The third instalment of the GDP’s webinar series on how civil society organisations can mobilise international and regional human rights monitors to protect the rights of detained refugees and migrants focuses on the various mechanisms established by the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT) that can help prevent human rights violations in migration-related detention, including the Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT) and National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs). […]
UN Treaty Bodies
The UN Committee on Migrant Workers as a Venue for Protecting the Rights of Migrant Detainees: A GDP Briefing with CMW Member Pablo Ceriani
The second in the GDP’s ongoing series of webinars on international human rights mechanisms and their application to situations of migration-related detention. […]

Joint Civil Society Letter for Treaty Body Reviews in the COVID-19 Context
The GDP has joined more than 520 NGOs to urge the Human Rights Treaty Bodies and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to schedule State reviews no later than 2021 and to communicate clearly to civil society in advance about their up-coming work. […]