ask permission from a guard, and many consequently end up urinating in plastic bottles instead. Detainees are also under permanent monitoring, which is a stricter regime than that applied in the country’s penitentiary system. The Ombudsman also found that in both the deportation-arrest and the guarded centres, guards are equipped with an electric taser which is visible to detainees.[104]

In terms of medical care, all detention centres must receive visits from a physician and a nurse. In cases of emergency or when specialist treatment is required, detainees are transferred to hospitals. No early identification of victims of torture or violence is carried out upon detention, and access to psychological assistance is limited.[105] In Ketrzyn, although the centre is dedicated to women and children, only male doctors are employed, creating a communication barrier with women from certain cultures, and there is no permanently employed paediatrician.[106] The Ombudsman observed that in Krosno, a man who attempted suicide after a prolonged hunger strike not only was never consulted by a psychologist or psychiatrist but was punished for his actions and placed in the deportation-arrest centre. Phone calls with the centre’s psychologist also revealed that he had no training in, or knowledge of, the Istanbul Protocol and mechanisms for the identification of victims of torture.[107] In Przemysl, the Ombudsman’s team identified victims of torture.[108]

Besides visits from NGOs (see 2.11: Domestic monitoring), detainees may receive visits from relatives, friends, and religious groups. The visits can last for up to 90 minutes but may be longer in certain instances when permitted by the centre’s manager. Detainees may use their own mobile phones, so-long as they do not include audio and video recording systems. If they do, detainees instead receive phones without cameras from the border guard for free. Detainees should pay for calls but if they do not have sufficient means to do so, they can use the border guard’s telephones in justifiable cases.[109] The Ombudsman noted that in the Krosno centre internet access was limited, with many websites including social media networks and email providers blocked for security reasons, despite the fact that computer users are constantly monitored and records on all those using computers are kept.[110]

Transit zone. Poland also operates a holding facility in the transit area of the Warsaw International Airport, where it holds individuals who have been refused entry. They may be detained here for no longer than 24 hours, although according to reports, it has been used for periods that exceed this limit.[111] The facility has a maximum capacity of 30 and is divided into three rooms, including one large room capable of accommodating 16 persons and two smaller rooms for six and eight persons respectively.

The GDP classifies this facility as “transit zone detention” because of its location at a port of entry into the country, the repeated reports that the facility exceeds its short-term mandate, and the particular problems with respect to procedural guarantees that seem to result from the facility’s intended use as a mechanism for preventing people from entering the country.

In 2010, the UN HRC expressed concern that in some cases persons were held in this facility beyond the deadline of their expulsion and without a court order. The committee therefore urged Poland to ensure that the detention of foreigners in transit zones is not excessively protracted and that when it is extended, such measures should be based on a decision adopted by a court. The committee also noted with concern reports of poor conditions in the transit zone.[112]

On the other hand, during its 2009 visit, the CPT found that the material conditions in the facility were generally adequate. It noted that besides bunk beds, the rooms were equipped with tables and chairs, had good access to natural light, were well ventilated, and had a call system. However, other concerns were raised. For example, the CPT found that while migrants were held on the premises overnight only very rarely, in cases where they had to stay for extended periods of time, they were not provided with personal hygiene products. The CPT also criticised the failure to respect procedural safeguards. It noted that while detainees were in principle entitled to contact a lawyer, they were not actually allowed to meet this person. Although they could move freely within the detention area during the day, they were often granted only 15 to 30 minutes of outdoor exercise per day and there was no communal area. Moreover, non-citizens were not systematically provided with a copy of the forms setting out the rights of persons who are denied access to the territory. Finally, the facility’s system of recording the detention of non-citizens was found to be inadequate—in many cases, no information regarding the identity of the individual, nor the time for which they were detained, was entered into the log book.[113]



[1] B. Kosztolanyi and S. Cullen, “Central European Countries to Skip Migration Summit as EU Tries to Work Out Refugee Issue,” CNN, 21st June 2018, https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/21/europe/hungary-slovakia-poland-czech-skip-migration-summit-intl/index.html

[2] J. Cienski, “Why Poland doesn’t want refugees,” Politico, 21 May 2017, https://www.politico.eu/article/politics-nationalism-and-religion-explain-why-poland-doesnt-want-refugees/

[3] Eurostat, “Statistics On Enforcement of Immigration Legislation,” May 2017, https://bit.ly/2tyZZbP

[4] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/statistics 

[5] Eurostat, “Asylum and First Time Asylum Applicants by Citizenship, Age and Sex. Annual Aggregated Data,” 24 August 2018, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/asylum-and-managed-migration/data/main-tables

[6] Human Rights Watch, “Poland: Asylum Seekers Blocked at Border,” 1 March 2017, https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/03/01/poland-asylum-seekers-blocked-border; HNLAC, “Asylum Seekers in Poland: Current Trends,” September 2018

[7] Committee on Human Rights, “Concluding Observations on the Seventh Periodic Report of Poland, CCPR /C/POL/CO/7,” 23 November, 2016, http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CCPR/C/POL/CO/7&Lang=En

[8] Amnesty International, “Poland: EU Should Tackle Unsafe Returns to Belarus,” 5 July 2017, https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/07/poland-eu-should-tackle-unsafe-returns-to-belarus/

[9] J. Bialas (Polish Helsinki Committee), “Poland: Draft Amendment to the Law on Protection of Foreigners – Another Step to Seal Europe’s Border,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), 10 March 2017, https://www.ecre.org/poland-draft-amendment-to-the-law-on-protection-of-foreigners-another-step-to-seal-europes-border-op-ed-by-polish-helsinki-committee/

[10] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/statistics

[11] Interior Ministry, “Projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o udzielaniu cudzoziemcom ochrony na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz niektórych innych ustaw,” Website, https://bip.mswia.gov.pl/bip/projekty-aktow-prawnyc/2017/24478,Projekt-ustawy-o-zmianie-ustawy-o-udzielaniu-cudzoziemcom-ochrony-na-terytorium-.html

[12] Committee on Human Rights, “Concluding Observations on the Seventh Periodic Report of Poland, CCPR /C/POL/CO/7,” 23 November 2016, https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[13] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[14] Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), “Raport o stosowaniu detencji wobec osob starajacych sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce,” December 2010, http://www.pomocprawna.org/images/stories/pomoc_uchodcom/Raport_o_detencji.pdf

[15] Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), “Raport o stosowaniu detencji wobec osob starajacych sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce,” December 2010, http://www.pomocprawna.org/images/stories/pomoc_uchodcom/Raport_o_detencji.pdf

[16] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[17] Committee against Torture, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Fifth and Sixth Periodic Reports of Poland, CAT/C/POL/CO/5-6,” 23 December 2013, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[18] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[19] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland; Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/statistics

[20] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/statistics

[21] European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), “European Legal and Policy Framework on Immigration Detention of Children,” 2017, http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/child-migrant-detention

[22] European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), “European Legal and Policy Framework on Immigration Detention of Children,” 2017, http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/child-migrant-detention

[23] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2016 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland

[24] Paweł Michniewicz (Interior Ministry, Migration Policy Department), Response to Global Detention Project/ Access Info Questionnaire, 30 April 2013; Dorota Skrzypczyk (Polish Border Guards), Email to the Global Detention Project, 12 November 2015.

[25] European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Periodic data collection on the migration situation in the EU: September Highlights, 1 July–31 August 2018, September 2018, http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2018/migration-overviews-september-2018

[26] European Court of Human Rights, “Bistieva and Others v. Poland, 75157/14,” 10 April 2018, http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-182210

[27] Committee on Human Rights, “Concluding Observations on the Seventh Periodic Report of Poland, CCPR /C/POL/CO/7,” 23 November 2016, https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[28] Committee on the Rights of the Child, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Third and Fourth Periodic Reports of Poland, CRC/C/POL/CO/3-4,” 30 October 2015, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[29] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Twentieth and Twenty-First Periodic Reports of Poland, CERD/C/POL/CO/20-21,” 19 March 2014, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[30] Poland, National Preventive Mechanism, “Report of the National Preventive Mechanism on the Visit to the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Kętrzyn (Raport Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji Strzeżonego Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Kętrzynie),” National Preventive Mechanism, 30 January 2017.

[31] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 26 November to 8 December 2009, CPT/Inf (2011) 21,” 12 July 2011, http://www.cpt.coe.int/documents/pol/2011-20-inf-eng.pdf

[32] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 26 November to 8 December 2009, CPT/Inf (2011) 21,” 12 July 2011, http://www.cpt.coe.int/documents/pol/2011-20-inf-eng.pdf

[33] European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), “European Legal and Policy Framework on Immigration Detention of Children,” 2017, http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/child-migrant-detention

[34] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[35] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[36] Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), “Detention of Migrant Children in Poland. Report on Implementation of International and Domestic Standards Concerning Detention of Migrant Children,” March 2011.

[37] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 20187, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[38] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights & Professor Zbigniew Hołda Association, “Universal Periodic Review of Poland, Submission,” 2016, https://www.upr-info.org/sites/default/files/document/poland/session_27_-_may_2017/js1_upr27_pol_e_main.pdf

[39] Committee on the Rights of the Child, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Third and Fourth Periodic Reports of Poland, CRC/C/POL/CO/3-4,” 30 October 2015, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx; Human Rights Committee, “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 40 of the Covenant, Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, Poland, CCPR/C/POL/CO/6,” 15 November 2010, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[40] Human Rights Committee, “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 40 of the Covenant, Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, Poland, CCPR/C/POL/CO/6,” 15 November 2010, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[41] B. E Mikolajczyk "National Synthesis Report: Poland," Redial Project, Odysseus Network, 2016, http://euredial.eu/docs/publications/national-synthesis-reports

[42] Dominik Kowalik (Border Guard), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[43] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2016 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[44] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland

[45] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[46] B. E. Mikolajczyk "National Synthesis Report: Poland," Redial Project, Odysseus Network, 2016, http://euredial.eu/docs/publications/national-synthesis-reports

[47] Human Rights Committee, “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 40 of the Covenant, Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, Poland, CCPR/C/POL/CO/6,” 15 November 2010, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[48] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country Report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland; Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), “Raport o stosowaniu detencji wobec osob starajacych sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce,” December 2010, http://www.pomocprawna.org/images/stories/pomoc_uchodcom/Raport_o_detencji.pdf

[49] B. E. Mikolajczyk "National Synthesis Report: Poland," Redial Project, Odysseus Network, 2016, http://euredial.eu/docs/publications/national-synthesis-reports

[50] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011; Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), “Raport o stosowaniu detencji wobec osob starajacych sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce,” December 2010, http://www.pomocprawna.org/images/stories/pomoc_uchodcom/Raport_o_detencji.pdf 

[51] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[52] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland

[53] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[54] W. Klaus, E. Ostaszewska-Żuk and M. Szczepanik, “The Role of European Funds in Supporting the Integration of Migrants in Poland,” September 2017, http://bit.ly/2EVdzxq

[55] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[56] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[57] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[58] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Krośnie Odrzańskim,” 30 January 2018, http://bit.ly/2F2ptCr; B.E. Mikolajczyk "National Synthesis Report: Poland," Redial Project, Odysseus Network, 2016, http://euredial.eu/docs/publications/national-synthesis-reports

[59] Jacek Bialas (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), “Detention of Irregular Migrants in Poland,” November 2011, http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/frc2011/docs/detention-presentation-HR.pdf

[60] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[61] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland

[62] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[63] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2010.

[64] M. Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), “Detention Facility Documentation: Guarded Center and Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Biala Podlaska,” 8 July 2011; M. Fagasinski, “Detention Facility Documentation: Guarded Center and Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Bialystok,” 8 July 2011; M. Fagasinski, “Detention Facility Documentation: Guarded Center and Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Ketrzyn,” 8 July 2011; M. Fagasinski, “Detention Facility Documentation: Guarded Center and Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Klodzko,” 8 July 2011; M. Fagasinski, “Detention Facility Documentation: Guarded Center and Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Przemysl,” 8 July 2011.

[65] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 11 to 22 May 2017, CPT/Inf (2018) 39,” July 2018, https://rm.coe.int/16808c7a91

[66] National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture, “Report on the Activities of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture in 2016,” 2017, http://bit.ly/2sBpmvy; Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Krośnie Odrzańskim,” January 2018, http://bit.ly/2F2ptCr; Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Przemyślu,” February 2018, http://bit.ly/2EXlR4y

[67] Daniel Witko (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR)), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), September 2018; Magda Pajura (Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (HNLAC)), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), September 2018; Katarzyna Słubik (Association for Legal Intervention (SIP)), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[68] Committee on Human Rights, “Concluding Observations on the Seventh Periodic Report of Poland, CCPR /C/POL/CO/7,” 23 November 2016, https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[69] Committee on the Rights of the Child, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Third and Fourth Periodic Reports of Poland, CRC/C/POL/CO/3-4,” 30 October 2015, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[70] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Twentieth and Twenty-First Periodic Reports of Poland, CERD/C/POL/CO/20-21,” 19 March 2014, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[71] Committee against Torture, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Fifth and Sixth Periodic Reports of Poland, CAT/C/POL/CO/5-6,” 23 December 2013, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[72] European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), "Criminalisation of Migrants in an Irregular Situation and of Persons Engaging with Them," 2014, http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2014/criminalisation-migrants-irregular-situation-and-persons-engaging-them

[73] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[74] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[75] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[76] Dominik Kowalik (Border Guard), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[77] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[78] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[79] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011.

[80] European Parliament, “The Conditions in Centres for Third Country National (Detention Camps, Open Centres, as well as Transit Centres and Transit Zones) with a Particular Focus on Provisions and Facilities for Persons with Special Needs in the 25 EU Member States,” December 2007.

[81] M. Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), “Detention Facility Documentation: Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Klodzko,” 8 July 2011; M. Fagasinski, “Detention Facility Documentation: Arrest for the Purpose of Expulsion in Warsaw,” 8 July 2011; N. Rafalik, “Cudzoziemcy ubiegajacy sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce olteoria a rzeczywistosc (praktyka) (stan prawny na dzien 31 grudnia 2011 r.),” Centre of Migration Research, Working Paper 55/113, March 2012, http://www.migracje.uw.edu.pl/publ/1808/

[82] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country Report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland; Pawew Michniewicz (Interior Ministry, Migration Policy Department), Response to Global Detention Project/ Access Info Questionnaire, 30 April 2013.

[83] Dominik Kowalik (Border Guard), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[84] N. Rafalik, “Cudzoziemcy ubiegajacy sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce olteoria a rzeczywistosc (praktyka) (stan prawny na dzien 31 grudnia 2011 r.),” Centre of Migration Research, Working Paper 55/113, March 2012, http://www.migracje.uw.edu.pl/publ/1808/

[85] Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and Caritas Poland, "Poland RefuCivil Society Report on Administrative Detention of Asylum Seekers and Illegally Staying Third Country Nationals in the 10 New Member States of the European Union, December 2007, http://www.detention-in-europe.org/images/stories/10%20nms%20report%20final.pdf

[86] European Parliament, “The Conditions in Centres for Third Country National (Detention Camps, Open Centres, as well as Transit Centres and Transit Zones) with a Particular Focus on Provisions and Facilities for Persons with Special Needs in the 25 EU Member States,” December 2007.

[87] N. Rafalik, “Cudzoziemcy ubiegajacy sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce – teoria a rzeczywistosc (praktyka) (stan prawny na dzien 31 grudnia 2011 r.),” Centre of Migration Research, Working Paper 55/113, March 2012, http://www.migracje.uw.edu.pl/publ/1808/

[88] (as of October 2018)

[89] Dominik Kowalik (Border Guard), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[90] Dominik Kowalik (Border Guard), Email exchange with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), September 2018.

[91] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011; Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), January 2013.

[92] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[93] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), “Country Report: Poland,” Asylum Information Database (AIDA), November 2015, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland

[94] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), 28 January 2013; N. Rafalik, “Cudzoziemcy ubiegajacy sie o nadanie statusu uchodzcy w Polsce – teoria a rzeczywistosc (praktyka) (stan prawny na dzien 31 grudnia 2011 r.),” Centre of Migration Research, Working Paper 55/113, March 2012, http://www.migracje.uw.edu.pl/publ/1808/

[95] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/; European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 26 November to 8 December 2009, CPT/Inf (2011) 21,” 12 July 2011, http://www.cpt.coe.int/documents/pol/2011-20-inf-eng.pdf

[96] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[97] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[98] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[99] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2018, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[100] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 11 to 22 May 2017, CPT/Inf (2018) 39, July 2018,” https://rm.coe.int/16808c7a91

[101] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 11 to 22 May 2017, CPT/Inf (2018) 39,” July 2018, https://rm.coe.int/16808c7a91

[102] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 11 to 22 May 2017, CPT/Inf (2018) 39,” July 2018, https://rm.coe.int/16808c7a91

[103] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Przemyslu,” February 2018, http://bit.ly/2EXlR4y; Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Ketrzynie,” January 2017, http://bit.ly/2kPbgCA

[104] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Przemyslu,” February 2018, http://bit.ly/2EXlR4y

[105] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[106] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Ketrzynie,” January 2017, http://bit.ly/2kPbgCA

[107] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Krośnie Odrzańskim,” January 2018, http://bit.ly/2F2ptCr

[108] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Przemyslu,” February 2018, http://bit.ly/2EXlR4y

[109] Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights “AIDA Country Report: Poland 2017 Update,” European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), February 2017, http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/

[110] Ombudsman, “Wyciąg Strzeżony Ośrodek dla Cudzoziemców w Krośnie Odrzańskim,”January 2018, http://bit.ly/2F2ptCr

[111] Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Global Detention Project Questionnaire, 8 August 2011; Maciej Fagasinski (Legal Assistance to Refugees and Migrants, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), Email exchange with Izabella Majcher (Global Detention Project), January 2013.

[112] Human Rights Committee, “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 40 of the Covenant, Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, Poland, CCPR/C/POL/CO/6,” 15 November 2010, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/ENACARegion/Pages/PLIndex.aspx

[113] European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (CPT), “Report to the Polish Government on the Visit to Poland Carried Out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 26 November to 8 December 2009, CPT/Inf (2011) 21,” 12 July 2011, http://www.cpt.coe.int/documents/pol/2011-20-inf-eng.pdf


Migration Detainee Entries
Total Migration Detainees (Entries + Remaining from previous year)
Reported Detainee Population (Day)
Immigration Detainees as Percentage of Total Migrant population (Year)


Countries of Origin (Year)
Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Number of Asylum Seekers Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Women Placed in Immigration Detention (year)
Total Number of Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Unaccompanied Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Accompanied Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Stateless Persons Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Deaths in Immigration Custody (year)
Cases of Self-Harming and Suicide Attempts in Immigration Custody (Year)


Total Immigration Detention Capacity
Immigration Detention Capacity (Specialised Immigration Facilities Only)
Number of Dedicated Immigration Detention Centres


Number of Detainees Referred to ATDs (Year)
Number of People in ATDs on Given Day


Percentage of Detainees Released (year)
Percentage of Detainees Deported (year)
Number of Deportations/Forced Removals (Year)
Number of Voluntary Returns & Deportations (Year)
Percentage of Removals v. Total Removal Orders (Year)
Number of People Refused Entry (Year)
Number of Apprehensions of Non-Citizens (Year)


Criminal Prison Population (Year)
Percentage of Foreign Prisoners (Year)
Prison Population Rate (per 100,000 of National Population)


Population (Year)
International Migrants (Year)
International Migrants as Percentage of Population (Year)
Estimated Undocumented Population (Year)
50,000 (80000)
Refugees (Year)
Ratio of Refugees Per 1000 Inhabitants (Year)
Asylum Applications (Year)
Number of People Granted Temporary Protection Status (Year)
Refugee Recognition Rate (Year)
Stateless Persons (Year)


Gross Domestic Product per Capita (in USD)
$ 22,112.9,000
$ 14,342,000
$ 13,432,000
$ 12,708,000
Remittances to the Country (in USD)
$ 6,800,000,000
$ 7,466,000,000
$ 7,532,000,000
Remittances From the Country (in USD)
$ 10,940,000,000
$ 1,575,000,000
Unemployment Rate
Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) (in Millions USD)
Human Development Index Ranking (UNDP)
36 (Very high)
36 (Very high)
35 (Very high)
39 (Very high)
Integration Index Score
World Bank Rule of Law Index
Pew Global Attitudes Poll on Immigration


Does the Country Detain People for Migration, Asylum, or Citizenship Reasons?




Does the Country Have Specific Laws that Provide for Migration-Related Detention?




Detention-Related Legislation
Year Adopted
Last Amended
Law of 12 December 2013 on foreigners
Law of 13 June 2003 on granting protection to foreigners within the territory of the Republic of Poland
Do Migration Detainees Have Constitutional Guarantees?
Constitution and articles
Adopted in
Last amendend
Additional Legislation
Year Adopted
Last Amended
Law of 20 May 1971 Petty Offences Code
Regulations, Standards, Guidelines
Year Published
Ordinance of the Ministry of Interior and Administration of 24 April 2015 on the guarded centres and detention centres for foreigners
Ordinance of the Ministry of Interior and Administration of 24 April 2023 on premises designated for foreigners who were refused entry to the territory of the Republic of Poland
Bilateral/Multilateral Readmission Agreements
Year in force
Czech Republic
Russian Federation
Viet Nam
Russian Federation
Cape Verde (EU agreement)
Georgia (EU agreement)
Pakistan (EU agreement)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (EU agreement)
Moldova (EU agreement)
Macedonia (EU agreement)
Montenegro (EU agreement)
Ukraine (EU agreement)
Serbia (EU agreement)
Russia (EU agreement)
Albania (EU agreement)
Sri Lanka (EU agreement)
Hong Kong (EU agreement)
Macao (EU agreement)
Expedited/Fast Track Removal


Summary Removal/Pushbacks





Re-Entry Ban


Legal Tradition(s)

Civil law

Federal or Centralised Governing System

Centralized system

Centralised or Decentralised Immigration Authority

Centralized immigration authority



Immigration-Status-Related Grounds

Detention pending transfer to another Schengen country


Detention to ensure transfer under the Dublin Regulation


Detention to establish/verify identity and nationality


Detention to prevent absconding


Detention for failing to respect a voluntary removal order


Detention during the asylum process


Detention for failing to respect non-custodial measures


Detention to effect removal

Non-Immigration-Status-Related Grounds in Immigration Legislation

Detention on public order, threats or security grounds

Criminal Penalties for Immigration-Related Violations
Children & Other Vulnerable Groups
In Law
In Practice
Asylum seekers
Accompanied minors
Unaccompanied minors
Persons with disabilities
Stateless persons
Not mentioned
Unaccompanied minors
Pregnant women
Survivors of torture
Mandatory Detention


Maximum Length of Administrative Immigration Detention




Average Length of Immigration Detention












Maximum Length of Detention of Asylum-Seekers




Average Length of Asylum Detention


Recorded Length of Immigration Detention


Maximum Length in Custody Prior to Detention Order




Custodial Authorities
Ministry of Interior
Interior or Home Affairs
Ministry of Interior
Interior or Home Affairs
Ministry of Interior
Interior or Home Affairs
Ministry of Interior
Interior or Home Affairs
Apprehending Authorities
Police or Border guard
Law enforcement, border control and national security
Detention Facility Management
Border Guard
Border Guard
Border Guard
Border Guard
Formally Designated Detention Estate?
Dedicated immigration detention facilities
Types of Detention Facilities Used in Practice





Procedural Standards
In Law
In Practice
Independent review of detention
Compensation for unlawful detention
Access to consular assistance
Right to appeal the lawfulness of detention
Information to detainees
Complaints mechanism regarding detention conditions
Right to legal counsel
Right to legal counsel
Information to detainees
Access to asylum procedures
Compensation for unlawful detention
Right to appeal the lawfulness of detention
Access to free interpretation services
Duration of Time between Detention Reviews (Day)


Legal Appeals (Year)
N. of Appeals
N. of Successful Appeals
Are Non-Custodial Measures/Alternatives to Detention (ATDs) Provided in Law?





Does the Law Stipulate Consideration of Non-Custodial Measures (ATDs) before Imposing Detention?





Types of Non-Custodial Measures (ATDs) Provided in Law
In Law
In Practice
Designated regional residence
Supervised release and/or reporting
Designated non-secure housing
Registration (deposit of documents)
Release on bail
Supervised release and/or reporting
Designated non-secure housing
Registration (deposit of documents)
Electronic monitoring
Impact of Legal ATDs on Overall Detention Rates
After the introduction of alternatives to detention in Poland in 2014, the detention rates seemed to have dropped (especially in 2015: 1.015 persons detained, 774 persons given alternatives). However, looking on the data for 2014-2021, it is not so certain that the application of the alternatives to detention led to decrease in detention rates, because in years 2014-2019 (with the exception of 2015), the detention rate consistently ranged from approx. 1.300 to 1.460 persons. The number of alternatives steadily increased from 364 in 2014 to 2.142 in 2017, then dropped to 1.340 in 2018 and 1.666 in 2019. While in 2014 and 2015, there were more people in detention than have been subjected to alternatives, the opposite was observed in years 2016-2019. In 2020 (start of the pandemic), both the use of alternatives (522) and detention (919) decreased. In 2021 (start of the crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border), the use of detention much increased (2.510); alternatives were used in 967 cases.
From GDP 2016 Profile on Poland: "There appears to be some evidence that the adoption of alternatives has led to decreases in the detention of certain groups. For instance, Border Guard data shows that after the introduction of alternatives measures in 2014, the number of detained children decreased by more than 40 percent."
Access to Detainees
Recouping Detention or Removal Costs

Detainee Charged



Overall Annual Immigration Detention Budget
Estimated total budget (USD)
Building & Maintenance
Annual Budgets for Specific Detention Operations
Estimated Budget (USD)
Building and maintenance
Foreign / Non-State Financial Support for Detention Operations








Description of Foreign Assistance

During the period 2014-2017, Poland used funds provided through the EU's Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF) for various detention-related activities, including one or more of the following: increased staff at detention facilities; renovation of detention facilities; operational costs of running detention facilities; interpretation and healthcare services; legal assistance for detainees; leisure, cultural and educational activities at detention facilities. Proposed future regulations for this fund include encouraging recipients to consider possible joint use of reception and detention facilities by more than one Member State (see "The Way Forward, p.39).


During the period 2014-2017, Poland used funds provided through the EU's Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF) for various detention-related activities, including one or more of the following: increased staff at detention facilities; renovation of detention facilities; operational costs of running detention facilities; interpretation and healthcare services; legal assistance for detainees; leisure, cultural and educational activities at detention facilities. Proposed future regulations for this fund include encouraging recipients to consider possible joint use of reception and detention facilities by more than one Member State (see "The Way Forward, p.39).


During the period 2014-2017, Poland used funds provided through the EU's Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF) for various detention-related activities, including one or more of the following: increased staff at detention facilities; renovation of detention facilities; operational costs of running detention facilities; interpretation and healthcare services; legal assistance for detainees; leisure, cultural and educational activities at detention facilities. Proposed future regulations for this fund include encouraging recipients to consider possible joint use of reception and detention facilities by more than one Member State (see "The Way Forward, p.39).


During the period 2014-2017, Poland used funds provided through the EU's Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF) for various detention-related activities, including one or more of the following: increased staff at detention facilities; renovation of detention facilities; operational costs of running detention facilities; interpretation and healthcare services; legal assistance for detainees; leisure, cultural and educational activities at detention facilities. Proposed future regulations for this fund include encouraging recipients to consider possible joint use of reception and detention facilities by more than one Member State (see "The Way Forward, p.39).




Publicly Accessible List of Detention Centres?


Detention Registry
Publicly available national detention registry
Includes people in administrative migration-related detention
Publicly Accessible Statistics on Numbers of People Detained?


Disaggregated Detention Data?


Access to Information Legislation?




Types of Authorised Detention Monitoring Institutions
Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
District Courts
Judiciary organs
International or Regional Bodies (IRBs)
Polskie Forum Migracyjne
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
Krajowy Mechanizm Prewencji Tortur
OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)
Fundacja Instytut na Rzecz Państwa Prawa
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
International or Regional Bodies (IRBs)
Human Rights Defender
National Human Rights Institution (or Ombudsperson) (NHRI)
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
Insitutions that Can Make Unannounced Visits

District Courts


Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich (Polish Ombudsman)



National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)


Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich







National Preventive Mechanism (NPM-OPCAT)


Krajowy Mechanizm Prewencji Tortur




NPM Monitoring Reports

Raport Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji Strzeżonego Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Białej Podlaskiej


Raport Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji Strzeżonego Ośrodka i Aresztu dla Cudzoziemców w Przemyślu


Raport Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji Strzeżonego Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Kętrzynie


Raport przedstawicieli Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji oddziału rodzinnego Strzeżonego Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Lesznowoli


Wizytacja KMPT w Strzeżonym Ośrodku dla Cudzoziemców w Wędrzynie i Krośnie Odrzańskim


Raport Krajowego Mechanizmu Prewencji Tortur z wizytacji Strzeżonego Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Białymstoku dotyczącej realizacji zaleceń Europejskiego Komitetu do spraw Zapobiegania Torturom oraz Nieludzkiemu lub Poniżającemu Traktowaniu albo Karaniu oraz zaleceń KMPT z wizytacji placówki w 2018 r.


Sytuacja cudzoziemców w ośrodkach strzeżonych w dobie kryzysu na granicy Polski i Białorusi



Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that Carry Out Detention Monitoring Visits


Do NGOs publish reports on immigration detention?




NGO Immigration Detention Monitoring Reports

Everyone around is suffering. Report on psychological support offered by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation to persons staying in guarded detention centres for foreigners


SIP IN ACTION. Report on the activities of the Association for Legal Intervention in 2022


Migrants have the right to have rights – detencja cudzoziemców w Polsce. Sytuacja w 2021 roku



Parliamentary or congressional bodies that undertake detention monitoring




International Monitoring Bodies that Carry Out Detention Monitoring Visits

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)



European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT)

Every few years


International monitoring reports on migration-related detention

Report to the Polish Government on the visit to Poland carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)



International Treaties Ratified
Ratification Year
Observation Date
CRPD, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
OPCAT, Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
CTOCSP, Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
CTOCTP, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
CRC, Convention on the Rights of the Child
CRSR, Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
PCRSR, Protocol to the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
CAT, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
VCCR, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
CEDAW, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
ICCPR, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICESCR, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
ICERD, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Ratio of relevant international treaties ratified
Ratio: 13/19
Individual Complaints Procedures
Acceptance Year
CEDAW, Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 1999 2003
ICERD, declaration under article 14 of the Convention 1998
CAT, declaration under article 22 of the Convention 1993
ICCPR, First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 1991
Ratio of Complaints Procedures Accepted
Observation Date
Relevant Recommendations or Observations Issued by Treaty Bodies
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 22. (…) The Committee is also concerned about reports of discrimination against (…) migrants and refugees, as well as reports about excessive use of force by law enforcement authorities against migrants and refugees crossing the Polish-Belorussian border (arts. 2 (2)). 2024
Human Rights Committee

§ 18: The State party should take measures to ensure that the detention of foreigners in transit zones is not excessively protracted and that, if the detention is to be extended, the decision is adopted by a court. The State party should ensure that the regime, services and material conditions in all deportation detention centres are in conformity with minimum international standards. Finally, the State party should ensure that detained foreigners have easy access to information on their rights, in a language they can understand, even if this requires the provision of a qualified interpreter.

Committee against Torture

§ 12: The Committee notes with concern the absence of specific laws concerning the detention of aliens after the deadline for their expulsion and the fact that some have been detained in transit zones beyond the deadline of their expulsion without a court order. (arts. 3 and 11) The State Party should take the necessary measures to address this situation and ensure that the detention of aliens in transit zones is not excessively protracted and that, if the detention were to be extended beyond a few days, the decision is adopted by a court. § 13: The Committee also notes with concern the regime and material conditions of detention in transit zones or deportation detention centres where foreign nationals awaiting deportation under the aliens’ legislation are held. (arts. 3 and 11) The State Party should review the regime and material conditions of deportation detention centres, including the size of cells and the regime of activities of the detainees, in order to ensure that they are in conformity with minimum international standards.

Committee on the Rights of the Child

§ 47: The Committee recommends that the State party: (b) Ensure that asylum-seeking children temporarily placed in emergency blocks are not held together with juvenile offenders and only remain there for the shortest possible time, and not exceeding the legal maximum of three months; (c) Ensure that all children awaiting processing of their refugee claims in emergency blocks, the refugee reception centre or other forms of care have full access to education.

Committee on the Rights of the Child

§ 45(a): Avoid any form of detention of asylum-seekers under 18 and families with children and consider all possible alternatives, including unconditional release, prior to detention. In doing so, the Committee draws attention to the UNHCR Revised Guidelines on Applicable Criteria and Standards relating to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers (26 February 1999).

§ 51(a): Amend the existing legislation to include a provision prohibiting the criminal prosecution, detention and punishment of trafficked children for activities they were involved in as a direct consequence of their being trafficked.

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

§ 15: The Committee recommends that the State party refrain from detaining asylum-seeking minors.

Committee against Torture

§ 13: The Committee recommends that the State Party refrain from detaining asylum-seekers, including children, and guarantee them — including those who may face detention — access to independent, qualified and free legal advice and representation, in order to ensure that the protection needs of asylum seekers, refugees and other persons in need of international protection are effectively recognized.

Human Rights Committee

§32: The State party should: (a) Refrain from detaining asylum seekers and migrants and implement alternatives, including before deportation, and in cases where individuals are detained, ensure that the detention is reasonable, necessary and proportionate in the light of the circumstances and reassessed as it extends in time; (b) Ensure that children are not deprived of liberty except as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, taking into account their best interests; […] 2016

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination § 24: Recalling its general recommendation No. 22 (1996) on refugees and displaced persons in the context of article 5 of the Convention, and its general recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Refrain from detaining migrant and asylum-seeking children and families with children and implement non-custodial alternatives, as provided for in the Act on foreigners; (b) Ensure that asylum seekers are properly registered by border guards and promptly referred to asylum authorities and granted access to a lawyer if they so request; (c) Increase the duration and amount of the financial support provided to refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in order to facilitate their full integration into society; (d) Remove all financial barriers, as well as any legal, administrative, language or cultural barriers that impede access by undocumented migrant women to affordable maternal health care throughout pregnancy, including by prohibiting health-care facilities and medical professionals from eliciting information from patients about their immigration status; (e) Prevent hate speech and hate crime against migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, including through educational campaigns on tolerance and the elimination of prejudices and social stereotypes, as well as the proper registration, investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators of hate speech and hate crimes. 2019
Committee against Torture § 26. The State party should: (a) Enshrine in its legislation the principle that detention of asylum seekers, and in particular children and vulnerable persons, should be used as a measure of last resort, for as short a period as possible and in facilities appropriate for their status; (b) Ensure that it complies fully with its obligations under article 3 of the Convention and that individuals under the State party’s jurisdiction receive appropriate consideration by the competent authorities and are guaranteed fair and impartial review by an independent decision-making mechanism on expulsion, return or extradition, with suspensive effect, and that such individuals have access to legal assistance; (c) Refrain from placing persons in need of international protection, and in particular children, in guarded centres for foreigners ; (d) Ensure the rapid and appropriate identification of persons in a vulnerable situation, including survivors of torture and ill-treatment, as well as sexual and gender-based violence, and provide them with adequate access to health care and psychological services ; (e) Refrain from engaging in pushbacks and refoulement, and set up accessible and protection-sensitive entry systems at border crossing points ; (f) Consider ratifying the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. 2019
Committee on the Rights of the Child 41. Recalling joint general comments No. 3 and No. 4 of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families/No. 22 and No. 23 (2017) of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the human rights of children in the context of international migration, the Committee reiterates its previous recommendations and urges the State party to: (a) Ensure that the best interests of the child is upheld in courts at all times as a primary consideration in all situations concerning children in the context of international migration, including unaccompanied and separated children, and that the courts express this in their decisions; (b) Ensure that asylum-seeking children, refugee children, children in situations of migration and families with children are not placed in guarded detention centres; (c) Ensure that children’s views are duly taken into account in all decisions concerning them, including in administrative procedures, and provide support to families with migration backgrounds to prevent family separation; (d) Build the capacity of the authorities to determine and apply the best interests of the child in asylum and migration-related procedures; (e) Ensure that child protection authorities are promptly informed and assigned to participate in procedures for the determination of the best interests of the child, once an unaccompanied or separated child crosses an international border, in accordance with international law, including by training border officials on the rights of the child and child-sensitive procedures, such as those that prevent family separation; (f) Reunite families in the event of family separation; (g) Ensure that all children in situations of migration, including undocumented and separated children, receive appropriate protection, are informed of their rights in a language that they understand, have access to education and health care, including psychosocial support, and are provided with interpretation and free legal aid; (h) Develop comprehensive referral, case management and guardianship frameworks for unaccompanied and separated children; (i) Consider acceding to the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. 2021
Global Detention Project and Partner Submissions to Treaty Bodies
Date of Submission
Observation Date
2024 https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/poland-joint-submission-to-the-76th-session-of-the-committee-on-economic-social-and-cultural-rights Association for Legal Intervention and Global Detention Project Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) 76th Session State Report Pending

> UN Special Procedures

Visits by Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council
Year of Visit
Observation Date
Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences 2023
Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants 2022
Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health 2009
Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children 2009
Relevant Recommendations or Observations by UN Special Procedures
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences w) Introduce legal amendments to ensure that women asylum-seekers are granted entry into Poland and have access to the asylum procedure irrespective of whether they apply at border crossings, from within the territory of Poland or from detention, and ensure that all asylum procedures are gender-sensitive; (x) Uphold the principle of non-refoulement of victims of violence against women, in particular at the border crossing points with Belarus and Ukraine; (x) Uphold the principle of non-refoulement of victims of violence against women, in particular at the border crossing points with Belarus and Ukraine; On trafficking: (bb) Strengthen the investigative capacity of the police, to ensure that victims of trafficking are properly identified, protected and assisted, including through the establishment of specialized shelters, and that those who may be in need of international protection have access to asylum procedures; 2024
Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants 85. Regarding the deprivation of liberty of migrants in Poland, migrants and asylum-seekers continue to be routinely placed in closed detention facilities, including migrants belonging to the most vulnerable groups, such as children, pregnant women, and persons with mental health conditions. The Special Rapporteur observed the detrimental impact that the prolonged detention and lack of information about their situation had on the mental health of those detained. Detention for immigration-related purposes should be a measure of last resort, only permissible for adults for the shortest period of time and when no less restrictive measure is available. Children and their families, on the other hand, should never be detained: the detention of any child for reasons related to their, their parents’ or their legal guardians’ immigration status never responds to the best interests of the child and always constitutes a violation of the rights of the child. With the above concerns in mind, the Special Rapporteur: (a) Urges the immediate release from detention of all unaccompanied children, children with their families, pregnant women and persons with mental health conditions to adequate care and reception facilities which are open and non-custodial; (b) Encourages relevant authorities to expand the use of alternatives to detention of migrants; projects to build new closed facilities for the detention of migrants should be halted immediately, particularly those facilities planned for the detention of families and children, instead, Poland should redivert those resources to invest in alternative reception and care centres for children, including family inclusive centres; (c) Urges the Polish Border Guard, currently responsible for almost all aspects of the operation of closed detention facilities for migrants, to consider mitigating some of its activities and to engage with specialized and independent local and international organizations that have rich experience and expertise in providing legal and social assistance to migrants. 2023
Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children § 86: Legislation must be amended to include a provision prohibiting the criminal prosecution, detention and punishment of trafficked persons for activities they were involved in as a direct consequence of their situation as trafficked persons. 2010

> UN Universal Periodic Review

Relevant Recommendations or Observations from the UN Universal Periodic Review
Observation Date
Yes 114.188 Take the legislative and administrative measures necessary to end the immigration detention of children, ensuring that their best interests are a primary consideration in all decisions that affect them (Uruguay); 114.216 End the detention of unaccompanied children, families, pregnant women and mentally ill persons in closed immigration facilities, to comply with international human rights standards (Germany); 114.233 Take urgent and concrete measures to ensure the right of potential asylum-seekers to asylum, in particular at its various border crossings, and ensure the principle of non-refoulement (Togo). 114.227 Guarantee access to Polish territory and the asylum procedure to persons in need of international protection, ensuring full respect for the principle of non-refoulement (Argentina); 114.228 Guarantee to those who seek international protection access to Polish territory and to the asylum procedure, in full respect of the principle of non- refoulement, in particular by ensuring that border measures and emergency measures do not restrict the exercise and benefits of the right to seek asylum (Luxembourg); 2022 4th
No 2008
Yes 2017
Yes 2012
Global Detention Project and Partner Submissions to Universal Periodic Review
Date of Submission
Observation Date
2022 https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/poland-joint-submission-to-the-universal-periodic-review Association for Legal Intervention, Lambda Warsaw, Birmingham City University and Global Detention Project 4th Pending

> Global Compact for Migration (GCM)

GCM Resolution Endorsement
Observation Date

> Global Compact on Refugees (GCR)

GCR Resolution Endorsement
Observation Date


Regional Legal Instruments
Year of Ratification (Treaty) / Transposed (Directive) / Adoption (Regulation)
Observation Date
CPCSE, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse 2015
ECPT, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment 1994
ECHR, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (commonly known as the European Convention on Human Rights 1993
ECHRP7, Protocol 7 to the European Convention on Human Rights (amended by protocol 11) 2002
ECHRP1, Protocol 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights (amended by protocol 11) 1994
CATHB, Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings 2008
Return Directive 2012
Regional Judicial Decisions on Individual Complaints
Observation Date
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) R.M. and Others v. Poland, 11247/18, Violation of Article 5(1), 5(4)
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Nikoghosyan and Others v. Poland, 14743/17, violation of Article 5(1)
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Z.E. and Others v. Poland, 4457/18, Articles 3, 8, 5(1) and 5(4) - friendly settlement
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) M.Z. and Others v. Poland, 79752/16, Articles 5(1) and 8 - unilateral declaration
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) A.A. v. Poland, 47888/19, Article 5(1), 5(4) - unilateral declaration
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) A.B. an Others v. Poland, 15845/15 and 56300/15. violation Article 8
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Bilalova and Others v. Poland, 23685/14, Violation of Article 5(1)
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Bistieva and others v. Poland, 75157/14, violation of article 8
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Dzhabrailova v. Poland, 78244/11, Article 5(1) - friendly settlement
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Shamsa v. Poland, 45355/99 and 45357/99, violation of article 5(1)
Relevant Recommendations or Observations of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) 33. (...) Incidents of inter-personal violence between detained foreign nationals appeared to be rare and were well handled by the staff. However, the delegation noted that the situation had been somewhat different in Wędrzyn Guarded Centre several months prior to the visit when the establishment had been overcrowded33 and there were tensions and even physical violence between ethnic groups, aggravated by incidents of smuggling of illegal drugs and the presence of self-made weapons. The CPT recommends that the management and staff of Wędrzyn Guarded Centre remain vigilant and ready to prevent inter-personal violence and intimidation. 34. (...) In August 2021 the relevant legislation regarding the permitted minimum living space per person in a guarded centre or “arrest for foreigners” was amended, being reduced to not less than 2 m2 instead of the previous 4 m2, under certain circumstances.34 It is noteworthy that, at the time of the visit, all three guarded centres were only about half full, which rendered the new provision unnecessary. Notwithstanding these findings, the CPT recommends that the Polish authorities revise the law, reverting the minimum standard of living space to 4 m² per detainee in multiple-occupancy rooms in guarded centres for foreigners. 36. At the Guarded Centre in Wędrzyn, accommodation was provided in three single-storey buildings. The multiple-occupancy rooms were sufficiently spacious36 but lacked some furniture – there were not enough tables, chairs and bedside lockers, and no curtains to offer protection against the sun and heat;37 moreover, there were no rooms for non-smoking foreign nationals. Each building had a prayer room, a computer room, and a communal room with a TV (but insufficient seating). The delegation noted an ongoing programme of refurbishment, which was welcome as there were various signs of wear and tear (broken taps and doorknobs, mould in the showers, etc.), but was concerned that the concertina barbed wire around the exercise yards and between the buildings posed a serious risk of injury. Furthermore, the exercise yards were austere and lacked any basic equipment on which to sit or shelter from inclement weather. The Committee recommends that the Polish authorities take steps to remedy the deficiencies listed above. 37. There was, however, a near total lack of any constructive purposeful activities in all the centres visited for adults except for some ad hoc, unstructured group events once or twice per month.38 The delegation noted staff efforts to provide activities for pre-school age children but those similarly lacked structure and were not offered daily. In the CPT’s view, the longer the period for which persons are held in an immigration detention centre, the more developed should be the activities which are offered to them. Purposeful activities, in an immigration detention context, can include, inter alia, language classes, IT/computer classes, gardening, arts and crafts, and cookery skills. Therefore, the CPT recommends that the Polish authorities put in place a purposeful programme of activities for detained foreigners, including pre-school age children, in all guarded centres, considering the above remarks. 38. (...) Given the fact that many children detained with their families at Biała Podlaska and Białystok Guarded Centres had been there for six months and longer, the CPT recommends that the Polish authorities significantly increase their efforts to avoid detaining families with children in guarded centres for foreigners and to ensure that when, exceptionally, children are held in a guarded centre, their deprivation of liberty is for the shortest possible period. 39. (...) A general practitioner visited the Guarded Centre in Wędrzyn three times a week for sessions of about four hours each, a nurse was available on call for seven hours every day and there were also two paramedics on duty 12 hours every day. Given the establishment’s capacity, the CPT recommends that the doctor’s presence be increased to the equivalent of at least one full-time post, and that the nursing complement be increased and their presence in the establishment ensured. Further, steps should be taken to ensure that someone competent to provide first aid (who holds a valid certification in the application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator) is always present at all guarded centres for foreigners, including at night. 40. Access to specialist care (including dental and gynaecological) was problematic in all the centres visited (see paragraph 42 below regarding psychiatric care). For specialist consultations, foreigners were taken to an external hospital or to relevant specialists, but many complained of long delays in this respect. The CPT recommends that the Polish authorities take steps to ensure that detained foreign nationals are given reasonably fast and free-of-charge access to outside specialists when medically necessary, including to dental care. 41. The medical examination of newly admitted persons by a nurse or a paramedic usually took place within 24 hours and consisted of an anamnesis, a basic physical examination, and a screening for transmissible and infectious diseases (including a chest X-ray); a doctor normally examined the detainees within the first three days after their arrival. That said, there was no examination of possible traumatic psychological disorders and signs of victimisation, and, in Wędrzyn Guarded Centre, no systematic recording of injuries. The CPT recommends that the Polish authorities ensure that medical screening upon admission includes aspects such as the recording of any signs of injury, together with any relevant statements of the detained person and the doctor's conclusions. A dedicated register on injuries observed in detained foreign nationals during admission and detention should be put in place. Special training should be provided to healthcare professionals working in guarded centres for foreigners. In addition to developing the necessary competence in the documentation and interpretation of injuries, as well as ensuring full knowledge of reporting obligations and procedures, that training should cover the technique of interviewing persons who may have been subject to ill-treatment. Furthermore, particular attention during the medical examination upon admission should be paid to the possible existence of traumatic psychological disorders and signs of victimisation. 42. As regards psychiatric and psychological care, the Committee is concerned about possible mental health issues remaining undetected and/or not being addressed adequately, mainly due to a lack of mental health care specialists.40 Given the sheer volume of detained foreigners transiting through the guarded centres, their personal histories and the stress incurred by the circumstances of their arrival, the prospect of deportation and sometimes prolonged detention, a number of them presented a heightened risk of self-harm and suicide, as well as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and/or other mental disorders. The CPT recommends that a needs assessment be carried out in all guarded centres for foreigners – in cooperation with the relevant health authorities – with a view to ensuring that psychiatric and psychological disorders and emotional distress amongst detainees are detected and that appropriate psychological assistance and psychiatric care is provided. 43. (...) Therefore, the CPT recommends that the Polish authorities take measures to ensure that qualified interpretation is provided in all cases when a healthcare professional is unable to make a proper diagnostic evaluation and/or communicate treatment needs due to language problems. Save for exceptional circumstances, interpretation by a fellow-detainee should be avoided. 45. The delegation noted that, upon admission to a guarded centre, detained foreign nationals were seen by a social worker and an administrative officer who informed them about their legal situation and the house rules of the centre (if necessary, with an interpreter present). The house rules were available in the languages most commonly spoken by the detainees, with the exception of Wędrzyn Guarded Centre, where there were no house rules in Kurdish, despite there being a large number of detainees there who spoke this language. The CPT recommends that the Polish authorities take steps to remedy this deficiency. Specific attention should also be paid to the situation of those detainees who are illiterate or who cannot understand any language in the written form. Detained foreign nationals were also given copies of the court decisions regarding their detention; it is noteworthy that generally the operative part of the court decision was translated into a language the detained foreign nationals understood, and they seemed to be aware of the modalities and deadlines for appealing. However, some foreign nationals complained that translation was given in a language they did not understand. The CPT invites the Polish authorities to ensure that translation of relevant processual documents is always provided in a language which a detained foreign national actually understands. (...) 46. As found during previous CPT visits, the issue of legal assistance was left almost entirely to various non-governmental organisations, whose representatives could visit the guarded centres and assist detained foreign nationals with their immigration and asylum procedures on a pro bono basis. The CPT reiterates its recommendation that the Polish authorities take appropriate steps – in consultation with the relevant Bar Associations – to ensure that, in all guarded centres in Poland, immigration detainees can effectively benefit from the services of a lawyer in all phases of the legal procedures (including through the provision of free legal aid for foreign nationals who are not able to pay for a lawyer). 47. (...) In light of the comments above, the CPT recommends that the Polish authorities put an immediate end to the use of restraint beds in detention facilities for foreigners and remove them from all such facilities in the country. 49. (...) The CPT recommends that greater efforts be made in the guarded centres visited (and, if relevant, in all other detention facilities for foreigners) to improve staff’s training in languages commonly spoken by detained foreign nationals and in inter-cultural communication. Furthermore, the staff should be instructed to cease impersonal modes of communication and address foreign nationals by their names. 51. (...) The CPT recommends that the Polish authorities review the operation of the complaints’ procedures at the guarded centres to make sure that detained foreign nationals are effectively enabled to send complaints in a confidential manner and are duly informed of this possibility. All written complaints should be recorded in a dedicated register. Internal complaints should be processed rapidly (with any delays duly justified in writing) and detainees should be informed within clearly defined time periods of the action taken to address their concerns or of the reasons for considering the complaint unjustified. In addition, statistics on the types of internal complaints made should be kept as an indicator to management of the areas of discontent within the establishments. 2022
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

§37: The CPT recommends that [...] excessive practices [disrespectful behaviour] be stopped immediately [and] that Border Guard officers at Lesznowola and Białystok be reminded that they should treat detained foreign nationals in a respectful manner.

§38: The CPT recommends that increased vigilance be exercised and all appropriate means be used to prevent and combat this phenomenon [violence between detained foreign nationals]. This should include on-going monitoring of the behaviour of detained foreign nationals (including the identification of likely perpetrators and victims), proper reporting of confirmed and suspected cases of intimidation/violence between them and thorough investigation of all incidents.

§39: The Committee recommends that the Polish authorities seek ways to remedy these deficiencies [lack of access to fresh air and lack of curtains to protect from the sun and the heat].

§41: The Committee recommends that steps be taken to review the quality and quantity of the food provided to detained foreign nationals at the Guarded Centres visited. Further, consideration should be given to allowing foreign nationals accommodated at the Guarded Centre in Białystok to prepare their own food, as is already the case in Lesznowola.

§42: The Committee recommends that efforts be made to enlarge the offer of activities at the Guarded Centres visited [...]. This will also require additional efforts to fill all staff vacancies.

§43: The CPT recommends that steps be taken at the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Białystok to ensure nursing cover also on weekends; further, the Committee invites the Polish authorities to verify, in both Guarded Centres visited, that a person competent to provide first aid (which should include being trained in the application of CPR and the use of a defibrillator) is present on every night shift; preferably, this person should be a qualified nurse.

§44: The CPT recommends that a full and thorough medical examination of foreign nationals be carried out upon admission at the Guarded Centres in Lesznowola and Białystok (and, as applicable, in other guarded centres); in particular, newly-arrived detainees should be systematically screened for transmissible diseases (including tuberculosis). The screening should also aim at identifying possible victims of torture, with clear rules on the procedures to be followed whenever a medical practitioner reports on any detained person who may have been the victim of torture.

§45: The CPT once again calls upon the Polish authorities to ensure that in all Guarded Centres for Foreigners medical confidentiality is observed in the same way as in the outside community. In particular, all medical examinations should be conducted out of the hearing and – unless the doctor concerned requests otherwise in a particular case – out of the sight of custodial Border Guard officers. Detained persons’ medical files and other medical documentation should not be accessible to non-medical staff.

§47: […] the Committee can only reiterate its recommendation that steps be taken to ensure that all foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation are effectively able to benefit from legal counselling and, if necessary, legal representation. For indigent foreign nationals, these services should be provided free of charge.

§49: The Committee recommends that steps be taken to increase staffing levels at the Guarded Centres for Foreigners in Lesznowola and Białystok; filling all the vacant posts should be the first priority.

§51: [...] the Committee recommends that [the practice of carrying special means (handcuffs, truncheons, pepper spray) permanently by the staff] cease without delay.

§53: The CPT recommends that steps be taken at both Lesznowola and Białystok Guarded Centres to remedy this situation [that two-stage procedure regarding strip searches was not followed in practice].

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) § 48: every effort to be made to avoid resorting to the deprivation of liberty of minors in detention centres for foreigners; § 49: Border Guard officers at the Guarded Centre and Deportation Arrest Centre in Biała Podlaska and the Airport Deportation Arrest Centre in Warsaw to be reminded that disrespectful behaviour (including racist remarks) is unacceptable and will be punished accordingly; § 50: the mattresses at the Guarded Centre and the Deportation Arrest Centre in Biała Podlaska to be replaced; § 53: foreign nationals who are obliged to stay overnight in the holding facility in the transit area of Warsaw International Airport to be provided with personal hygiene products; § 54: the provision of food in guarded centres/deportation arrest centres to be reviewed, in the light of the remarks in paragraph 54, § 57: steps to be taken to ensure that: all foreign nationals held in the Warsaw Airport Deportation Arrest Centre are offered at least one hour of outdoor exercise per day, at the Lesznowola Guarded Centre, children are provided with activities suited to their age and adult detainees are offered a range of purposeful activities, detainees held at the Biała Podlaska Deportation Arrest Centre are allowed to move freely within the detention area during the day, all foreign nationals held at the Biała Podlaska Deportation Arrest Centre and the Airport Deportation Arrest Centre in Warsaw have access to television and are provided with board games and reading material (in the most frequently spoken foreign languages); § 66: the necessary steps to be taken to ensure that in all guarded centres/deportation arrest centres: there is nursing cover by a qualified nurse, not only during the week but also at weekends, a psychologist is present on a regular basis; newly-admitted detainees are systematically screened for transmissible diseases (including tuberculosis); whenever doctors are unable to communicate with detainees during medical examinations/consultations due to language problems, the persons concerned benefit from the services of a qualified interpreter;the record drawn up after a medical examination of a detainee, whether newly-arrived or not, contains: (i) a full account of the objective medical findings based on a thorough examination; (ii) a full account of statements made by the detainee concerned which are relevant to the medical examination, including any allegations of ill-treatment made by him/her; (iii) the doctor's conclusions in the light of (i) and (ii). In his/her conclusions, the doctor should indicate the degree of consistency between any allegations made and the objective medical findings; any foreign national whose deportation is not carried out successfully, due to the resistance from the person concerned, is medically examined upon returning to a Border Guard establishment; medical confidentiality is observed in the same way as in the outside community; in particular, all medical examinations should be conducted out of the hearing and – unless the doctor concerned requests otherwise in a particular case – out of the sight of police officers; detainees’ files should not be accessible to non-medical staff but should be the responsibility of the doctor; § 71: the Polish authorities to pursue as a matter of priority the plans to establish a legal counselling service in guarded centres/deportation arrest centres, in order to ensure that all foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation are effectively able to benefit from legal counselling and, if necessary, legal representation. For indigent foreign nationals, these services should be provided free of charge; § 72: the Polish authorities to take the necessary measures to ensure that foreign nationals who are held in the holding facility of an international airport and request to meet a lawyer are effectively able to do so; § 73: the deficiencies observed in the transit zone of Warsaw International Airport as regards the provision of rights' forms and the recording of placement in the holding facility to be remedied; § 77: the Polish authorities to review their policy as regards the use of pepper sprays in Border Guard establishments, in the light of the remarks in paragraph 77; § 78: the hand-held stun devices found at the Biała Podlaska Guarded Centre to be withdrawn from the armoury of the Centre (as well from any other Guarded Centres which have been supplied with such weapons); § 80: steps to be taken to ensure that all vehicles of law enforcement agencies which are used for the transportation of detained persons are equipped with appropriate safety devices. 2011
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) § 150: ECRI recommends that the reception and guarded centres be endowed with adequate staff. § 151: ECRI recommends again that staff coming in contact with refugees and asylum-seekers be trained in human rights and the fight against racism and racial discrimination. § 159: ECRI recommends to the authorities not to detain non-citizens in an illegal situation who cannot be expelled. It also recommends to the authorities not to keep children seeking asylum in guarded centres because of their parents' behaviour. 2010
Global Detention Project and Partner Submissions to Regional Human Rights Bodies
Date of Submission
Observation Date
2022 https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/joint-submission-to-the-european-committee-for-the-prevention-of-torturein-preparation-for-its-visit-to-poland Association for Legal Intervention (Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej, or SIP) European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) > Urgently review conditions inside migration-related detention facilities to ensure that detainees are treated humanely and in accordance with international standards, including the provision of adequate space; access to adequate health care and education for children; access to legal advice, information and assistance; adequate food; access to outdoor spaces; access to means of communication with the outside world. > Repeal national legislation that allows the restriction of personal living space in detention facilities to 2 square meters. > Respect the principle of non-refoulement in law and practice. > Cease all push-backs, illegal expulsions and deportations at the Polish border with Belarus and ensure that all migrants are treated with respect and dignity and have full access to basic needs and services, including food, health care, shelter, clothing, protection and legal assistance. > Carry out independent investigations into all reports of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of migrants by security forces and border guards in border regions. >Cease immediately the arbitrary detention of migrants trying to cross the border between Poland and Belarus in conditions which are inhuman and degrading. > Ensure that all asylum seekers have full access to asylum determination procedures and repeal legislation that denies access to individuals who cross the border “illegally.” > Repeal national legislation that disrespects the principle of non-refoulment and allows for the immediate removal and non-re-entry of asylum seekers who enter Poland “illegally.” > Urgently investigate reports of discriminatory treatment and possible detention of third country nationals fleeing the war in Ukraine: ensure that all refugees are given equal protection and treatment, in accordance with Article 3 of the 1951 Refugee Convention which stipulates that all member states “shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.” > End the detention of all minors, both accompanied and unaccompanied, and ensure that this prohibition is respected in practice. > While children are detained, ensure that they have access to adequate education and health care. > Cease the detention of survivors of violence pending asylum and return proceedings. Pending


Provision of Healthcare in Detention Centres
Limited or Some Detention Centres Only
Medical Screening upon Arrival at Detention Centres (within 48 hours)
Psychological Evaluation upon Arrival at Detention Centres
Doctor on Duty at Detention Centres
At least once a week
At least once a week
Nurse on Duty at Detention Centres
At least once a week
Psychologist Visits to Detention Centres
At least once a week
At least once a week
Inadequate health provisions
Psychological care
Specialist care
Sexual & reproductive health
Emergency care
Barriers to care
Lack of patient privacy/confidentiality
Inadequate translation services


Health Impacts
Anxiety/panic disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder


Country Updates
According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as of January 2022 there were 1,675 people in detention centres across the country (with 972 persons in detention centres for families and the rest in those for men). The Red Cross reported that they had distributed hygiene kits, including personal protective equipment, to 112 detainees as part of an effort to limit spread of COVID-19. In mid-January, as the situation of migrants trapped at Poland's border with Belarus remained unresolved, the Polish Supreme Court issued a ruling condemning the government’s efforts to prevent journalists from accessing the region. The ruling came as the government ramps up construction of a 186-kilometre wall along its border to prevent asylum seekers from entering. The barrier could reach up to 5.5 metres, will be equipped with motion detectors and thermal cameras, and will cost approximately 353 million euros, which reportedly represents some 10 times the total annual budget of the country’s migration department. In September 2021, Poland imposed a state of emergency that prevented journalists and humanitarian organisations (see 12 November 2021 Belarus update on this platform) from accessing border regions for security reasons. But the Supreme Court said that the ban was incompatible with Polish law and that the country’s constitution guarantees both freedom of movement and freedom to collect and disseminate information. The judges added that “there is no justification for admitting that this particular professional group represents a threat to steps taken.” Several European countries, including Poland, have accused Belarus of weaponising migrant and refugee movements in order to destabilise the European Union as a revenge for the imposition of sanctions by the Union (see 12 November 2021 Belarus and 11 November Poland update on this platform). According to Polish authorities, at the end of October, there were around 500 people trying to cross the border per day whilst in 2020, a total of 120 people tried to cross the border. In November 2021, thousands of asylum seekers were left trapped at the border between both countries in the midst of winter, forced to sleep in improvised camps in the middle of the forest (see 12 November 2021 Belarus update on this platform). At the same time as Belarusian authorities were reportedly helping migrants and asylum seekers cross the border to Poland, Polish authorities were pushing them back to Belarus. So far, at least 19 people have died since the start of the border standoff between Poland and Belarus, most of them due to exposure to freezing temperatures. An expert from the Minority Rights Group said: “Instead of spending money on walls and private companies, (Poland) should be spending on developing a migration policy that prioritises human rights and safety of the people on the move.”
The escalating crisis on the Belarus-Polish border has spurred a growing number of countries to accuse Belarus of weaponizing migrant and refugee movements, using them as pawns to destabilise the European Union. At the same time, there is growing international outrage over Poland’s response to the situation--as well as that of other countries that border Belarus like Lithuania (see the 9 October 2021 Lithuania update)--which has included leaving people (including families and children) stranded at the border in freezing conditions, bolstering troop movements, and mobilising anti-immigrant public sentiment. In late May, Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenko, angered by EU sanctions, declared that he would no longer prevent migrants and refugees from entering Europe. There are reports that State-controlled travel bureaux in Belarus have been luring migrants from the Middle East to Belarus, promising an onward passage to the EU for the price of Euro 15,000 - 20,000. On arrival, migrants are accommodated in State-managed hotels and then bussed to the Polish and Lithuania borders. There are videos of Belarusian security guards in full-combat gear pushing migrants towards the borders. Thousands of desperate men, women, and children--many from Iraq and Afghanistan--have been transported to Belarus's borders with Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania. According to testimony from migrants, Belarusian soldiers have physically abused migrants. One person from Morocco told reporters: “They beat me in Belarus. There are gangs that stand behind the army and attack us. They beat you, take your money, split it 50-50, part for the gangs, part for soldiers.” Other testimonies indicate that Belarusian police have helped migrants cross the border to Poland. A 40 year-old Iraqi man said that he had travelled for three days by car to Istanbul, took a flight to Minsk from Turkey, and upon arrival at the Polish border, “the Belarusian police cut the barbed wire and let us through.” Large numbers of migrants are now trapped between opposing security forces and forced to sleep in improvised camps in the middle of the forest along the border in freezing temperatures. By 22 October 2021, Polish authorities had announced the ninth recorded death in the forest region. According to the Polish border guard, so far this year, there were 24,500 attempts to cross the eastern border with Poland, 12,800 in October alone. On 9 November, the Polish government announced that there were around 3,000 to 4,000 people settled in an improvised camp on the border close to the village of Kuźnica. The majority of migrants crossing into Poland are pushed back into Belarus by the Polish security forces. They describe a Kafkaesque situation of being repeatedly pushed backwards and forwards by the security forces of both countries--pawns in a political conflict. Doctors Without Borders have reported that they have seen “first-hand the injuries people experienced when assaulted by border guards from both Poland and Lithuania. People have described being beaten with the butt of a gun, kicked in the ribs, electrocuted in the neck, and have had all their belongings taken or destroyed by European border guards. This is unacceptable and must end now.” The Polish government and the European Union argue that Belarus is deliberately encouraging migrants to enter the European Union through its borders. Lithuania’s foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, said that Lukashenko’s regime was negotiating visa liberalisation with several countries and adding flights to create new routes. Infomigrants reported that the number of countries whose citizens can enter Belarus without a visa has been expanded to 76 as of 20 October 2021. In response to this situation, Lithuania has passed legislation tightening the rules on migration and asylum, approving the construction of a wall to prevent irregular crossings on the border with Belarus. On 9 November 2021, Lithuania declared a state of emergency on its border with Belarus, providing the police with additional powers to expel asylum seekers and restrict gatherings near the border. For its part, Poland approved a plan to build a €353 million wall on its border with Belarus and adopted legislation providing that any non-nationals who are stopped after crossing the Polish border irregularly would be expelled from the country. Those expelled would be banned from entering the country for a period between six months to three years and Polish officials would be allowed to “leave unexamined” asylum applications filed by a non-national who is stopped immediately after entering the country irregularly. Poland has sent some 11,000 soldiers to the border area, created a militarised zone, and set up razor-wire fencing. Poland is also one of twelve EU member states requesting that the EU fund the construction of barriers at their borders. The EU has refused to fund the walls, adopting the same stance as in 2015-2016, when the European Commission refused to reimburse Hungary for fencing off its border with Serbia. A group of doctors operating on the border have said they are prevented from accessing the zone where migrants are stranded. A Polish Red Cross worker from the border area said, “we have no access to the off-limits zone… we can’t hand over aid packages ourselves.” ECRE also reported that a group of 17 people located in the borderland forest between Poland and Belarus was left for 32 hours without food and water. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called upon EU member states to approve new sanctions against Belarusian authorities responsible for the influx of migrants at the Polish border, statingt: “The instrumentalisation of migrants for political purposes is unacceptable.” She added that the EU would “examine how to sanction airlines from third countries” that bring migrants to Belarus. Subsequently, on Tuesday 9 November, the 27 EU member states agreed to suspend an EU-Belarus visa facilitation agreement. Belarus has denied having any involvement in directing the flow of people and the Belarusian border guard said that: “the indifference and inhumane attitude of the Polish authorities has prompted the refugees to take such a step of despair.”
Poland has experienced important reductions in the number of arriving asylum seekers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: in 2020, there were 2,803 asylum applications, compared with 4,096 in 2019. According to the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, as of 1 January 2021, there were 1,319 persons holding valid residence cards for refugees, 1,467 persons holding a residence card granted to subsidiary protection beneficiaries and 1,743 persons under the humanitarian protection scheme. Despite the decrease in asylum pressures, public discourse in the country remains rife with anti-immigrant rhetoric. Few asylum seekers are granted protection: in 2017, 5,053 people lodged applications, but only 150 were granted refugee status and in 2020, 2,803 applications were lodged and only 161 were granted refugee status. Following the withdrawal of US and coalition forces from Afghanistan and Taliban takeover, thousands of Afghan nationals have left the country. Poland airlifted some 1,000 Afghan nationals and gave them access to asylum procedures. However, Human Rights Watch reported on 2 September 2021, that Poland had “trapped” 32 Afghans for over three weeks at its border with Belarus, preventing them from entering the country to seek asylum and denying them access to food and medicine. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ordered Poland to allow aid to reach the group of Afghan nationals, but so far, the Government has not done so. According to Balkan Insight, Polish border guards have been unlawfully pushing people back across the border to Belarus using excessive force in some cases. UNHCR has also called upon Poland to allow the group to apply for asylum urging the “government to make an individualised assessment of each case before expelling these people or preventing them from entering the territory.” Poland reported that it had detained 900 migrants who crossed from Belarus this year, 349 of them in the first week of August alone, compared to 122 migrants in the whole of 2020. According to information provided to the GDP from part of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, the country refused to issue a moratorium on new immigration detention orders in the months after the onset of the pandemic (see Poland 7 July 2020 update on this platform). In addition, the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) reported that despite the national lockdown ordered during the COVID-19 crisis, Polish border guards continued the deportation of rejected asylum seekers to Chechnya. Poland also restricted access to asylum procedures during the COVID-19 crisis as the Office for Foreigners suspended direct customer services and certain limitations on the submission of asylum applications at border crossings. Also, according to an international organisation, who asked to remain anonymous, but whose identity was verified by the GDP, some detainees were released when deportations could not be performed due to border closures (see Poland 7 August 2020 update on this platform). Nonetheless, the GDP has been unable to obtain details on COVID-19 related measures taken to safeguard people in immigration custody. The country has begun a national vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and also passed legislation that guarantees that all foreigners in Poland (including refugees and asylum seekers) the right to be vaccinated free of charge. Nonetheless, this “right” only applies to those persons that can provide evidence of their residence in the country. Yet, asylum seekers who are in reception centres are vaccinated depending on their priority status, according to the national vaccination campaign.
Although the number of confirmed cases continues to rise in Poland, authorities have continued to refuse to issue a moratorium on new immigration detention orders (this was previously confirmed by the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights in early July, see 8 July update). According to an international organisation who asked to remain anonymous, but whose identity was verified by the GDP, some new measures have however been put in place, such as the extension of identity documents’ validity, and the release of some detainees when deportations could not be performed due to border closures. (Previously, in early July, the Border Guard had argued that the pandemic did not justify the release of non-citizens already in detention because their detention orders purportedly remained valid.) After undergoing quarantine, the international organisation confirmed that asylum seekers released from detention were placed in open reception facilities. Reports elsewhere indicate that the number of deportations has been increasing recently. According to one media outlet, removals have affected families with children, elderly persons, and persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses. With the numbers of confirmed cases rising in Poland, on 31 July it was announced that new restrictions may be imposed for certain parts of the country, as well as mandatory testing for returning travellers and quarantine for individuals coming from specific countries.
Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman’s office) contacted the Polish Border Guard to obtain information concerning Covid-19 measures for migrants and refugees. The commissioner said that the Polish Border Guard had informed them that on 17 March, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard ordered the commanders of the Border Guard units not to impose administrative and criminal sanctions against: - Non-citizens who exceed the permitted period of stay in the country as a result of restrictions on international traffic, provided that the alleged breach took place after 14 March 2020; - Non-citizens who fail to depart the country as per Article 299(6) of the Act on Foreigners because of restrictions on international traffic, provided that the alleged breach took place after 14 March; - Non-citizens who fail to respect the deadline of a voluntary return order, provided that the deadline for the voluntary return expired after 14 March. In its letter to the commissioner, the Border Guard argued that the Covid-19 pandemic did not justify the release of non-citizens already in detention because those orders purportedly remained valid. In contrast, many other European countries have called into question the validity of many detention orders during the pandemic precisely because one of the key rationales for immigration detention--detention for removal--has become untenable in many cases (see, for example, the updates on this platform for Spain, Switzerland, and Portugal). The Border Guard said that the legitimacy of non-citizens’ detention was analysed and assessed on a current basis so as to not violate the provisions on the release of non-citizens set out in the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and the Act of 13 June on granting protection to foreigners within the territory of Poland. In particular, the Border Guard said that removals had continued throughout the crisis period. Regarding forced repatriations that took place from 13 March to 10 April, the Border Guard reported that under the forced repatriation procedure, a total of 49 non-citizens were removed from the territory, of whom 29 had been detained in a “guarded centre,” which is a type of immigration detention facilities in Poland (see GDP report on Poland, link provided below in sources). The Border Guard also said that removed non-citizens had been effectively transferred to the authorities of “third countries” concerned. No further details were provided about whether this implied deportation (or readmission) to third countries and if so to which. The Border Guard did not provide any information regarding measures taken to protect migrants and asylum seekers released from immigration detention from Covid-19. However, concerning measures taken within immigration detention centres, the Chief Commandant of the Border Guard said that a uniform procedure had been introduced in all centres, based on the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. The procedure is aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19 and at minimising the effects of the risk of infection. The procedures include: - The obligation to carry out a medical examination of a detained migrant before their placement in a detention centre. When symptoms are present further actions are carried out in the same way as they would for citizens, including a Covid-19 test. - After a person is admitted to an immigration detention centre, they are placed in preventive isolation from other persons for the purpose of observation by medical personnel and also subjected to a medical examination within the centre. The person will have minimal contact with others in isolation; only medical personnel, social workers, and security officers are authorised to contact them. Migrants placed in isolation have access to “virtual visits” by way of an “online communicator” or a telephone as well as access to everyday outdoor leisure activities. - Measurement of the body temperature of all detainees as well as of everybody entering a centre; temperatures of detainees taken daily. - Restriction of the activities of the detention centre staff requiring direct contact with migrants to the minimum necessary. Prohibition of visits to the centres. In the detention centres for migrants, a strict prohibition of in-person visits has been introduced, replaced with so-called “virtual visits” using an electronic communicator. - Restriction of the purchase of products for migrants to the minimum necessary, i.e. only to particularly justified cases. According to the Commissioner for Human Rights, due to the current epidemiological situation, there have been amendments to Polish legislation under Act of 2 March 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention and combating of Covid-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, providing, inter alia, special solutions for non-citizens in Poland. Current regulations allow for legal stay in the country for persons who wish to remain or those that cannot leave Poland due to the spread of Covid-19. The Act extends the deadlines (by approximately a month) for leaving Polish territory for non-citizens, under Article 299 p.6 of the Act on Foreigners (e.g. in connection with the delivery of a final decision refusing to grant a temporary residence permit), if these deadlines were to fall within the period of an epidemic emergency. In addition, the deadline for voluntary return specified in a decision to return a non-citizen, the end of which would fall within the period of an epidemic emergency, was extended. This means that such removals would take place 30 days following the lifting of the epidemic emergency. The same applies to deadlines for submitting applications for legalising one’s residence; the validity of issued work permits, seasonal work permits, and declarations on entrusting work to foreigners; as well as for applications for residence permit applications, visa extensions and extensions of stay under the visa-free regime.
On 1 April 2020, the Polish Government decided to extend visas for all non-citizens who hold work permits, national visas, or a temporary residence permit, for 30 days after the end of the emergency state. The Office for Foreigners stated that “based on this extended stay, a foreigner will not be able to travel on the territory of the other member states of the Schengen area. But, the alien will be able to further realise the purpose of their stay in Poland, for example, the execution of the work.”
On 23 March 2020, the Ministry of Justice announced plans to extend a programme under which some prisoners are allowed to serve their sentence at home to help curb the spread of coronavirus. The proposal could benefit up to 12,000 prisoners and they would be kept under electronic supervision. The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have taken measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers, including those in detention.
Did the country release immigration detainees as a result of the pandemic?
Did the country use legal "alternatives to detention" as part of pandemic detention releases?
Did the country Temporarily Cease or Restrict Issuing Detention Orders?
Did the Country Adopt These Pandemic-Related Measures for People in Immigration Detention?
Unknown (Unknown) Unknown Unknown Unknown
Did the Country Lock-Down Previously "Open" Reception Facilities, Shelters, Refugee Camps, or Other Forms of Accommodation for Migrant Workers or Other Non-Citizens?
Were cases of COVID-19 reported in immigration detention facilities or any other places used for immigration detention purposes?
Did the Country Cease or Restrict Deportations/Removals During any Period After the Onset of the Pandemic?
Did the Country Release People from Criminal Prisons During the Pandemic?
Did Officials Blame Migrants, Asylum Seekers, or Refugees for the Spread of COVID-19?
Did the Country Restrict Access to Asylum Procedures?
Did the Country Commence a National Vaccination Campaign?
Were Populations of Concern Included/Excluded From the National Vaccination Campaign?
Unknown (Unknown) Unknown Unknown Unknown