“Out of Sight and Out of Mind”: Norway’s Failure to Reform its Treatment of Immigration Detainees

Norway’s immigration detention Supervisory Board has criticised practices at the country’s Trandum Immigration Detention Centre. In its Annual Report, the board says that although there have been important changes—including shifting medical care from the private to the public sector—numerous abusive immigration detention practices persist, including “prison-like” operations at Trandum, obliging detainees to meet officials from […]

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Trandum Detention Centre, Norway

Suisse : Le GDP assiste une délégation norvégienne dans l’examen des opérations au centre de détention pour migrants de Frambois à Genève

En mai, le Global Detention Project (GDP) a aidé une délégation officielle du Ministère norvégien de la Justice à visiter le centre de détention de Frambois à Genève, en Suisse. La délégation était composée de membres du Conseil norvégien de surveillance des expulsions forcées et de la détention des migrants qui surveille les opérations au […]

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Switzerland: GDP Assists Norwegian Delegation in Examining Operations at Geneva’s Frambois Detention Centre

In May, the Global Detention Project (GDP) assisted an official delegation from Norway’s Ministry of Justice in visiting the Frambois Detention Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation was comprised of members of the Norwegian Supervisory Board for Forced Deportations and Immigration Detention, which monitors operations at the Trandum immigration detention centre, located near Oslo.  The […]

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Reforming Norway’s Trandum Detention Centre 

Important reforms are due to be implemented at Norway’s Trandum Detention Centre, raising hopes for improved treatment of people in immigration procedures in the country, according to the 2022 Annual Report of Trandum’s independent oversight board. Among the proposed reforms are several harm-reducing proposals identified by the Global Detention Project in our 2018 report commissioned […]

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Norway: Covid-19 and Detention

The supervisory board of Norway’s Trandum Detention Centre, in its annual report about operations at the facility, expressed concern about the implementation of certain COVID-19 measures. Of particular concern are isolation measures imposed on all newly arriving detainees, who are required to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival. During this period, they are locked in […]

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Trandum Detention Centre, Norway

Norway Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)

Norway Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Norway, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Norway Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Norway: Country Page Special Report: Harm Reduction in Immigration Detention Report: Immigration Detention in Norway – Fewer Asylum Seekers but More Deportees […]

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Norway: Covid-19 and Detention

The Norwegian Red Cross has reported that since March, it has been unable to access Norway’s sole long-term detention facility, the Trandum Detention Centre. Although the organisation has remained in close contact with the facility’s staff during the pandemic, it has been unable to physically enter the facility and its volunteers have only been able […]

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Norway: Covid-19 and Detention

According to the Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsperson (Sivilombudsmannen), responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, Norwegian authorities did not impose a moratorium on new immigration detention orders due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the National Police Immigration Service (NPIS) limited the number of immigration detention orders due to the reduced capacity at the police immigration […]

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Norway: Covid-19 and Detention

The Trandum National Police Immigration Detention Centre, Norway’s only immigration detention facility which has a capacity of 220, had a population of 50 detainees as of 1 April, according to a communication from the Norwegian Red Cross (NRC) to the Global Detention Project (GDP). A series of measures have been implemented to avoid the spread […]

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Trandum Detention Centre, Norway

Norway: Covid-19 and Detention

A number of individuals have been released from immigration detention as a result of measures implemented in response to the pandemic. As of early April, the Police Immigration Department had released 10 individuals as deportations became impossible to undertake. Those released are required to remain in a stated location, either a private address or asylum […]

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