Immigration detention in Spain has declined considerably during the last five years, decreasing by some 50 percent. At the same time, the numbers of “pushbacks” at the borders of Spain’s enclaves in Africa have reportedly increased. The poor treatment of detainees in some detention facilities and the perceived inadequacy of detention as a response to […]
Capitalism and Immigration Control: What Political Economy Reveals about the Growth of Detention Systems: GDP Working Paper #16
Assessments of the political economy of detention point to a key challenge that is common to countries across the globe: how economic insecurities of host population’s translate into xenophobia and ethno-nationalist demands for more deportations, detentions, and walls. […]
The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover in Spain ( from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2016 visit to Spain)
The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover. (Read full CPT report) 9. The practice of removal of foreign nationals is a frequent and widespread practicethroughout Europe. For Spain, removal operations to Latin America in particular are commonplace.In the CPT’s experience, removal of foreign nationals entails a manifest risk of inhuman anddegrading treatment (during preparations for […]