
Detains migrants or asylum seekers?


Has laws regulating migration-related detention?





Asylum Applications



International Migrants







Egypt is a destination and transit country for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants from across the Middle East and Africa. Observers have repeatedly expressed concerns about Egypt’s use of police stations and prisons for immigration detention purposes. Despite on-going government repression of civil society organisations and the dire conditions migrants face in detention, Egypt remains a key EU partner in Mediterranean migration control policies. Its repeated crackdowns on irregular flows along its borders have led to higher rates of detentions and deportations.

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
Types of facilities used for migration-related detention
Administrative Ad Hoc Criminal Unknown

Egypt: Growing Calls to End Harmful Treatment of Refugees

Despite the spiralling war in nearby Sudan—where reports of massacres and widespread starvation have grabbed global attention—Egypt remains poised to adopt a new asylum law that will threaten access to protection for those fleeing the conflict. The law will also allow for arbitrary detention and refoulement based on migration status and without full consideration of […]

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Egypt: Detaining and Refouling Sudanese Refugees Fleeing Spiralling Conflict in Sudan

There are increasing calls for Egypt to stop its summary detention and deportation of Sudanese who are fleeing the escalating crisis in their country, as well as growing pressure on the European Union to take steps to prevent its aid to the country from being used to violate the rights of refugees. The conflict in […]

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Screenshot from video of Sudanese detainees reportedly taken from inside an Egyptian military warehouse located near the border town of Abu Simbel (March 2024).

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention

While Egypt has been courting world leaders in Sharm el Sheikh as the host for COP27, it has continued to arbitrarily and indefinitely detain thousands of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Many are also being forcibly deported to countries where they may face persecution or torture. Egypt has a track record of detaining non-nationals for […]

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Dozens of the South Sudanese nationals repatriated from Egypt arrived in Juba on Friday. | Photo: Michael Daniel/Eye Radio.

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention

On 10 September, reports from human rights groups and independent journalists began circulating about Egypt’s efforts to remove two asylum seekers who had been detained for several years but who had purportedly been cleared for deporation back to Eritrea–in violation of Egypt’s international treaty obligations–where they would likely face torture and possibly execution. According to […]

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“A woman measuring the body temperature of a man after having entered through the gate into al-Qanater prison on 27 December, 2020 [KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images]” Middle East Monitor, “Egypt denies allegations of covid outbreak in prisons,”  6 January  2021,

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention

Egypt does not operate dedicated facilities for immigration-related detention, nor is there an official list of detention sites for this purpose. However, according to Decree 659 (1986), the following prisons should be used for the temporary custody of foreigners awaiting deportation: Qanater El-Kharereya Men’s Prison, Qanater El-Khayereya Women’s Prison, Alexandria Prison, Port Said Prison, and […]

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The Entrance to Cairo's Tora Prison, (Getty Images,

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention

The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have taken measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers, who are generally detained in prisons and police stations in Egypt. On 11 March 2020, the Egyptian government suspended visits to prisoners for 10 days due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Activists have urged the […]

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An Egyptian police officer stands in the entrance to Tora Prison, Cairo (
Last updated: September 2018

Immigration Detention in Egypt




  • Since July 2013, the jurisdiction of Egypt’s military has further expanded and military officers may arrest non-citizens for immigration reasons, placing them before military tribunals that do not meet international fair trial standards.
  • Detention facilities—which include police stations, border guard stations, and prisons—are often overcrowded and lack basic detention conditions.
  • There is no maximum length of administrative detention in Egyptian law and the Egyptian government does not release statistics related to the actual or average time-limit for administrative detention.
  • Although UNHCR is authorised to conduct Refugee Status Determination based on a 1954 MoU with Egyptian authorities, representatives have often been denied access to detention facilities, as well as to refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Despite recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, children continue to be regularly placed in immigration detention. UNHCR estimates that there are more than 3,800 unaccompanied (or separated) children of concern in the country.
  • Despite ongoing human rights abuses in Egypt, the European Union has intensified EU-Egyptian cooperation in “migration management,” leading to a comprehensive crackdown on irregular migration on Egypt’s north coast.



Egypt has long been a destination and transit country for large numbers of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants from across Africa and the Middle East. There are approximately 230,000 refugees and asylum seekers from 58 countries registered with UNHCR in Egypt—including, notably, some 130,000 Syrians, 40,000 Sudanese, 15,000 Ethiopians, and 14,000 Eritreans, and increasing numbers of Yemenis.[1] Observers have also repeatedly highlighted the large numbers of unregistered asylum seekers and migrants (including an enormous population of Sudanese, who are estimated to number anywhere between one and five million).[2] Egypt is also an important country of emigration. According to official statistics, some 9.5 million Egyptian nationals were living abroad as of 2017.[3]

Egypt has witnessed consecutive migratory developments on its borders, linking the country to wars, crises, and displacements across the Horn of Africa and the Arab world. Previously, Egypt was a transit point for people attempting to reach Israel via the Sinai Peninsula; these numbers significantly decreased following Israeli government securitisation policies and Egyptian army operations against jihadist groups in North Sinai. Starting in 2013, refugees from Syria pioneered irregular departures from Egypt's north coast. Egypt also remains an important transit country for people trying to reach Libya and beyond.

As the numbers of Syrian refugees attempting to irregularly migrate to Europe via Egypt's north coast began to grow, so did detention rates. In addition, since 2015, intensified Egyptian-EU "migration management" cooperation has lead to a widespread crackdown on irregular migration on Egypt's north coast, as well as around the country generally.[4] During the first 8 months of 2016, Egyptian authorities detained 4,600 refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants—a 28 percent increase on the 2015 total.[5]

Egyptian criminal law provides grounds for prosecuting people for status-related violations. Previously, sources in Egypt reported to the Global Detention Project (GDP) that authorities frequently charged people for migration-related infractions.[6] However, more recently observers report that authorities generally avoid criminal prosecution, instead holding migrants in detention through administrative orders from the Department of Passports, Immigration and Nationality.[7]

A landmark 2016 counter-smuggling law, which criminalised people smuggling (as opposed to human trafficking) for the first time in Egyptian law, legally defines irregular migrants as "victims." However, it has failed to stop the administrative detention of irregular migrants charged with irregular entry, stay or exit. Rights groups have repeatedly criticised the country for arbitrarily detaining non-citizens and using military tribunals to try them.[8] Refugees and asylum seekers registered with UNHCR in Egypt are often released after a matter of weeks. Non-registered people of concern are vulnerable to extended periods of administrative detention.

Against the backdrop of the Egyptian government’s harsh crackdowns against civil society as well as ongoing political turmoil in the Middle East, refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in Egypt remain subject to numerous abuses and face enormous challenges regarding their futures. For example, there have been reports of Egyptian soldiers firing on smuggling vessels heading for Europe.[9]

Since 2015 in particular, intensified Egyptian-EU "migration management" cooperation has lead to a comprehensive crackdown on irregular migration on Egypt's north coast in particular, as well as around the country more generally. Human rights defenders and local NGO sources maintain that the northern sea route towards Europe has become a “dead-end,” accompanied by significant increases in arrests, detentions, and deportations.[10]



2.1 Key norms. Legal provisions relevant to immigration-related detention in Egypt are contained in various legal instruments, including the 2014 Egyptian Constitution, the 1960 Law on Entry and Residence of Aliens in the Territories of the United Arabic Republic and their Departure Therefrom (Law No. 89 for the year 1960 as amended by Law No. 88 for the year 2005), and the Criminal Code, as well as various presidential decrees like the 1995 Presidential Decree on Security of the Eastern Border of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Application of the law can vary considerably from case to case, depending on where a person is detained, the nationality of the detainee, and the detaining authority in a particular case.

2.2 Grounds for detention. It is challenging to distinguish between administrative and criminal detention in cases involving non-citizens. Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants can be subject to both criminal penalties and administrative detention for unauthorised entry, stay, or exit. Nevertheless, it appears that while criminal grounds for status-related violations may be used as the basis for arresting non-citizens, authorities generally do not pursue criminal sanctions, instead opting to hold persons in a form of administrative detention until they can be deported or their cases are otherwise resolved by immigration authorities. (For more, see 2.13: Criminalisation.)

The main function of administrative detention is to enforce the removal of non-citizens. According to Article 27 of the Law of Entry and Residence, authorities can keep non-citizens in detention after they complete criminal sentences and until they are deported. The interior minister has the authority to deport non-citizens and can order temporary detention until deportation is possible.

A foreign national can be issued with an order of deportation by the director of the Department of Passports, Immigration and Nationality if they enter Egypt by “illegal methods”; fail to obtain a residence permit following the expiry of an entry visa; violate the “purpose” for which they obtained residency; fail to depart from the country within 15 days from the expiry date of the residence period, unless a request for renewal has been approved prior to the expiry of the original residence period; or fail to depart from the country within 15 days from the date of being notified of the refusal to grant residency or renewal of residency (Law of Entry and Residence, Article 31).

“Aliens” who represent “a threat to the State and country security and safety, internally or abroad, or to its national economy, public health, public moral, or public tranquility, or [who is] a burden on the state” can be issued with a deportation order (Article 26). Article 23 of the Law of Entry and Residence also provides that non-citizens who “contravene” without permission the original purpose for which they were authorised to enter or reside in Egypt may be banished from the country (as well as facing fines of up to 2,000 EGP [approximately 112 USD]) (Article 42).

Deported persons are prohibited from re-entering the country unless granted permission to do so by the Minister of Interior (Law of Entry and Residence, Article 31). Non-citizens found to violate this article can be subject to imprisonment for a minimum of one year (Article 39), although this is not routinely applied.[11] Meanwhile, the Law of Entry and Residence (Article 16) requires that non-citizens residing in Egypt obtain a residency permit and depart form the country upon termination of residence.

2.3 Asylum seekers. Egypt is party to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and its Protocol, with reservations in relation to personal status, rationing, and public relief and education. It is also a signatory to the African Union Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa. Article 91 of the country's 2014 Constitution provides that political asylum must be available to anyone who has been persecuted for defending human rights, peace, or justice.

Despite these provisions, national determination procedures have not yet been developed for the recognition of refugees.[12] In addition, Egyptian law does not provide protection for stateless persons, and Egypt is not a party to either of the 1954 or 1961 statelessness conventions.[13]

While asylum seekers have the right to legal representation, source sin Egypt told the GPD that there is a lack of timely access to asylum procedures and international protection as registration waiting periods with UNHCR average between 4 and 5 months, leaving asylum seekers vulnerable to administrative detention and deportation. According to UNHCR, detention of those moving irregularly, including refugees and asylum seekers, has increased year on year, particularly since 2013.[14] Moreover, the country has been heavily criticised for forcibly returning migrants and asylum seekers to places where they could be subject to persecution and possibly torture. The forced return of Eritreans in particular has been a long-standing problem in Egypt, although Sudanese asylum seekers and migrants appear to be increasingly vulnerable. According to Amnesty International, the country deported at least 50 asylum seekers—including two young children—from Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sudan between January and April 2017.[15]

UNHCR’s Cairo office has the authority to conduct Refugee Status Determination based on a 1954 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Egyptian authorities.[16] Despite this MoU, UNHCR representatives have often been denied access to detention facilities, refugees, and asylum seekers, or have had their access restricted to those refugees or asylum seekers already registered with the UNHCR prior to their arrest, or on a case by case basis.[17] One observer previously claimed that this can “prevent victims of trafficking and/or smuggling from coming forward to report their situations.”[18] UNHCR in Cairo has requested access to a number of persons in detention, including potentially stateless persons, without success.[19] In some cases, individuals who were found to be non-deportable were released with a six-month laissez-passer document.[20] However, sources in Egypt have also told the GDP of cases of extremely long detention periods of people of concern to UNHCR. One on-going case involves a stateless woman detained since 2014 with a baby she gave birth to in detention. She has remained in detention despite having serious mental health problems.

The sea route from Egypt's north coast was expanded with the arrival of refugees from Syria after 2013. Egypt, under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi until mid-2013, initially applied an open-door policy regarding those fleeing the conflict in Syria. Shortly after Morsi's ouster however, authorities adopted increasingly strict policies. In July 2014, the government imposed measures requiring Syrian nationals to apply for a pre-arrival visa and security check through the Egyptian embassy in Damascus. This significantly decreased the number of Syrian nationals arriving in Egypt—reportedly, 476 Syrians were deported or denied access to Egyptian territory that same month.[21] Although the Egyptian government previously estimated that there were approximately 250,000 to 300,000 Syrians residing in Egypt in mid-2013, officials often claim there are significantly more Syrian refugees residing in the country.[22] In August 2016, a Foreign Ministry official claimed—without evidence—that there were 500,000 Syrians residing in Egypt.[23]

Approximately 1,500 refugees from Syria, including at least 400 Palestinian refugees and 250 children, were detained during the second half of 2013, according to Human Rights Watch. Up to 1,200 of these detainees were sent to Turkey, Lebanon, or Syria (where they potentially faced arrest and torture). The government denied that Syrian refugees were forced to leave, instead claiming that, "No Syrian refugee is made to depart from Egypt unless they have been proven to have entered the country through illegal immigration, an action contrary to Egyptian law.”[24] Since 2015, Syrians have generally stopped irregularly migrating via Egypt's north coast.

2.4 Children. Egypt detains children in immigration detention facilities, and NGOs, activists, and other sources have repeatedly documented the detention of minors in Egyptian police stations and prisons. In 2011, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended that Egypt should not detain asylum-seeking children and should ensure unimpeded access to any detained asylum-seeking child by UNHCR.[25] UNHCR has also noted an increase in the numbers of unaccompanied or separated children irregularly crossing Egypt's southern border with Sudan.[26] The agency counts more than 3,800 unaccompanied (or separated) children of concern in Egypt.[27]

2.5 Other vulnerable groups. The complex nature of mixed migration flows to, via, and from Egypt raises concerns about the rights of vulnerable groups—including victims of trafficking and stateless personsin immigration detention.

The trafficking of foreign nationals across Egypt has been a major concern for many years. In 2010, the country adopted Law 64 on Combating Trafficking in Persons, Article 21 of which provides that victims of trafficking cannot be held criminally responsible for trafficking-related violations.

Some experts have noted that the law has inconsistencies. For instance, one lawyer wrote that while Article 22 stipulates that victims of trafficking who do not hold “permanent residence permits” in Egypt shall be returned to their country safely and swiftly, there is no such thing as a “permanent residence permit” in Egypt.[28]

A major trafficking route through Egypt emerged in the late 2000s at a time when refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants from the Horn of Africa were transiting via Egypt en route to Israel. According to one study, between 2007 and 2013, up to 30,000 persons were trafficked in the Sinai, of whom between 5,000 and 10,000 died as a consequence of brutal trafficking practices in North Sinai where trafficking victims were tortured for ransom money.[29] Many victims of trafficking were held in harsh conditions by Bedouin tribes. If they managed to escape, victims of trafficking were sometimes subjected to detention for up to three years under a law adopted by Israel, or detained for long periods in Egyptian jails or military camps.[30] According to unofficial estimates, thousands of victims of trafficking in Egypt have disappeared in recent years, many of whom were later found confined in Egyptian jails.[31]

There have also been allegations of the police working with traffickers. In one case, trafficking victims reported that a group of hostages from Ethiopia and Eritrea were able to subdue their traffickers and bring them to a police station in southern Sinai. The police, however, allegedly set the traffickers free and put the migrants in prison.[32]

During military operations in the Sinai that began in June 2013, the Egyptian army reportedly raided “torture houses” used by traffickers to hold—and torture—people as they waited for ransoms to be paid. Some of the houses had rooms that featured “hooks on the ceilings from which the kidnapped are hung as they are beaten.”[33] Many of the people rescued by the military from these houses were subsequently placed in detention and charged with “illegal entry” into Egypt. Numerous observers contend that Egyptian authorities make no attempt to identify trafficking victims among migrants transiting the Sinai and do not investigate allegations of collusion between security forces and traffickers.[34]

The industrial-scale trafficking that existed between the Horn of Africa and North Sinai has mostly ended as a result of the ongoing military operations by the Egyptian army against jihadist groups in the area, most notably an Islamic State wilaya (province) based in North Sinai.

Stateless persons remain vulnerable in Egypt, partly because Egypt has not signed either the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons or 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. Egyptian law does not provide protection for stateless persons although, in some cases, stateless persons in detention who were found to be non-deportable were simply released with a six-month laissez-passer document.[35]

Palestinian refugees in Egypt (displaced from the Occupied Palestinian Territories either during 1948, 1967, or since) have been “marginalised” and “reduced…to the status of foreigners [while] denied access to international bodies able to voice their needs.”[36] Significantly, they also encounter protection gaps in Egypt because the government does not allow UNHCR to provide them with protection and assistance (as they should to Palestinian refugees outside the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees' (UNRWA) five areas of operation, according to UNHCR's authoritative interpretation of Article 1[D] of the Refugee Convention) but simultaneously does not allow UNRWA to operate in Egypt either.[37] Most recently, that status quo has impacted thousands of Palestinian refugees from Syria (PRS) either displaced to Egypt, or transiting through Egypt en route to Europe. PRS have been arbitrarily detained, deported and, in some cases, refouled (to Syria). Meanwhile, both UNHCR and UNRWA are unable to adequately protect or assist them because of the 'protection gap' between their mandates. In a landmark case in 2015, at least 70 PRS were resettled to three European countries from Karmouz Police Station in Alexandria—although not before a months-long stand-off between the Egyptian government, European embassies and UNHCR (partly because the Egyptian government and European embassies were concerned about setting a precedent by which refugees and asylum seekers might see detention as a sure-fire route to resettlement).

Irregular migrants attempting to enter or leave Egypt in informal, irregular ways remain vulnerable to the use of lethal force by Egyptian authorities, as well as arrest and detention. Reports at the time suggested that soldiers shot at migrants and asylum seekers attempting to leave Egyptian shores by boat on various occasions during 2013 and 2014. In one incident from October 2014, soldiers allegedly fired on Palestinians at a beach near Alexandria as they attempted to board a smuggling vessel, leaving one person dead.[38] In another incident from 2013, the Egyptian Navy fired on boats at sea. According to an Amnesty International Report: “In the early hours of 17 September, a boat carrying at least 200 people left the Egyptian port city of Alexandria. It was heading to Italy when it was intercepted and pulled back to shore by the Egyptian Navy. Most of those on board the boat were refugees from Syria. When Amnesty International later interviewed some of the refugees, they described how, as they saw the Egyptian Navy ship approaching their boat, people started pleading with the Navy not to shoot, telling them that there were children on board. The Navy approached the boat and, according to witnesses, fired several shots into the hull of the boat. As far as Amnesty International is aware no shots were fired from the boat carrying the refugees. The incident resulted in the death of two people who were shot: Fadwa Taha, a 50-year-old Palestinian refugee woman from Syria, and Amr Dailool, a 30-year-old Syrian refugee. According to one of the refugees who was on the boat, the shots fired by the Navy narrowly missed children. All of the refugees were detained by police.”[39]

A so-called "shoot-to-stop" policy was also employed by Egyptian authorities in the Sinai—introduced in 2007 after intense pressure from Israel to halt the smuggling of migrants across the Sinai border.[40] Similarly, non-citizens attempting to cross Egypt's western border with Libya encounter an intensified military presence there on account of ongoing instability in Libya as well as the presence of jihadist groups that have previously launched attacks on Egyptian security forces from across the border. This can significantly heighten the risks and potential rights abuses faced by refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants attempting to reach Libya via Egypt.

2.6 Length of detention. There is no maximum length of administrative detention in Egyptian law, and the Egyptian government does not release statistics related to the actual or average time-limit for administrative detention.[41] Reports do, however, highlight multiple instances of non-citizens spending several years in prison and, when deportation is not possible, detention can be indefinite. [42]

According to information provided to the Global Detention Project, undocumented migrants generally no longer serve criminal prison sentences for violations related to entry or stay.[43] However, there have been cases in the past in which foreign nationals apprehended at the Sudanese border and convicted of illegal entry have spent several years in prison, often being transferred from prison to prison as they shift between criminal and administrative procedures. In one case, a group of foreign nationals apprehended at that border were initially detained at a police station in southern Egypt. After completing a one-year prison sentence for illegal entry at Alexandria's Borg El-Arab Prison, they were confined for an additional three months at the same police station where they were initially detained because they were unable to pay the fine for illegal entry. After this three-month period, the migrants were transferred to the men’s section of Qanater Prison, registered with an immigration status and then kept in detention for an additional period of time, until deportation.[44]

2.7 Procedural guarantees. The Law of Entry and Residence does not contain any provisions guaranteeing rights to detained migrants, such as access to a lawyer. Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants arrested for illegal entry at non-authorised border points fall within the jurisdiction of the nearest military tribunal and have no access to appeal, a practice that has been criticised as a violation of Egypt’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 14) and the Arab Charter on Human Rights providing for due process and a fair trial (Article 26). Irregular migrants and refugees are sometimes given an appeal in court, though this appears to occur on an ad hoc basis.[45]

According to Egyptian law, defendants in criminal cases have a right to access legal counsel. Article 96 of the 2014 Constitution establishes that the accused is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and provides guarantees for legal defence. Additionally, the Criminal Code (Law 214) establishes that the General Attorney nominate a lawyer for any individual accused of a criminal offence. However, this provision is reportedly generally not enforced in cases involving allegations of illegal entry or presence in the country. Individuals arrested are first referred to a general or military prosecutor (according to the area of arrest), who then refers the case to a court (civil or military), where the accused is typically unable to exercise his/her right to a defence as no lawyer is provided.[46]

The Code of Criminal Procedure contains safeguards relating to persons who are being detained on criminal charges. Under the code, all persons held in detention, regardless of whether they are Egyptian citizens, enjoy the same safeguards available under the law. Every person who is arrested or held in precautionary detention must be informed immediately of the reasons for his arrest or detention in a language that he understands. He has the right to communicate with anyone he chooses and is entitled to avail himself of the services of a lawyer (Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 139).[47]

Egypt has voted on a series of constitutions since the 2011 overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak. The most recent constitutional referendum took place in January 2014.

The 2014 Constitution provides several guarantees that can be relevant to the situation of detained non-citizens, including the right to challenge detention (Article 54), the right to be protected from torture and abuse (Article 55), and the provision of judicial oversight over all places of detention (Article 56). Non-citizens who are charged with crimes stemming from their immigration status are to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair court of law (Article 96).

Article 54 of the Constitution provides that, “Every person whose freedom is restricted shall be immediately notified of the reasons therefore; shall be informed of his/her rights in writing; shall be immediately enabled to contact his/her relatives and lawyer; and shall be brought before the investigation authority within 24 hours as of the time of restricting his/her freedom. Investigation may not start with the person unless his/her lawyer is present. A lawyer shall be seconded for persons who do not have one. Necessary assistance shall be rendered to people with disability according to procedures prescribed by Law.”

2.8 Detaining authorities and institutions. Under the 2010 Presidential Decree 204, which defines the borders of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Egyptian police have the power to arrest and detain individuals for immigration-related reasons. At border points and in military zones such as the Sinai Peninsula, the army may also apprehend individuals for unauthorised entry, as the military is responsible for guarding the borders of southern and western Egypt.

The Presidential Decree on Security of the Eastern Border of Arab Republic of Egypt (1995) prohibits the movement of persons within one hundred and fifty meters of the eastern border (with Israel), between Rafah in the north and Taba in the south—apart from Rafah city and other locations permitted by law or the military (Article 1). The military has the authority to sentence anyone who violates this law with imprisonment for at least six months (Articles 2 and 5).

The Interior Ministry, which is responsible for the administration of prisons in Egypt, has custody over immigration detainees held in police stations and prisons. It also has the authority to deport non-citizens and to order their temporary detention until deportation is possible (Law of Entry and Residence, Article 27).

Since the Egyptian military's assistance in removing President Mubarak in January-February 2011, following weeks of anti-government protests, and the popular military coup of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi against Muhammed Morsi in July 2013, the jurisdiction of the military has been greatly expanded. This has empowered the military to arrest non-citizens in areas outside military zones and to refer cases to military tribunals. In January 2013 the Shura Council, Egypt’s partially elected upper house, passed a law giving military officers the right to arrest civilians and to bring them before military courts.[48]

At least four Egyptian military tribunals try persons detained for crossing borders: Aswan and Hurghada (for irregular entries from Sudan); Marsa Matrouh (to and from Libya); and Ismailia (those entering the Sinai military zone).[49] The process can be very unclear to non-citizens—some detainees taken to the military court in Ismailia and then returned to police stations in the Sinai were unable to say whether they had been convicted of any offences and given prison sentences.[50]

2.9 Non-custodial measures. According to Article 30 of the Law of Entry and Residence, when a deportation decision is difficult to enforce, the director of the Department of Passports, Immigration and Nationality can order a non-citizen to reside at a specific place and periodically report to a police station until deported (Article 30).

2.10 Domestic monitoring. Aside from UNHCR implementing partners (see “International Monitoring” below), local NGOs do not have access to detention facilities either in the north coast region or elsewhere.

In 2013, a group of activists, doctors, and lawyers formed the Refugee Solidarity Movement (RSM) to assist the large numbers detained along the north coast. The RSM visited detention facilities and, in tandem with local NGOs, monitored and documented statistics related to detentions, deportations as well as humanitarian needs within detention facilities.[51] The RSM is now largely inactive.

2.11 International monitoring. There is a marked difference—in terms of access and monitoring—between police stations on the north coast, and police stations (and other types of facilities) around the country. Since irregular flows expanded on the north coast between 2011-2013, UNHCR, UNHCR implementing partners, and other actors have provided services inside immigration detention facilities on the north coast—Caritas Egypt can provide food and other supplies (e.g. blankets), PSTIC can provide psycho-social support, IOM can provide services related to its Assisted Voluntary Return programme, and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) can provide medical assistance.

Elsewhere, monitoring conditions are often remarkably different. In the south, where irregular crossings from Sudan still occur, “access is not as well-established as it is on the north coast, however it’s not impossible.”[52] UNHCR maintains limited access to foreign male and female sections of Al-Qanater Prison in the Nile Delta (historically one of the main facilities used to detain non-citizens prior to deportations) and inconsistent access to a so-called transfer facility in Marsa Matrouh. A source similarly told GDP that, in contrast to the police stations on the north coast, lawyers have previously been able to visit police stations in the Greater Cairo area (for example) to verify that an individual was detained—but without actually being granted access inside the facility itself.[53]

Egypt has a poor record of collaborating with UN human rights mechanisms. Although a state party to many international human rights treaties, Egypt is more than a decade late in complying with its reporting obligations to monitoring bodies, including the Committee against Torture and the Human Rights Committee.

In 2016 the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination recommended that Egypt “Take the necessary measures to put an end to the detention of asylum seekers and refugees and speed up the implementation of the protection regime applicable to them; …  use detention solely for very particular specific cases and for the shortest possible period, and … allow UNHCR to visit the persons concerned with a view to identifying those who may be entitled to international protection”[54]

In 2017, the GDP made a submission to the Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) ahead of its examination of implementation of the Convention on the protection of migrant workers by Egypt.[55] The CMW asked Egypt in 2017 to provide information on immigration detention in its forthcoming report to the Committee including on arbitrary detention, procedural safeguards, conditions of detention, statistical data and alternatives to detention of children.[56]

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention have repeatedly asked for an invitation to visit Egypt for twenty years.

2.12 Criminalisation. Under Presidential Decree Security of the Eastern Border of Arab Republic of Egypt (1995), anyone convicted of entering or exiting the country illegally through the eastern border can face imprisonment and a fine of up to 5,000 EGP (approximately 280 USD) (Article 2).

Article 3 of the Law of Entry and Residence prohibits migrants from entering and exiting the country at any points other than those designated as official border crossing points. Article 2 of this law prohibits entry and exit without a valid legal document/passport. Foreign nationals who violate Articles 2 and 3 can face a criminal trial and/or penalties that include: imprisonment for up to six months and/or a fine of up to 1,000 EGP (approximately 56 USD) and are subject to criminal trial where execution of the penalty can be deportation from the country (Article 41). These penalties are also applied to asylum seekers, despite the protections against such measures provided in the 1951 Refugee Convention, to which Egypt is a signatory.

Non-citizens who violate the terms of an order of deportation or banishment, fail to reside at a designated residence, or provide false statements or knowingly submit false documentation to Egyptian authorities can be sentenced with up to two years' imprisonment and/or fined up to 2,000 EGP (approximately 112 USD) (Law of Entry and Residence, Articles 38, 40). Penalties are more severe for foreign nationals who (a) are citizens of a country in a state of war with Egypt; or (b) entered Egypt at the border areas listed by decree of the minister of interior, in agreement with the minister of foreign affairs (Law of Entry and Residence, Article 41).

In practice, however, criminal sanctions are not systematically applied. According to one source interviewed by the GDP, in the past those arrested for illegal entry to/exit from the country have generally received a suspended sentence—a sentence issued by a judge which will not be enforced if the defendant meets certain conditions—exempting the migrant from serving the sentence. In most cases, judges referred these cases to the Passports and Immigration Department, which reviewed the status of the foreign national and determined whether they should be released, deported, or remain in detention.[57] However, administrative detention has since become the norm in Egypt.[58]

According to one observer, “Criminalisation of irregular migration is considered disproportionate to the violation and can often lead to additional human rights abuses—a particular concern in Egypt, where, as the UN and human rights groups have noted, torture in prison is widespread, and where non-nationals frequently are denied access to procedural safeguards and adequate legal representation.”[59]

There is also little information available that accurately documents the nature of the decision-making process for placing refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in detention. Activists in Egypt who work with detainees previously reported to the Global Detention Project that decisions related to release or length of time spent in prison are distinctly arbitrary, particularly in the case of Syrians. One source stated that after being arrested and detained for unauthorised entry in Egypt, entire groups of Syrians have been “kept in detention for months, others released, [and] others pushed to leave the country with no apparent consistency with regard to the decision taken by authorities.”[60] While multiple sources have stated that in general, registered refugees and/or asylum seekers will be released after approximately two weeks inside detention, non-registered detainees, however, who may well include persons in need of international protection transiting through Egypt without UNHCR documentation, remain vulnerable to extended periods of administrative detention as well as forcible removals from Egyptian territory. In terms of Syrians who irregularly enter Egypt, if they are a family or have family links in Egypt their chances of release are significantly higher, but single men/women are usually pushed out back to Sudan.[61]

In 2016, Egypt passed a counter-smuggling law drawn up through cooperation and consultation with UNHCR and the IOM, and drafted by the country's inter-ministerial National Coordinating Committee for Combatting and Preventing Illegal Immigration (NCCPIM) that was established in 2014 with the express aim of passing new immigration-related legislation. The law is in line with the Palermo Protocols which aim to criminalise smugglers without criminalising irregular migrants. In practice, however, this appears not to be the case. Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants can still legally be criminalised for illegal entry, stay, or exit as is proscribed in existing legislation—although in practice this appears not to be the case as refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants are still penalised through indefinite administrative detention and deportation.[62] The 2016 law also appears to have had little impact on deportations. In fact, sources say, deportations are becoming more fast-tracked (without extended periods of administrative detention prior to removal)—particularly for Sudanese asylum seekers and migrants—since the passing of the law.[63]

2.13 Externalisation, readmission, and third-country agreements. The EU, EU member states, and various international actors have engaged with Egypt on migration for several years, although “migration management" cooperation has intensified significantly since 2015. Such cooperation with Egypt remains controversial, and has been criticised by rights groups and European policymakers because of the wider human rights landscape in Egypt as well as the perceived risks to refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants themselves.[64]Reporting suggests that Egypt has become a "dead-end" for migrants as a result of cooperation with the EU since 2015.[65]

The EU-Egypt Association Agreement came into force in 2004, creating a “free-trade area between the EU and Egypt by removing tariffs on industrial products and making agricultural products easier to trade," but also guiding various aspects of the bilateral relationship.[66]

The EU-Egypt Action Plan under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) adopted in 2007 covers cooperation on political, security, economic, trade, investment, scientific, technological, and cultural relations. Within the framework of the ENP, it includes a section entitled “border management” and purports to strengthen co-operation on migration-related issues, including the effective joint management of migration flows, legal and illegal migration, and readmission. Under the section on human rights the plan foresees EU assistance to implement relevant UN recommendations and the recommendations of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights pertaining to security, detention conditions, and prison staff as well as the protection of the human rights and integrity of detainees and the fight against impunity.[67]

In 2012, the EU reiterated its offer to negotiate with Egypt the establishment of a Mobility Partnership in line with similar agreements negotiated with other Mediterranean countries, including Morocco. However, Egyptian authorities rejected the offer.

In 2007, Italy and Egypt concluded a readmission agreement under which Italy has sent back irregular migrants—including many Egyptians—without any asylum screening.[68] Later, In 2009, Italy and Egypt concluded a memorandum of understanding designed to "contain irregular migration."[69]

In recent years, particularly since irregular flows from Egypt's Mediterranean coastline towards Europe expanded, Egypt has taken a more proactive role in seeking-out agreements, cooperation, and support in its handling of irregular migration as a host and transit country for large numbers of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants.

In March 2014, the Egyptian government formed NCCPIM, an inter-ministerial committee designed to lead on migration policy. Since its foundation, the NCCPIM has been tasked with drafting a counter-smuggling legislation (ultimately passed in 2016) and conducting fieldwork studies on economic migration of Egyptian nationals. Today, it effectively operates as front-of-house for the Egyptian government's dealings with the EU and other actors on migration. The NCCPIM also works alongside the IOM and other international agencies to produce awareness-raising material, principally aimed at Egyptian nationals in Egypt to dissuade them from attempting irregular crossings in the Mediterranean.

Cooperation between Egypt and the EU (and EU member states) has intensified since 2015. Egypt has positioned itself as a key EU partner, taking a leading role in multilateral mechanisms including the Khartoum Process and 2015 Valetta Summit (Egypt led the African delegation at Valetta) while at the highest levels "pointedly underlining a growing refugee and migrant challenge."[70] President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi discussed Egypt's migration challenges (and know-how) in a speech at Suez Canal University in mid-2016 and then at the G20 in September the same year, and Assistant Foreign Minister Hisham Badr repeated similar talking-points at the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in August 2016.[71] After the Rashid tragedy in September 2016, in which more than 200 people lost their lives not far off Egypt's Mediterranean coast, NCCPIM chairman Naela Gabr sent a letter to all MEPs talking-up the NCCPIM as an example of Egypt's commitment to migration.[72] These engagements tended to present the Egyptian government as a willing partner with longstanding experience of hosting large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers. Some suggest that this repeated mention of large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers (often using either outdated or wilfully inaccurate data) reflects a Gaddafi-style ploy by the Egyptian government to seek-out more EU assistance and funding, and one human rights practitioner commented at the time that Egypt was “very much using the number of migrants, flagging it as a threat."[73]

The EU has been content to partner with Egypt because of regional as well as domestic Egyptian factors. These were outlined in a joint European External Action Service (EEAS) and European Commission non-paper, undated but leaked towards the end of 2016, that recommended "strengthened bilateral engagement on migration” to avoid "potential future migration.” The document noted that, while it was “important not to exaggerate the risk of a growing flow of migrants directly from Egypt” (particularly compared with Libya), that a “significant increase, though from a low baseline, of irregular movements…from Egypt towards Europe” and deteriorating political and socio-economic conditions in Egypt meant attention needed to be paid to Egypt's north coast. It also recommended a series of possible avenues for further cooperation, some of which went far beyond existing agreements—including greater cooperation with Frontex through the Seahorse Mediterranean Network “to cooperate with the Libyan Coast Guard to exchange information on irregular migration and cross-border crime.” Because this was a non-paper these recommendations were not binding and instead reflected possible policies to be adopted by the EU in the future, as well as indicating the EU's broader interest in engaging more with Egypt on migration policy.[74]

The EU has signed-off on one Egypt-specific programme under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa known as Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt (ERMCE). The 11.5 million EUR programme includes 1.5 million EUR for “strengthening Egypt’s migration governance” through capacity-building projects with government agencies working on migration (including the NCCPIM), as well as another 9.8 million EUR for “increasing protection and socio-economic opportunities for current or potential migrations, returnees and refugees in Egypt” in an attempt to “influence migration choices.”[75] Egypt is meanwhile involved in other programmes funded through the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa including a police training centre for security forces from Arab and African countries. (This centre hosted its first training workshops in 2018 with the intention of becoming a regular training site over the coming years.)[76]

Egypt also receives assistance under the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, or so-called Madad Fund, that was launched in December 2014 to support Syria's neighbouring countries that are hosting large numbers of Syrian refugees.[77]

Other actors continue to engage with Egypt on immigration-related matters. Germany is one of the primary EU member states engaging with Egypt on its own terms, in addition to EU-level cooperation. During a March 2016 visit to Cairo, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maziere referred to Egypt as an "indispensable ally in the fight against international terrorism and…irregular migration,” despite very obvious concerns about Egypt's human rights record.[78] Through parliamentary questions submitted by Germany’s Left Party coalition, the German government revealed that it had conducted a series of training sessions with Egyptian security agencies on airport security, documents, and border control measures.[79]

Elsewhere, as well as providing Voluntary Assisted Return to non-citizens detained in Egyptian facilities, the IOM regularly conducts workshops for capacity-building with Egyptian officials and government agencies (sometimes through the EU funding sources mentioned above), while the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) also conducts similar projects with Egyptian security agencies related to human trafficking.

Egypt also coordinates on deportations and returns of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. Although in the past Egypt has been heavily criticised for forcibly returning refugees and asylum seekers to places where they may be subjected to persecution and possibly torture, recently Egypt—and particularly Cairo International Airport—has been employed as a transit-point during long-haul deportations. Monitoring of these kinds of returns is difficult because they usually involve a transit country (Egypt) and destination country where international monitoring access to detention sites in airports and other sites tends to be poor—although testimonies do sometimes emerge. In June 2018, U.S. authorities appeared to announce that a 34-year-old Eritrean national being held in transit in Cairo International Airport had taken his own life having been deported by ICE, and then held in the detention room at Cairo International Airport prior to his return to Asmara, Eritrea.[80] Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers being returned from EU states have also been held in transit in Cairo International Airport. Testimonies from asylum seekers previously in Israel also suggest that Cairo International Airport was used in the past as transit during deportations from Tel Aviv to third countries on the African Continent, and Egypt also deported Sudanese asylum seekers following returns from Israel.[81]

Despite EU attempts to bolster Egypt's capacity to host and maintain displaced/migrant communities on its territory, there are still valid concerns about rights protections for those same communities. Some observers suggest that the Egyptian government intermittently enacts policies with the aim of making life in Egypt difficult or unattractive to refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. One senior IOM representative previously commented that it is unlikely Egypt “has an interest to keep migrants or refugees before they make their way to Europe [sic],” referring to reported EU plans to introduce reception centres in North African countries, and that Egypt may ultimately “encourage [non-citizens] to leave one way or the other.”[82] Recent policy changes including an up-tick in arbitrary detentions of non-citizens by Egyptian police, and anecdotal reports of planned closures of all education facilities for refugees and asylum seekers (run by civil society groups and NGOs), can also be understood in that vein.[83]

Most recently, in September 2018, European officials (including Donald Tusk and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz) met with Egyptian counterparts in Cairo and then—later in the month—in New York. Migration was at the forefront of both meetings. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz recently stated that Europe had "to ensure that as few people as possible leave northern African countries for Europe," and that, "If they do, the situation should be dealt with as close to the African coast as possible."[84] For years, EU policymakers have discussed the idea of creating reception centres in North African countries where—supposedly—asylum seekers could be processed and then granted legal entry to EU countries afterwards, although practically this is likely an attempt to externalise European borders as well as the responsibility for hosting displaced and migrant populations. This idea is not new, and until now no North African country has expressed an interest in hosting such centres.



3.1 Summary. Egypt does not operate dedicated facilities for immigration-related detention nor does there appear to be an official list of detention sites for this purpose. Decree 659, from the year 1986, stipulated that the following prisons should be used for the temporary custody of foreigners awaiting deportation: Qanater El-Khayereya Men’s Prison, the Qanater El-Khayereya Women’s Prison, the Alexandria Prison, the Port Said Prison, and Torah Prison. These are all important prisons in Egypt for incarcerating convicted criminals.[85] In the absence of an official list of facilities to be used for immigration detention purposes, authorities make widespread use of prisons, police stations, and military camps. Numerous observers have documented detention cases at these facilities in recent years.[86] Non-citizens are commonly held alongside criminal detainees inside prisons.

3.2 Detention facilities. According to a previous estimate made by the Global Detention Project (in 2014), at least 58 facilities were used during the period 2011-2014 years for immigration-related reasons—mainly police stations in Cairo, the Nile Delta, and northern coastal regions, as well as two prisons in the environs of Cairo.

Among the facilities reported in 2014 were: Torah Prison, Cairo; Al-Qanater Prisons, Qalyubiya Governorate; Aswan City Police Station; Nasr El Nuba police station; the Aswan Central Security Camp in Shalal; Ismailia Prison and Ismailia Police Station; Qena Police Station; Hadra Prison, Alexandria; Kom Ombo Police Station; Edfu Police Station; Hurghada Police Station; Marsa Alam Police Station; Daraw Police Station; Gourna Police Station in Gourna/Luxor; Ras Gharib Police Station on the beach of the Suez Gulf; the Romana Police Station; Bir El-Abd Police Station; El-Khoseyma, El-Nakhl Police Station and Hassana Police Station; four police stations in Arish, North Sinai; Ataqa Police Station in Suez; Dahab Police Station; Nuweiba Police Station (Sinai); Rafah Police Station (Sinai); Ras Sidr Police Station (Sinai); Taba Police Station (Sinai); Tur Sina Police Station (El-Tor), Sinai; Galaa Prison; and the El-Mostaqbal Police Station.[87]

In the Nile Delta region, facilities that have been used since 2011, and which became more important sites of immigration detention after increasing irregular departures by Syrian refugees and Palestinian refugees from Syria after mid-2013, include: Karmouz Police Station, Montazah 2 Police Station, Bab Sharq Police Station, Raml 1 Police Station, Borg El Arab Police Station, Amreya Police Station, Dekheila Police Station, Anfoushy Police Station, Matrouh Police Station, Idku Police Station, Rashid Police Station, Rahmaniya Police Station, Shabrakeet Police Station, Brembel Police Station, Biyala Police Station, Hemma Police Station, Zaafaran Police Station, Baltim/Burullus Police Station, Gamasa Police Station, Port Said Police Station, and Damietta Police Station.[88]

Among the police stations in Alexandria most commonly used to detain non-citizens are Karmouz and Muntazah 2, in part because of their larger size compared with some of the smaller facilities on the outskirts of the city.

More recently, a source in Egypt provided the following list of detention facilities in Greater Cairo that have been used since 2017 but which have not been previously documented by the GDP: Nasr City 1st Police Station, Nasr City 2nd Police Station, Dar El Salam Police Station, Dokki Police Station, Agouza Police Station, Masr El Gedida 1st Police Station, Sheikh Zayed Police Station, 6th October 1st Police Station, 6th October 2nd Police Station, 6th October 3rd Police Station, New Cairo 1st Police Station, Shorouk Police Station, Ain Shams Police Station, Qasr Nile Police Station, Faisal Police Station, Al Ahram Police Station, Boula’ Police Station, Al Rehab Police Station, Gamaleya Police Station, Barageel Police Station, Moqattam Police Station, Zeitoun Police Station, Al Saff Police Station, Abdeen Police Station, and Al Amireya Police Station (Giza).[89] 

Outside of the Greater Cairo region, the following facilities have also been reported as used for immigration purposes recently: Abu Simbel Police Station (Aswan), Safaga Police Station (Red Sea Governorate), Al Quseir Police Station (Red Sea Governorate), Shalateen Police Station (south-eastern border with Sudan), and Al Salloum Police Station (north-west Egypt on the Egypt-Libya border).[90]

The use of facilities can vary considerably over time, depending on changing irregular flows and the responses of authorities. For example, facilities are generally now used less in the Sinai Peninsula because irregular flows towards Israel have decreased since 2013 as result of control polices of both Israel and Egypt, and an anecdotal awareness of these measures among displaced communities within Egypt.[91]

In some cases, officials commandeer non-security-related facilities for specific periods to respond to immediate demands. In late 2014, for example, authorities in Alexandria commandeered a youth centre in the west of the city, the Anfoushy Youth Centre, to accommodate people apprehended at sea or on the coast while attempting to leave Egypt in smuggling vessels towards Europe. This facility, which the Global Detention Project categorised as an Ad Hoc detention site, held approximately 130 people in early October 2014 who had been arrested on Egyptian shores in recent weeks. One journalist reported that the detainees were denied access to lawyers while held at the youth centre.[92] The centre was closed some months later, reportedly due to disagreements between the governor of Alexandria and the Ministry for Youth and Sports (who owned the centre). Immigration detainees in Anfoushy were then distributed to several police stations elsewhere in the city, including Karmouz Police Station.[93]

3.3 Conditions of detention. According to accounts provided by migrants and refugees who have spent time in detention in Egypt, as well as observers with first-hand knowledge of detention dynamics, anywhere between 20-60 people typically share cells in Egyptian prisons. [94] The cells are generally between 16-30 square meters and provide access to a single toilet and washing/drinking facility. Detainees receive one meal a day. A blanket is provided to each prisoner—their only bedding—and each detainee sleeps on the floor. Treatment of detainees varies greatly depending on the particular prison. Conditions can vary widely from facility to facility—on the north coast, sometimes a police station may have an open area or courtyard that detainees are free to use and move around in, whereas other facilities are notorious for being cramped and poorly served.[95]

In police stations, detainees are generally not allowed to leave their cells and are locked up 24 hours a day—although there are some notable exceptions, including Alexandria's Karmouz Police Station, where detainees are given access to open-air spaces for a set time each day or week. Cells in police stations can be as small as three or four square metres and are meant to hold a few people at a time for short periods. There is no budget for food or healthcare for larger groups of detainees held for weeks or months.[96]

In late 2013, a coalition of Egyptian NGOs documented the situation of several hundred Syrian refugees arrested and arbitrarily detained in Alexandria from August to October 2013. They were held in crowded detention facilities that lacked minimum health standards. Some facilities had insect infestations that led to skin diseases as well as respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses among detainees.[97] In May 2011, a seriously ill Eritrean male detainee died in El-Mostaqbal police station in Ismailia. He never received medical treatment and was not transferred to hospital. Another Eritrean reportedly died in the Taba police when he failed to receive treatment for tuberculosis.[98]

While the segregation of males and females is generally respected in Egyptian prisons,[99] children are reportedly detained alongside adults.[100] However, minors are generally held with their mothers and unaccompanied children are generally detained with women.[101] Administrative detainees—including refugees, asylum seekers, and irregular migrants—are frequently detained alongside criminal detainees.[102] While foreign nationals are frequently held alongside Egyptian citizens in police stations, they are, where space permits, detained separately from Egyptian citizens in prisons.[103]


[1] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “UNHCR Egypt Fact Sheet,” July 2018,

[2] O. Karasapan, “Who are the 5 Million Refugees and Immigrants in Egypt?” Brookings Institute, 4 October 2016,; M. Kagan, “From the Archives: Troublesome Refugee Statistics and the Case of Sudanese in Egypt,” RSD Watch, 15 January 2004,

[3] Egypt Independent, "9.5 million Egyptians Live Abroad, Mostly in Saudi Arabia and Jordan," 1 October 2017,

[4] M. Akkerman,“Expanding the Fortress: The Policies, the Profiteers and the People Shaped by EU's Border Externalisation Programme,” Transnational Institute, May 2018,

[5] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), "Migrant and Refugee Boat Tragedy and Irregular Departures from Egypt," 23 September 2016,

[6] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014.

[7] Undisclosed source, Skype conversation with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 18 September 2018

[8] M. al-Kashef and T. Rollins, “Egypt's Anti-Smuggling Bill: New Criminals, Old Victims," Mada Masr, 19 October 2016,

[9] Amnesty International, "'We Cannot Live Here Anymore': Refugees from Syria in Egypt,” 17 October 2013,; P. Beaumont and P. Kingsley, “Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: How Mediterranean Migrant Disaster Unfolded,” The Guardian, 1 October 2014,; T. Rollins, “Egyptian Army Shoot Dead Syrian Migrant, Wound Palestinian – Eyewitnesses,” Beacon Reader, 4 October 2014.

[10] M. Akkerman,“Expanding the Fortress: The Policies, the Profiteers and the People Shaped by EU's Border Externalisation Programme,” Transnational Institute, May 2018,

[11] Undisclosed source, Email correspondence with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 27 September 2018

[12] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “Inter-Agency Regional Response for Syrian Refugees - Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, 24 - 30 January 2014,”; Equal Rights Trust (ERT), “Unravelling Anomaly, Detention, Discrimination and the Protection Needs of Stateless Persons,” July 2010,

[13] Equal Rights Trust (ERT), “Unravelling Anomaly, Detention, Discrimination and the Protection Needs of Stateless Persons,” July 2010,

[14] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “UNHCR Global Appeal 2013 Update,”; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), "Migrant and Refugee Boat Tragedy and Irregular Departures from Egypt," 23 September 2016,

[16] Rejected asylum applicants are provided with reasons for their rejection and they must appeal the decision within one month. Rejected or late appeals result in cases being closed and a loss of UNHCR protection: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “Inter-Agency Regional Response for Syrian Refugees—Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, 24-30 January 2014,”; US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), “World Refugee Survey 2009-Egypt,” 17 June 2009,

[17] Amnesty International, “Egypt: Deadly Journeys Through the Desert,” MDE12/015/2008, August 2008,, p.4; Human Rights Watch (HRW), "World Report 2010: Events of 2009,” 20 January 2010,, p.494; Undisclosed source, Communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and the Global Detention Project, 21 March 2011.

[18] L. Hilal and Dr. S. Samy, “Asylum and Migration in the Mashrek. Asylum and Migration: Protection and Civil Society Frameworks in Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon,” Report for the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), December 2008,

[19] J.E. Pierrot, “A Responsibility to Protect: UNHCR and Statelessness in Egypt,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Research Paper No. 250, January 2013,

[20] Undisclosed source, "Global Detention Project Questionnaire,” Global Detention Project, 2011.

[21] M. Al Kashef, "Egypt: The Escape Portal," Border Criminologies, 8 December 2017,  

[22] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “Egypt: UNHCR Concerned over Detention of Syrian Refugees Amid Anti-Syrian Sentiment,” 26 July 2013,

[23] European Parliament, " Committee on Foreign Affairs - Meeting 30/08/2016 (PM),” 30 August 2016,; Egyptian Streets, “Egypt Hosts Five Million Refugees: Foreign Ministry," 1 September 2016,

[24] Agence France-Presse (AFP), “Egypt - No Syrian Refugees Forced to Leave,” 13 November 2013,

[25] Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), “Concluding Observations: Egypt, CRC/C/EGY/CO/3-4," 18 July 2011,

[26] Undisclosed UNHCR source, Conversation with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2018.

[27] N. Shaker, "Unaccompanied and Afraid in Egypt," Africa Portal, 17 August 2018,

[28] T. Badawy, “Preliminary Thoughts on Egypt’s Law Concerning Trafficking in Human Beings,” Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes 2011/45, 2011,  

[29] M. Van Reisen, M. Estefanos, and C. Rijken, The Human Trafficking Cycle: Sinai and Beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, December 2013,

[30] Hotline for Migrant Workers and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-IL), “Torture in Sinai, Jailed in Israel: Detention of Torture and Slavery Survivors under the Anti-Infiltration Law,“ 2012,

[31] M. Van Reisen, M. Estefanos, and C. Rijken, The Human Trafficking Cycle: Sinai and Beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, December 2013,

[32] M. Van Reisen, M. Estefanos, and C. Rijken, The Human Trafficking Cycle: Sinai and Beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, December 2013,

[33] P. Hassouri,“30,000 Trafficked in Sinai,” The Arabist, 6 December 2013,

[34] Human Rights Watch (HRW), “World Report 2014,” January 2015,; United States Department of State (USDS), “Trafficking in Persons Report 2012,” 2012,; M. Van Reisen, M. Estefanos, and C. Rijken, The Human Trafficking Cycle: Sinai and Beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, December 2013,

[35] Undisclosed source, "Global Detention Project Questionnaire,” Global Detention Project, 2011.

[36] O. El Abed, "The Forgotten Palestinians: How Palestinian Refugees Survive in Egypt," Forced Migration Review, (20), 2014

[37] O. El Abed, "The Forgotten Palestinians: How Palestinian Refugees Survive in Egypt," Forced Migration Review, (20), 2014,; T. Rollins, “Egypt Deports Palestinian Syrians Back to Conflict Zones," Al-Monitor, 25 August 2014; Palestinian League for Human Rights - Syria (PLHR-Syria), “Rites of Return: Mapping the Displacement of Palestinian Refugees from Syria in Lebanon, Sweden and Germany,” (Forthcoming, 2018)

[38] T. Rollins, “Egypt Deports Palestinian Syrians Back to Conflict Zones," Al-Monitor, 25 August 2014.

[39] Amnesty International, "'We Cannot Live Here Anymore': Refugees from Syria in Egypt,” 17 October 2013,

[40] Amnesty International, “Egypt: Deadly Journeys Through the Desert," August 2008,, p.3

[41] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014.

[42] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Cecilia Cannon (Global Detention Project), 10 March 2011.

[43] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014.

[44] Undisclosed source, Communication between a representative of a non-governmental organisation and the Global Detention Project, 6 March 2011.

[45] Undisclosed source, Communication between a representative of a non-governmental organisation and the Global Detention Project, 6 March 2011.

[46] Undisclosed source, "Global Detention Project Questionnaire,” Global Detention Project, 2011.

[47] Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW), “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 73 of the Convention: Initial Report of States Parties Due in 2004 – Egypt, CMW/C/EGY/1," 21 August 2006,

[48] Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Egypt: Emergency Powers Excessive: Detention Without Judicial Review; Trials Lacking Appeal Rights,” 30 January 2013,

[49] Human Rights Watch (HRW),”’I Wanted to Lie Down and Die': Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt,” February 2014,

[50] Human Rights Watch (HRW),”’I Wanted to Lie Down and Die': Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt,” February 2014,

[51] Undisclosed source, Email communication with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 17 August 2018.

[52] Undisclosed source, Skype conversation with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 18 September 2018.

[53] Undisclosed source, Skype conversation with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 18 September 2018.

[54] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, “Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to twenty-second periodic reports of Egypt*,” CERD/C/EGY/CO/17-22, 6 January 2016; and “Info from Civil Society Organisations – Global Detention Project,”

[55] Global Detention Project (GDP), “Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Egypt,” 14 March 2017,

[56] Committee on Migrant Workers, “List of issues prior to submission of the second periodic report of Egypt,” CMW/C/EGY/QPR/2, 18 May 2017,

[57] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014.

[58] Undisclosed source, Email correspondence with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 27 September 2018.

[59] L. Hilal and Dr. S. Samy, “Asylum and Migration in the Mashrek. Asylum and Migration:  Protection and Civil Society Frameworks in Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon,” Report for the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), December 2008,

[60] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014.

[61] Undisclosed source, Email correspondence with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 27 September 2018.

[62] Undisclosed source, Email correspondence with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), 27 September 2018.

[63] Undisclosed UNHCR source, Conversation with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2018.

[64] S.P. Naceur and T. Rollins, "Europe's Migration Trade with Egypt," Mada Masr, 1 February 2017,; A. Gomes, "Subject: The Crackdown on Civil Society in Egypt and European Cooperation and Financial Support," 7 December 2016,; A. Hunko, “Minor Interpellation Submitted by Member Andrej Hunko et al. and the parliamentary group of The Left Party: New measures on the part of the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Police to assist Egyptian police authorities," Bundestag printed paper 18/4784, March 2015,

[65] M. Akkerman,“Expanding the Fortress: The Policies, the Profiteers and the People Shaped by EU's Border Externalisation Programme,” Transnational Institute, May 2018,

[67] European External Action Service (EEAS), "EU-Egypt ENP Action Plan," 2007,; M. Ceccorulli, “Security Framings and Governance Patterns: Irregular Migration in Mediterranean Relations,” EU-GRASP, Working Papers No. 25, December 2011,   

[68] M. Giuffré, “Readmission Agreements and Refugee Rights: From a Critique to a Proposal,” Refugee Survey Quarterly, Volume 32 (3), 2013,

[69] M. Akkerman,“Expanding the Fortress: The Policies, the Profiteers and the People Shaped by EU's Border Externalisation Programme,” Transnational Institute, May 2018,

[70] O. Karasapan, “Who Are the 5 Million Refugees and Immigrants in Egypt?” Brookings Institute, 4 October 2016,

[71] European Parliament, "Committee on Foreign Affairs - Meeting 30/08/2016 (PM),” 30 August 2016,

[72] Amb. N. Gabr, "Fighting the Waves: Egypt’s Response to the Global Challenge of Illegal Migration,” 8 October 2016,

[73] S.P. Naceur and T. Rollins, "Europe's Migration Trade with Egypt," Mada Masr, 1 February 2017,

[74] Statewatch, "European External Action Service ‘Non-Paper': How Can We Stop Migration from Egypt?” 30 December 2016,

[75] S.P. Naceur and T. Rollins, "Europe's Migration Trade with Egypt," Mada Masr, 1 February 2017,; EU Trust Fund for Africa, "Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt (ERMCE),"

[76] Ahram Online, "British Embassy Holds Anti-Human Trafficking Workshop for Egyptian Police,” 21 March 2018,; InfoMigrants, "African Academy Against Migrant Trafficking Opens in Cairo,” 21 March 2018,

[77] S.P. Naceur and T. Rollins, "Europe's Migration Trade with Egypt," Mada Masr, 1 February 2017,; European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations, "EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis,"

[78] S.P. Naceur, "Is Germany an 'Accessory to Repression?'", 6 April 2016,; Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Germany/Egypt: Agreement Risks Complicity in Abuses," 24 April 2017,

[79] S.P Naceur, "An 'Accessory to rRpression?' Police Training and Equipment Aid by the EU in North Africa and the Sahel," Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, March 2018,

[80] US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, "ICE Detainee Passes Away in Transit to Home Country," 6 August 2018,

[81] Sudan Tribune, "UN Probes Deportation by Egypt of Sudanese Expelled from Israel,” 31 October 2007,; Undisclosed source, Interview with Sudanese refugee in Cairo, Egypt, 20 January 2018.

[82] Heinrich Boll Stiftung, "'Refugee Deal’ with Cairo: A Maximum of 5,000 Migrants Come From Egypt—An Interview with Migration Expert Amr Taha," 1 March 2017,

[83] Undisclosed source, Interview with Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project) in Cairo, Egypt on 21 January 2018.

[84] Lorne Cook, “EU looks to Egypt, Africa for help with migrant challenge," Associated Press, 20 September 2018,

[85] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Cecilia Cannon (Global Detention Project), 10 March 2011.

[86] Human Rights Watch (HRW), “‘I Wanted to Lie Down and Die’ – Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt,” February 2014,; Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Sinai Perils: Risks to Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Egypt and Israel,” 12 November 2008,; R. Grindell, “A Study of Refugees’ Experiences of Detention in Egypt,” American University - Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies, 2003; D. Malek, “Exposing the Protection Gap: Detention as Perpetuating Refoulement in Egypt,” American University – Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies; International Detention Coalition (IDC), “Egypt: EFRR: One Year Old Refugee Child Dies Inside an Egyptian Prison,” October 2009,; Migreurop, "Egypte Israël: L’enfermement des étrangers sur les rives orientales de la Méditerranée," January 2013,

[87] This list was developed based on numerous sources, including: Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 7 October 2014; Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), December 2012; Undisclosed source, Information provided to Global Detention Project from a representative of a non-governmental organisation, 21 March 2011; Human Rights Watch (HRW), “‘I Wanted to Lie Down and Die’: Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt,” February 2014,; Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Service for Life: State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea,” 16 April 2009,; M. Nowak, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,” United Nations Human Rights Council, 25 February 2010; J. Bustamante, "Report Submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Jorge A. Bustamante. Addendum. Communications Sent to Governments and Replies Received,” Human Rights Council, 22 May 2010; D. Malek, “Exposing the Protection Gap: Detention as Perpetuating Refoulement in Egypt,” American University of Cairo's Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies,; Amnesty International, “Eritrea: Sent Home to Detention and Torture,” May 2009,

[88] Undisclosed source, Email communication between representative of a non-governmental organisation and Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 12 October 2014.

[89] Undisclosed Source, Email communication with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 28 September 2018.

[90] Undisclosed Source, Email communication with Michael Flynn (Global Detention Project), 28 September 2018.

[91] M. Akkerman,“Expanding the Fortress: The Policies, the Profiteers and the People Shaped by EU's Border Externalisation Programme,” Transnational Institute, May 2018,, p. 56

[92] T. Rollins, “Egyptian Army Shoot Dead Syrian Migrant, Wound Palestinian – Eyewitnesses,” Beacon Reader, 4 October 2014.

[93] T. Rollins, “Unwelcome Guests: Egypt’s Failed Experiment in Refugee Detention," Mada Masr, 17 November 2014,

[95] Tom Rollins (Global Detention Project), personal observations from reporting in Egypt between 2013-2015.

[96] Human Rights Watch (HRW), “‘I Wanted to Lie Down and Die’ – Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt,” February 2014,

[97] Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), “Joint Press Statement: Egyptian Government Must Provide Urgent Health Care to Syrian Refugees Detained in Egypt,” 25 November 2013,

[98] Undisclosed Source, Information provided to Global Detention Project from a representative of a non-governmental organisation, 3 October 2010; Undisclosed Source, “Global Detention Project Questionnaire,” Global Detention Project, 2011.

[99] Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Sinai Perils: Risks to Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Egypt and Israel,” 12 November 2008,

[100] M. Nowak, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,” United Nations Human Rights Council, A/HRC/13/39/Add.1., 25 February 2010.

[101] Undisclosed Source, Information provided to the Global Detention Project from a representative of a non-governmental organisation, 6 March 2011.

[102] M. Nowak, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,” United Nations Human Rights Council, A/HRC/13/39/Add.1., 25 February 2010; R. Grindell, “A Study of Refugees’ Experiences of Detention in Egypt,” American University - Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies, 2003; Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Sinai Perils: Risks to Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Egypt and Israel,” 12 November 2008,

[103] Undisclosed Source, Information provided to the Global Detention Project from a representative of a non-governmental organisation, 3 October 2010; Equal Rights Trust (ERT), “Unravelling Anomaly, Detention, Discrimination and the Protection Needs of Stateless Persons,” July 2010,

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Aswan Central Security Camp (Shallal Military Camp)Aswan 1, Aswan Governorate, EgyptIn use2024
17th Battalion Border Guard BaseAswan GovernorateIn use2024
Aswan border guard baseAswan Governorate, EgyptIn use2024
Nasr El Nuba Police StationNasr El Nuba (Aswan)In use2021
Kom Ombo Police StationKom OmboIn use2021
Qanater El Khayereya Men's PrisonQanater El Khairia, Qalyubia (north outskirts of Cairo)In use2021
Qanater El Khayereya Women's PrisonQanater El Khairia, Qalyubia (north outskirts of Cairo)In use2021
Daraw Police StationDarawIn use2021
Al Quseir Police StationAl Quseir, Red Sea GovernatorateIn use2021
Al-Maadi Police StationCairoIn use2020
Khalifa Police Transit SectionCairoIn use2020
Aswan City Police StationAswanIn use2020
Edfu Police StationEdfu, AswanIn use2020
Hurghada Police Station (1)HurghadaIn use2020
Hurghada Police Station (2)Hurghada (Red Sea Coast)In use2020
Amreya Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)In use2020
Matrouh Police StationMatrouh Governorate (Nile Delta)In use2020
Dokki Police StationCairoIn use2020
Agouza Police StationCairoIn use2020
Masr El Gedida 1stPolice StationCairoIn use2020
6th October 1st Police StationGizaIn use2020
6th October 2nd Police StationGizaIn use2020
6th October 3rd Police StationGizaIn use2020
Ain Shams Police StationCairoIn use2020
Al Talbeya Police StationGizaIn use2020
Al Ahram Police StationCairoIn use2020
Boula' Abu al-Ela Police StationCairoIn use2020
Barageel Police StationGizaIn use2020
Abdeen Police StationCairoIn use2020
Abu Simbel Police StationAswanIn use2020
Al Salloum Police StationAl Salloum, North-west Egypt on the Egypt-Libya borderIn use2020
Al Amireya Police StationGizaIn use2020
Abu Ramad military intelligence baseAbu RamadLast documented use2024
Abu Ramad Military BaseHala'ib TriangleLast documented use2024
Abu Simbel Military BaseAbu Simbel, Aswan Governorate, EgyptLast documented use2024
Moqattam Police StationCairoLast documented use2019
Dar El Salam Police StationCairoLast documented use2019
Marsa Alam Police StationMarsa AlamLast documented use2019
Ismailia Police Station (3)IsmailiaLast documented use2018
Shalateen Police StationShalateen, South-Eastern Border with SudanLast documented use2018
Safaga Police StationSafaga, Red Sea GovernatorateLast documented use2018
Al Saff Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Zeitoun Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Gamaleya Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Al Rehab Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Qasr Nile Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Shorouk Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
New Cairo 1st Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Sheikh Zayed Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Nasr City 2nd Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Nasr City 1st Police StationCairoLast documented use2018
Montaza II Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Last documented use2018
Ataqa Police StationSuez (Governorate)Last documented use2018
Basateen Police Station (Bassatin Police Station)CairoLast documented use2018
Al Manakh police stationPort Said, Nile DeltaLast documented use2017
Port Said Police StationPort Said (Nile Delta)Last documented use2017
Ismailia Police stationIsmailiaLast documented use2017
Port Sa'id PrisonPort Sa'idLast documented use2017
Damietta Police StationDamietta Governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2020
Dahab Police StationDahab, South SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2020
Rashid (Rasheed) Police StationEl-Beheira governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Zaafaran Police StationKafr El Sheikh governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Shabrakeet Police StationEl-Beheira governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Rahmaniya Police StationEl-Beheira governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Rafah Police StationRafah, North SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Prembal Police StationDakahleya Governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Hemma Police StationHemma (Sinai region)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Gamasa Police StationDamietta Governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Galaa PrisonGalaa (North Sinai)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Edko Police StationEl-Beheira governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Biyala Police StationKafr El Sheikh governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Borg-el Arab Police StationBorg-el Arab, Alexandria (periphery, Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Baltim/Borolos Police StationKafr El Sheikh governorate (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Al-Khoseimiya Police StationSinai region (40 – 45 km south of Arish on the road to al-Nikhla town)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Anfouchi Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Dekheila Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Raml 1 Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Bab Shark Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Karmouz Police StationAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Gourna Police StationGourna, LuxorClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Tur Sina Police StationTur Sina (El-Tor), South SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Taba Police StationTaba, South SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Ras Sidr Police StationRas Sidr, South SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Nuweiba Police StationNuweiba, South SinaiClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
El Mostaqbal PrisonEl Mostaqbal, Ismailia regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Hassana Police StationHassana, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Arish Police Station (4)Arish, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Arish Police Station (3)Arish, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Arish Police Station (2)Arish, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Arish Police Station (1)Arish, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Bir El Abd Police StationBir El Abd, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Romana Police StationRomana, Sinai regionClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Ras Gharib Police StationRas Gharib (on the beach of the Suez Gulf)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Estinaf PrisonCairoClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Hadra PrisonAlexandriaClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Nakhl Police StationNakhl (North Sinai)Closed/ceased migrant detention2018
Qena Police StationQenaClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Ismailia PrisonIsmailiaClosed/ceased migrant detention2018
Tura PrisonMaadi, CairoClosed/ceased migrant detention2016
Anfoushi Youth CentreAlexandria (Nile Delta)Closed/ceased migrant detention2014
Borg-el Arab PrisonBorg-el Arab, AlexandriaClosed/ceased migrant detention2010


Migration Detainee Entries
Not Available
Alternative Total Migration Detainee Entries
Not Available
Total Migration Detainees (Entries + Remaining from previous year)
Not Available
Not Available
Alternative Total Migration Detainees
Not Available
Reported Detainee Population (Day)
Not Available
Not Available
Average Daily Detainee Population (year)
Not Available
Immigration Detainees as Percentage of Total Migrant population (Year)
Not Available%


Countries of Origin (Year)
Number of Asylum Seekers Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Women Placed in Immigration Detention (year)
Total Number of Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Unaccompanied Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Accompanied Children Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Stateless Persons Placed in Immigration Detention (Year)
Number of Deaths in Immigration Custody (year)
Cases of Self-Harming and Suicide Attempts in Immigration Custody (Year)


Total Immigration Detention Capacity
Immigration Detention Capacity (Specialised Immigration Facilities Only)
Number of Dedicated Immigration Detention Centres


Number of Detainees Referred to ATDs (Year)
Official ATD Absconder Rate (Percentage)(Year)
Number of People in ATDs on Given Day


Percentage of Detainees Released (year)
Percentage of Detainees Deported (year)
Number of Deportations/Forced Removals (Year)
Number of Voluntary Returns & Deportations (Year)
Percentage of Removals v. Total Removal Orders (Year)
Number of People Refused Entry (Year)
Number of Apprehensions of Non-Citizens (Year)


Criminal Prison Population (Year)
Percentage of Foreign Prisoners (Year)
Prison Population Rate (per 100,000 of National Population)


Population (Year)
International Migrants (Year)
International Migrants as Percentage of Population (Year)
Estimated Undocumented Population (Year)
500,000 (4000000)
Refugees (Year)
Ratio of Refugees Per 1000 Inhabitants (Year)
Asylum Applications (Year)
Stateless Persons (Year)
Not Available


Gross Domestic Product per Capita (in USD)
$ 3,198,000
$ 3,314,000
$ 3,187,000
Remittances to the Country (in USD)
$ 19,611,800,000,000,000
$ 14,213,000,000
Remittances From the Country (in USD)
$ 305,000,000
Unemployment Rate
Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) (in Millions USD)
Human Development Index Ranking (UNDP)
97 (High)
108 (Medium)
110 (Medium)
112 (Medium)
World Bank Rule of Law Index
Pew Global Attitudes Poll on Immigration


Does the Country Detain People for Migration, Asylum, or Citizenship Reasons?




Does the Country Have Specific Laws that Provide for Migration-Related Detention?




Detention-Related Legislation
Year Adopted
Last Amended
Law of Entry and Residence of Aliens in the Territories of the United Arab Republic and their Departure Therefrom. 1960. (Law of Entry and Residence) Presidential Decree No. 89 (1960). Amended by Laws 49/1968; 124/1980; 100/19823; 99/1996; and 88/2005
Do Migration Detainees Have Constitutional Guarantees?
Constitution and articles
Adopted in
Last amendend
Constitution of 2014. Articles 54, 55, 56 and 96
Additional Legislation
Year Adopted
Last Amended
Law 64 on Combating Trafficking in Persons, May 2010
Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 150 of 1950) as amended by law 95 of 2003
Law 82 on Combating Illegal Migration and Migrant Smuggling
Regulations, Standards, Guidelines
Year Published
Standard Operating Procedures for the Protection and Assistance of Child Asylum-Seekers, Refugees and Victims of Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons
Presidential Decree of the Arab Republic of Egypt number 204 of 2010, defining the boundary areas of the border of the Arab Republic of Egypt
The Presidential Decree Security of the Eastern Border of Arab Republic of Egypt (1995)
Bilateral/Multilateral Readmission Agreements
Year in force
Expedited/Fast Track Removal


Summary Removal/Pushbacks



Re-Entry Ban




Legal Tradition(s)

Muslim law

Civil law

Federal or Centralised Governing System

Centralized system

Centralised or Decentralised Immigration Authority

Centralized immigration authority



Immigration-Status-Related Grounds

Detention to prevent unauthorised entry at the border


Detention to establish/verify identity and nationality


Detention for unauthorised entry or stay


Detention to prevent absconding


Detention for failing to respect a voluntary removal order


Detention during the asylum process


Detention for unauthorized stay resulting from criminal conviction


Detention for unauthorised exit

Criminal Penalties for Immigration-Related Violations
Grounds for Criminal Immigration-Related Incarceration / Maximum Length of Incarceration
Grounds for Incarceration
Maximum n. of Days
Unauthorized entry
Unauthorized exit
Has the Country Decriminalised Immigration-Related Violations?




Children & Other Vulnerable Groups
In Law
In Practice
Survivors of torture
Asylum seekers
Unaccompanied minors
Accompanied minors
Asylum seekers
Stateless persons
Victims of trafficking
Mandatory Detention


Maximum Length of Administrative Immigration Detention




Average Length of Immigration Detention

Maximum Length of Detention of Asylum-Seekers


Recorded Length of Immigration Detention

Maximum Length in Custody Prior to Detention Order


Maximum Length of Incarceration for Immigration-Related Criminal Conviction




Custodial Authorities
Egyptian Police
Ministry of Interior
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs
Internal or Public Security
Ministry of Home Affairs
Internal or Public Security
Interior Ministry
Internal or Public Security
Interior Ministrw
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Prison Department
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Prison Department
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
SecurityDepartment of Suez
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Security Department of Suez
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Prison Department
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Interior Ministry
Interior or Home Affairs
Apprehending Authorities
Egyptian Police
Egyptian Armed Forces
Egyptian Armed Forces
The police
The army
Security Department
Law enforcement, border control and national security
Detention Facility Management
Ministry of Interior
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Department)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Police (Interior Ministry/Security Management)
Ministry of Interior
Interior Ministry / Prisons Sector
Interior Ministry, Security Department
Interior Ministry, Security Department
Interior Ministry, Security Department
Interior Ministry / Prisons Sector
Interior Ministry, Security Department
Interior Ministry / Prisons Sector
Interior Ministry / Prisons Sector
Formally Designated Detention Estate?
Types of Detention Facilities Used in Practice





Procedural Standards
In Law
In Practice
Information to detainees
Right to legal counsel
Access to asylum procedures
Right to appeal the lawfulness of detention
Information to detainees
Right to legal counsel
Access to consular assistance
Independent review of detention
Complaints mechanism regarding detention conditions
Access to asylum procedures
Right to appeal the lawfulness of detention




Transparency Score on Migration-Related Detention

Little or No Transparency

Publicly Accessible List of Detention Centres?


Publicly Accessible Statistics on Numbers of People Detained?


Disaggregated Detention Data?


Access to Information Legislation?


Global Detention Project/Partner Access to Information Requests/Results
Date of request
Link to request
Targeted Gov. Agency
Type of Response
Minister of State for Emigratio, Egyptian Expatriates Affiare for Immigration-related inquiries


Types of Authorised Detention Monitoring Institutions
Public Prosecution
Judiciary organs
National Council for Human Rights
National Human Rights Institution (or Ombudsperson) (NHRI)


National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Official name
NHRI Recognised by GANHRI?
Visits by NHRI?
NHRI receives complaints?
NHRI releases reports on Immigration detention?
National Council for Human Rights


National Preventive Mechanism (NPM-OPCAT)
NPM-OPCAT present
Official Name
NPM Visits
NPM Receive complaints
NPM Release reports


Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that Carry Out Detention Monitoring Visits
Regular visits
Names of NGos
Do NGOs publish reports on immigration detention?




Do parliamentary organs have capacity to receive complaints?





International Treaties Ratified
Ratification Year
Observation Date
CAT, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
ICCPR, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
CEDAW, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CRPD, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
ICRMW, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
CTOCSP, Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
CTOCTP, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
ICRMW, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
CRC, Convention on the Rights of the Child
CAT, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
ICCPR, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICESCR, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
CEDAW, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CRSR, Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
PCRSR, Protocol to the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
ICERD, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
VCCR, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
ICERD, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Ratio of relevant international treaties ratified
Ratio: 20/19
Ratio of Complaints Procedures Accepted
Observation Date
Relevant Recommendations or Observations Issued by Treaty Bodies
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
Committee on Migrant Workers 37. The Committee recommends that the State party: (b) Adopt measures to immediately cease, in law and in practice, the migration-related detention of children, families, asylum-seekers and all migrant workers in vulnerable situations, irrespective of their migratory status or that of their parents in the case of children, including with reference to the State party’s Standard Operating Procedures for the Protection and Assistance of Child Asylum-Seekers, Refugees and Victims of Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons, and provide, in its next periodic report, detailed information about measures taken to that end, along with their outcomes; (c) Guarantee, in law and in practice, alternative measures to administrative detention for migrant workers and members of their families, including asylum-seekers and refugees, and ensure that measures are taken to prevent arbitrary and unlawful detention and that detention is used only as an exceptional measure of last resort and for the shortest possible time; (d) In exceptional cases where migration-related detention is applied, ensure that the facilities are designated for that purpose; guarantee adequate and decent conditions, such as gender-responsive healthcare services, inclusive of sexual and reproductive healthcare services and psychological care, water, sanitation and hygiene, food, sufficient space and ventilation, leisure and recreational activities and access to outdoor areas; and grant access to independent organizations to conduct monitoring and deliver necessary services; (e) Provide, in its next periodic report, detailed information about the detention of migrant workers and members of their families in any type of facility where deprivation of liberty may take place, including disaggregated statistics, the reasons for and duration of the detention, the conditions of detention and any investigations conducted on allegations received regarding the violation of rights under the Convention. 2024
Committee on the Rights of the Child 40: The Committee is however seriously concerned about the reports of: (a) The detention of asylum-seeking or migrant children below the age of 18 years and families with children, for prolonged periods of time without access to the asylum procedure; (b) The deportation of unaccompanied and separated children without assessing the risk of irreparable harm to their life or freedom; (c) Limited access by asylum seeking and migrant children to public health care facilities and the health insurance system; (d) Serious difficulties faced by children and their families fleeing from Gaza, including wounded and maimed children, in seeking asylum in the State party, including for medical purposes. ...... 41: the Committee urges the State party: (a) To ensure that asylum-seeking or migrant children below the age of 18 years and families with children are not detained, by amending its legislation, considering alternatives to detention and ensuring the timely provision of safe and dignified accommodation, support and services; (b) To uphold the principle of non-refoulment with regard to children, seeking or in need of international protection, and ensure that they are not expelled or returned to a country where there is a real risk of irreparable harm to their life or freedom; (c) To provide all asylum seeking, refugee and migrant children, irrespective of their country of origin, unimpeded access to public health care facilities and system. (d) To facilitate the entry of Gazean children seeking international protection to the territory of the State Party and provide the needed support and care, while seeking for international cooperation in this regard. ... 2024
Committee against Torture 48. The State party should: (a) Uphold the principle of non-refoulement by ensuring that, in practice, no one may be expelled, returned or extradited to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture; (b) Pending the adoption of an adequate national legal and institutional framework on asylum, take the measures necessary to enable all individuals seeking or in need of international protection, in particular those apprehended at the borders, to have rapid, unimpeded and safe access to UNHCR and an individualized case assessment, irrespective of their country of origin; (c) Ensure that procedural safeguards against refoulement are in place and that effective remedies with respect to refoulement claims in removal proceedings are available, including reviews of rejections by an independent judicial body, in particular on appeal; (d) Ensure that the detention of asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants is used only as a last resort, where it is justified as reasonable, necessary and proportionate and for as short a period as possible, and implement alternatives to detention in practice; (e) Ensure that children and families with children are not detained solely because of their immigration status; (f) Improve the material conditions of detention and health-care services, including psychiatric care, in all immigration centres and ensure that all immigration detainees have access to free legal aid and to judicial review or other meaningful and effective avenues to challenge the legality of their detention; (g) Ensure the establishment of effective mechanisms to promptly identify and refer vulnerable asylum-seekers, including victims of torture, to the appropriate services to ensure that they are not detained within the context of asylum procedures and that their specific needs are taken into consideration and addressed in a timely manner. 2023
Human Rights Committee 36. The State party should: (a) Uphold the principle of non-refoulement by ensuring that all individuals seeking or in need of international protection, especially those arrested at the borders for irregular entry, are not expelled or returned to a country where there is a risk of irreparable harm, such as that set out in articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant; (b) Pending the adoption of an adequate national legal and institutional framework on asylum, take the required measures to enable all individuals seeking or in need of international protection to have rapid, unimpeded and safe access to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as well as an individualized case assessment, irrespective of their country of origin, in particular those apprehended at the borders; (c) Put an end to the detention of asylum-seekers and, in the meantime, improve the living conditions in reception centres to ensure an adequate standard of living and access to basic social services; (d) Recalling that the detention of children in migration matters is never in their best interest, ensure that children are not detained for immigration-related purposes, irrespective of their migratory status or that of their parents; (e) Provide full access to UNHCR and monitoring bodies to places in which asylum-seekers and refugees may be deprived of liberty. 2023
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 26. Recalling its general recommendations No. 22 (1996) on article 5 and refugees and displaced persons and No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee recommends that the State party should: (a)Take the necessary measures to put an end to the detention of asylum seekers and refugees and speed up the implementation of the protection regime applicable to them; the State party should use detention solely for very particular specific cases and for the shortest possible period, and should allow UNHCR to visit the persons concerned with a view to identifying those who may be entitled to international protection; [...] 2015
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 25.The Committee is concerned about the situation of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, particularly foreigners in an irregular situation, as regards, among other things: (a)Cases of arbitrary detention and prolonged administrative detention. 26. Recalling its general recommendations; (a)Take the necessary measures to put an end to the detention of asylum seekers and refugees and speed up the implementation of the protection regime applicable to them; the State party should use detention solely for very particular specific cases and for the shortest possible period, and should allow UNHCR to visit the persons concerned with a view to identifying those who may be entitled to international protection; (Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 2015
Committee on the Rights of the Child § 77. "In light of article 22 of the Convention and recalling articles 7 bis and 54 of the Child Law (2008), the Committee calls upon the State party to : (a) Ensure access to free public education and to primary and emergency health care for all asylum-seeking and refugee children on an equal basis with Egyptian children, including by amending the aforementioned decrees issued by the Ministries of Education and Health and by putting in place a comprehensive law on the status and rights of refugees; (b) Ensure that no asylum-seeking child is ever detained and to this end ensure the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees unimpeded access to any detained asylum-seeking child; (c) Take all necessary measures to improve living conditions for refugee and asylum-seeking children in the State party, including by considering abolishing the prohibition of work permits for refugees." 2011
Committee on the Rights of the Child Ensure that no asylum-seeking child is ever detained and to this end ensure the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees unimpeded access to any detained asylum-seeking child. 2011
Committee on Migrant Workers Take measures to investigate promptly all complaints of torture or ill-treatment of migrant workers while in detention, and prosecute and punish perpetrators. 2007
Global Detention Project and Partner Submissions to Treaty Bodies
Date of Submission
Observation Date
2024 Global Detention Project Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) 39th Session List of Issues Pending In addition to the CMW's inclusion of many of the issues raised in this appeal in their List of Issues, the Urgent Appeal together with similarly ones sent to other Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures received widespread media attention, including BBC Inside Africa which interview GDP Executive Director Michael Flynn on 14 June and the New Humanitarian, which covered the issue closely in their own on-the-ground reporting at the time.
2024 Global Detention Project and Committee for Justice (CFJ) Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) Urgent Appeal on the Detention and Refoulement of Sudanese Refugees in Egypt Other Pending As of September 2024, there has been no public statement by the various UN mechanisms addressed in this Urgent Appeal. However, the appeal did get the attention of the media, and BBC Inside Africa interviewed GDP Executive Director Michael Flynn on 14 June 2024.
2024 Global Detention Project Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 96th Session State Report Partially the Committee urges the State party: (a) To ensure that asylum-seeking or migrant children below the age of 18 years and families with children are not detained, by amending its legislation, considering alternatives to detention and ensuring the timely provision of safe and dignified accommodation, support and services; (b) To uphold the principle of non-refoulement with regard to children seeking or in need of international protection, and to ensure that they are not expelled or returned to a country where there is a real risk of irreparable harm to their life or freedom; (c) To provide all asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children, irrespective of their country of origin, with unimpeded access to public health-care facilities and the public health-care system;
2017 Global Detention Project Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) 26th Session (3-13 April 2017) List of Issues Prior to Reporting Pending

> UN Special Procedures

Visits by Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council
Year of Visit
Observation Date
Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children 2011
Relevant Recommendations or Observations by UN Special Procedures
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children Provide comprehensive training programmes to increase knowledge and awareness of human trafficking among all stakeholders, particularly the police, immigration and border guards, and labour inspectors, with a view to equipping them with skills to accurately identify cases of trafficking. 2011

> UN Universal Periodic Review

Relevant Recommendations or Observations from the UN Universal Periodic Review
Observation Date
Recommendation 31. "... Improve the alignment of its domestic laws with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the supplementary Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air (Mozambique);. 31.368 Take measures to protect refugees and migrants from violence and attempts on their lives and further promote tolerance among local communities (Afghanistan);. 31.370 Reaffirm its commitment to the practice of non-refoulement and ensure that resources and support are available to vulnerable migrants (Bahamas);...." 2019 4th
No 2014
Yes 2010
Yes 2019

> Global Compact for Migration (GCM)

GCM Resolution Endorsement
Observation Date

> Global Compact on Refugees (GCR)

GCR Resolution Endorsement
Observation Date


Regional Legal Instruments
Year of Ratification (Treaty) / Transposed (Directive) / Adoption (Regulation)
Observation Date
Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (AU Refugee Convention) 1980
ACHPR, African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights 1984
ACRWC, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 2001
Relevant Recommendations or Observations of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms
Recommendation Year
Observation Date
Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, IDPs and Migrants in Africa (SRRASM) Urgent Appeal Request for Provisional Measures to refrain from expelling two Sudanese, Mr. Mohamed Adam Abdalla and Mr. Ishaq Fadl Dafallah, from Egypt to Sudan, who alleged that they were arrested on 4 August 2009 on suspicion of trying to cross the border to Israel where they were to suffer irreparable harm in violation of their fundamental rights under the African Charter. [SR obtained consent of the Egyptian authority not only to stop the deportation of the two Sudanese but also to release them] 2010


Provision of Healthcare in Detention Centres
Medical Screening upon Arrival at Detention Centres (within 48 hours)
Psychological Evaluation upon Arrival at Detention Centres
Doctor on Duty at Detention Centres
No doctor on duty
Nurse on Duty at Detention Centres
No nurse on duty
Psychologist Visits to Detention Centres
No regular visits



Country Updates
While Egypt has been courting world leaders in Sharm el Sheikh as the host for COP27, it has continued to arbitrarily and indefinitely detain thousands of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Many are also being forcibly deported to countries where they may face persecution or torture. Egypt has a track record of detaining non-nationals for months or even years. As one anonymous civil society advocate told the GDP, “I’ve heard of people being detained for eight years. There are children who are still detained, having been born in detention.” Held in police stations and prisons which are ill-equipped for long-term detention, they face cramped cells, zero access to the outdoors, limited food, and frequent violence. Numbers in detention are also on the rise: according to a GDP source, as of 23 October 3,256 people had been detained so far this year–compared to a total of some 2,900 in 2021. Until recently, large numbers of immigration detainees were held in facilities on Egypt’s north coast, having been apprehended while attempting to reach Europe. However, since the Sisi regime closed maritime borders in the wake of the devastating 2016 Rashid shipwreck–in which more than 200 people drowned–it has continued to expand “migration management” cooperation with the EU and its detention geography has shifted. Today, increasing numbers are being detained in the south of the country having been apprehended following irregular entry across the southern border. According to GDP sources, the majority of these detainees have been denied access to UNHCR, and thus the opportunity of applying for asylum. As the GDP highlighted in its 2018 Egypt Profile, unlike facilities on the north coast–where UNHCR and its implementing partners have been permitted to provide supplies and services–those in the south are far less accessible for external organisations. Detainees thus face particularly acute challenges, including a lack of daily food provision, lack of clothing, and lack of medical assistance. Many police stations lack beds and furniture, and most have no private hygiene facilities. In one incident reported on the Refugees Platform in Egypt, a mute, pregnant woman was detained in Aswan right up until the birth of her child. Following the birth, the woman was told that the newborn needed additional care, and was transferred to the neonatal ward, while she was immediately returned to the detention facility. Two days later, she was informed that her baby had died. When officers asked her to identify the newborn she couldn’t, as the baby had been removed from her immediately after the birth. Since October 2021, Egyptian authorities have also stepped up deportations–principally of Eritreans and South Sudanese. These have continued despite growing criticism from UN human rights experts like the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea condemning the expulsions. Although the Egyptian government does not publicly release data regarding arrests, detentions, and deportations of non-nationals, according to observers on the ground, at least 90 Eritreans were forcibly deported to Asmara between October 2021 and 8 November 2022. This figure, however, likely under-represents the real situation, given that these deportations operate with no public oversight. As journalist Philip Sofian Naceur described it, “Egypt is a downright black box regarding deportations. Official statistics do not exist, and neither civil society nor the media are able to grasp official practices in their entirety, given the sensitivity of the issue and the lack of transparency by the Ministry of Interior and the army.” Most recently, a flight on 8 November removed nine Eritreans, amongst them two unaccompanied children. According to testimonies from deportees’ relatives, some of those who have been deported were immediately sent into compulsory military service, some fled again (into Sudan), and some disappeared entirely. At least 80 South Sudanese have also been deported since May 2022–with some of these deportations reportedly paid for by South Sudan’s First Lady ​​Mary Ayen Mayardit. Amongst deportees have been several students, arrested while protesting against deteriorating living conditions at their university. Describing the conditions of his detention, one student alleged that he was detained in a cell where he was unable to sit down or sleep for 21 days, causing his legs to swell up. His phone and 125 USD cash were also stolen from him. Some of the students to have been deported were reportedly handed over immediately to the South Sudan National Police Service for further investigation. Despite ongoing rights violations against non-nationals in Egypt, on 30 October Egypt and the EU signed an agreement to launch the first phase of an 80 million EUR border management programme. The funding–the latest in a series of “migration management” cooperation agreements–will be used to purchase surveillance equipment, thermal cameras, a satellite positioning system, and search and rescue vessels.
On 10 September, reports from human rights groups and independent journalists began circulating about Egypt’s efforts to remove two asylum seekers who had been detained for several years but who had purportedly been cleared for deporation back to Eritrea--in violation of Egypt’s international treaty obligations--where they would likely face torture and possibly execution. According to sources in Egypt, as of 15 September the two asylum seekers, Alem Tesfay Abraham and Kibrom Adhanom, had yet to be deported and remained in detention in Egypt’s Qanater Prison. One source told the Global Detention Project that various foreign missions, UN agencies, and others have engaged Egypt about the situation. The source said that the Egyptian government may have “realized that deportation would result in serious backlash,” resulting in a quasi “stalemate” in the situation. According to a report from the group Human Rights Concern Eritrea, on 9 September the two asylum seekers “were taken to an immigration office, beaten, and forced to sign documents in Arabic, a language which neither read or understand. … It appears, however, that they may have been forced to declare in writing that they were not subjected to ill-treatment throughout their time in detention. .... It is now clear that the Egyptian authorities have managed to obtain travel documents from the Eritrean Embassy in Cairo. They have also completed COVID-19 Tests for the two detainees, and plan to forcibly return them to Eritrea over the weekend of 11th-12th September, where they face grave risk of imprisonment, torture, abuse and indefinite period of slavery, and a substantial risk of execution. This proposed refoulement of refugees to the country they have fled from in fear is in flagrant breach of Egypt’s legal obligations under several UN treaties.” The plight of detained migrants and asylum seekers in Egypt has long drawn criticism because of the country’s practice of detaining these people in prisons and police stations, often in terrible conditions and alongside people charged with violent crimes. There have also been reports of important outbreaks of COVID-19 in these detention facilities and several deaths, including at Qanater Prison where Alem Tesfay Abraham and Kibrom Adhanom are reportedly detained. Egypt, however, has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the existence of outbreaks. Among the groups raising awareness of the plight of the two Eritrean asylum seekers is Amnesty International, which says that Eritrean asylum seekers who are forcibly returned to their country risk arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention, torture, and execution. The organisation has called on Egypt to release Alem Tesfay Abraham and Kibrom Adhanom and provide them access to asylum procedures. According to UNHCR, in March 2020, there were 258,433 registered refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt. Syrian refugees comprise around half of the refugee and asylum seeker population (around 130,000). The COVID-19 pandemic had a heavy impact upon refugees and asylum-seekers in the country as many were living in overcrowded accommodations with inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene. Many have lost their jobs and sources of income. UNHCR reported that before the COVID-19 outbreak, seven out of ten refugees in the country were unable to meet their basic needs and that since the outbreak, many have found it even harder to purchase food or pay rent. UNHCR has been providing assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in the country including through the disbursement of cash for hygiene which has been extended to 51,505 refugees and asylum seekers at heightened risk since April 2020. As of 14 September 2021, Egypt had recorded 293,448 COVID-19 cases and 16,885 related deaths. While Egypt detains migrants, asylum seekers and refugees for migration-related reasons, the country does not have dedicated immigration detention centres. Instead, prisons and police stations are used to hold foreigners awaiting deportation. The GDP has been unable to obtain any reports indicating that authorities have taken measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers in detention. On the other hand, Middle East Monitor reported that COVID-19 cases were detected within the Al-Qanater prison in 2020 and three detainees died from the virus in February 2021 at different police stations. Egypt has also suspended its application procedures for residence permits for refugees and asylum seekers. Those with expired UNHCR documents were impacted by the suspension of registration activities. In order to alleviate overcrowding and avoid the spread of COVID-19 in prisons, the government pardoned around 460 prisoners in April 2020 (see 7 May 2020 Egypt update on this platform). It is unclear whether detainees held for migration-related matters have also been released. The Egyptian government began its national vaccination campaign in March 2021 and according to the UNHCR, has offered “refugees and asylum-seekers medical treatment on equal footing as Egyptians and has included them in the national vaccination plan.”
Egypt does not operate dedicated facilities for immigration-related detention, nor is there an official list of detention sites for this purpose. However, according to Decree 659 (1986), the following prisons should be used for the temporary custody of foreigners awaiting deportation: Qanater El-Kharereya Men’s Prison, Qanater El-Khayereya Women’s Prison, Alexandria Prison, Port Said Prison, and Tora Prison. In mid-April, the Presidency pardoned 460 prisoners and announced plans to release additional persons – however neither of these announcements mentioned Covid-19 as the reason for the pardons (instead, they were to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the Battle of Ismailia, and Sinai Liberation Day), and the Global Detention Project has not been able to determine whether any migrants or asylum seekers were amongst those released. There is little information available regarding steps taken to protect prisoners, and rights activists have argued that the government is using the virus to further isolate detainees from the outside world. However, according to one Egyptian observer, social-distancing is not being implemented in cells, prison staff are not following health regulations, medical and sanitary supplies are not being allowed inside, and guards rarely wear masks. According to Article 18 of the Egyptian Constitution, “denying any form of medical treatment to any human in emergency or life-threatening situations is a crime.” On 28 April, Egypt’s Foreign Minister said that refugees are to be provided assistance within the health care system as needed during the crisis, and that no efforts were being made to return people to their countries of origin. However, reports indicate that undocumented migrants and failed asylum seekers fear accessing health care, given the country’s track-record for detaining and deporting non-citizens.
The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have taken measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers, who are generally detained in prisons and police stations in Egypt. On 11 March 2020, the Egyptian government suspended visits to prisoners for 10 days due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Activists have urged the government to grant parole to prisoners and staged a protest demanding the release of prisoners. Prisoners detained in the Tora prison wrote a letter demanding to be saved “before an imminent spread of the coronavirus.” The letter also highlighted the absence of minimum health and safety standards such as the provision of medical supplies, access to medical care and clean water. On 1 April 2020, the Egyptian Batel opposition campaign called for the release of more than a thousand doctors and healthcare workers in prisons to help in countering the pandemic. The Campaign stated that: “Egypt cannot be suffering from a shortage of medical personnel, while there are more than 1000 doctors and healthcare workers in prisons … the regime must put aside any political dispute and must release these doctors for use in government hospitals, prison hospitals or military hospitals.”
Did the country release immigration detainees as a result of the pandemic?
Did the country use legal "alternatives to detention" as part of pandemic detention releases?
Did the country Temporarily Cease or Restrict Issuing Detention Orders?
Did the Country Adopt These Pandemic-Related Measures for People in Immigration Detention?
Unknown (Unknown) Unknown Unknown Unknown
Did the Country Lock-Down Previously "Open" Reception Facilities, Shelters, Refugee Camps, or Other Forms of Accommodation for Migrant Workers or Other Non-Citizens?
Were cases of COVID-19 reported in immigration detention facilities or any other places used for immigration detention purposes?
Did the Country Cease or Restrict Deportations/Removals During any Period After the Onset of the Pandemic?
Did the Country Release People from Criminal Prisons During the Pandemic?
Did Officials Blame Migrants, Asylum Seekers, or Refugees for the Spread of COVID-19?
Did the Country Restrict Access to Asylum Procedures?
Did the Country Commence a National Vaccination Campaign?
Were Populations of Concern Included/Excluded From the National Vaccination Campaign?
Unknown (Included) Unknown Included Unknown