A. Border Police establishments; (Read full CPT report)7. Under the Law on Aliens in the Republic of Bulgaria (LARB), foreign nationals may be detained by the Border Police, on their own authority, for up to 24 hours. If it is needed to prolong the period of detention beyond the 24 hours, the foreign national must […]
Detention Blog
Cas particulier des personnes non admises à la frontière franco-italienne (from the report of the European Committee for thr Prevention of Torture 2018 visit to France)
Cas particulier des personnes non admises à la frontière franco-italienne (Read full CPT report) 94. Afin de comprendre la situation des personnes déclarées non-admises sur le territoirefrançais à la frontière franco-italienne, la délégation s’est rendue à Menton. Elle a d’abord observéle déroulement de plusieurs interpellations effectuées en gare de Menton-Garavan avant de serendre au poste-frontière […]
Karreç Detention Centre for Foreigners (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2018 visit to Albania)
B. Karreç Detention Centre for Foreigners; (Read full CPT report)31. For the first time, the delegation visited the country’s sole detention centre for foreigners inKarreç. The Centre is located in the vicinity of Durres and was opened in 2010. With an officialcapacity of 125 places, it comprised three detention units (Nos. 1 and 3 for […]
Temporary Accommodation Centre (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2018 visit to Georgia)
B. Establishments for foreign nationals deprived of their liberty under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report)32. The CPT’s delegation carried out a first-time visit to Georgia’s only immigration detentionfacility (opened in 2014), the Temporary Accommodation Centre of the Migration Department ofthe Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereafter, TAC or the Centre). Located in Varketili district ofTbilisi, […]
Trandum Police Immigration Detention Centre (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2018 visit to Norway)
Trandum Police Immigration Detention Centre (Read full CPT report) 38. The delegation carried out a follow-up visit33 to Trandum Police Immigration DetentionCentre (hereinafter: “Trandum Detention Centre”), which remains the only immigration detentioncentre in Norway.34 The current policy in Norway is to accommodate asylum-seekers only in openreception centres; thus, Trandum Detention Centre functions primarily as a […]
“Hotspots” (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2017 visit to Italy)
1. Preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report)11. As part of the response to assist frontline member States that are facing disproportionatemigratory pressures at the European Union’s external borders, European Union member states andinstitutions agreed in 2015 to implement the so-called “hotspot” approach to managing migration.5The “hotspot” approach aims at swiftly identifying, registering and properly processing […]
Foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation in Türkiye (From the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2017 visit to Türkiye)
Foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report) 25. One of the main objectives of the visit was to examine the measures taken by the Turkish authorities in the light of the recommendations made by the CPT in the report on the June 2015 ad hoc visit which focussed on the situation of […]
Centre for Foreigner in Slovenia(from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2017 visit to Slovenia)
1. Preliminary remarks (Read full CPT report)77. The administrative detention56 of foreign nationals “who reside illegally” in Slovenia isgoverned by the Aliens Act57 while the detention of foreign nationals who have applied forinternational protection (asylum) is regulated in the International Protection Act.58Foreign nationals who are illegally present in Slovenia and those whose identity is unknownmay […]
The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover in Spain ( from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2016 visit to Spain)
The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover. (Read full CPT report) 9. The practice of removal of foreign nationals is a frequent and widespread practicethroughout Europe. For Spain, removal operations to Latin America in particular are commonplace.In the CPT’s experience, removal of foreign nationals entails a manifest risk of inhuman anddegrading treatment (during preparations for […]
Ressortissants étrangers retenus en vertu de la législation relative à l’immigration (relatif à la visite effectuée 2015 au Luxembourg par le Comité européen pour la préventionde la torture et des peines ou traitementsinhumains ou dégradants (CPT)
1. Remarques préliminaires (Read full CPT report)100. Lors de ses précédentes visites, le CPT a examiné à plusieurs reprises la situation deressortissants étrangers privés de leur liberté, notamment dans le centre de séjour provisoire pourétrangers en situation irrégulière situé au Centre pénitentiaire de Luxembourg (voir paragraphe 32).Le CPT se félicite que, conformément à ses précédentes […]