Hybrid Side Events the 57th Session of the Human Rights Council Tuesday, 8 October at 15:00-16:00, room XXV Migrants continue to face widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses in transit that remain inadequately monitored, documented, or addressed, feeding impunity and exacerbating the dehumanization of migrants. The Human Right Council adopted resolution 53/24 on prevention and […]
News & Events
Toward Ending Immigration Detention for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Human Rights Council 57th Session Side Event, 18 September 2024 STATEMENT BY ABDUL AZIZ MUHAMAT (GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT) I would like to thank UNHCR for inviting me to participate in this important event aimed at rolling back use of immigration detention across the globe. As a refugee who spent many years in immigration detention, I have […]

The GDP Participates in the 22nd International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights
Between 8-17 March, Geneva hosted its 22nd International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH). Hosted at the heart of the “international capital of human rights,” the festival is one of the world’s most important events dedicated to human rights and cinema. Every year, the festival exposes human rights violations through films and debates, […]

The Health Implications of Immigration Detention: A Global Problem
Paper given by GDP Director Michael Flynn at the conference “Crimmigration through Time, Space, and Culture,” organised by the CINETS scholars network at Lewis & Clark Law School (Portland, Oregon, 1-2 March 2024) Introduction This paper provides a summary of key findings from a research project undertaken by the Global Detention Project aimed at broadening […]

Putting Immigration Detention on the WHO Agenda
On 30 October, the World Health Organisation officially launched its first ever “Global Research Agenda on Health, Migration and Displacement.” The GDP was invited to attend the event as a member of the civil society consultative group that assisted in the development of the research agenda. In addition to producing a case study on immigration […]

Suisse : Le GDP assiste une délégation norvégienne dans l’examen des opérations au centre de détention pour migrants de Frambois à Genève
En mai, le Global Detention Project (GDP) a aidé une délégation officielle du Ministère norvégien de la Justice à visiter le centre de détention de Frambois à Genève, en Suisse. La délégation était composée de membres du Conseil norvégien de surveillance des expulsions forcées et de la détention des migrants qui surveille les opérations au […]

Switzerland: GDP Assists Norwegian Delegation in Examining Operations at Geneva’s Frambois Detention Centre
In May, the Global Detention Project (GDP) assisted an official delegation from Norway’s Ministry of Justice in visiting the Frambois Detention Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation was comprised of members of the Norwegian Supervisory Board for Forced Deportations and Immigration Detention, which monitors operations at the Trandum immigration detention centre, located near Oslo. The […]

GDP Hosts Fourth Interactive Webinar: Protecting Victims of Trafficking from Immigration Detention
On Tuesday 25 April, the GDP held its fourth interactive webinar. We heard from four global experts on human trafficking about how the principle of non-punishment can be used to protect victims of trafficking who are detained for migration-related reasons. […]

Webinar: Protecting Victims of Trafficking From Immigration Detention
The Global Detention Project is hosting the fourth in its series of webinars exploring how civil society organisations can effectively engage with human rights monitoring mechanisms to promote the rights of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees in immigration detention. […]

Open Letter Calling for Canada to Stop the Use of Provincial Jails for Immigration Detention
The GDP has joined 39 Canadian and international organisations in an open letter calling on Canadian authorities to cease detaining migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in provincial jails. As the GDP has previously documented, Canada has regularly attracted criticism for its persistent use of jails for immigration detention – and in particular, for its placement […]