This book offers a unique comparative assessment of the evolution of immigration detention systems in European Union member states since the onset of the “refugee crisis.” By applying an analytical framework premised on international human rights law in assessing domestic detention regimes, the book reveals the extent to which EU legislation has led to the adoption of laws and practices that may disregard fundamental rights and standards. […]
Luxembourg Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)
Luxembourg Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Luxembourg, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Luxembourg Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Luxembourg: Country Page Luxembourg: COVID-19 Updates Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Luxembourg Report: Immigration Detention in Luxembourg: […]

Luxembourg: Covid-19 and Detention
Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, Luxembourg’s European Migration Network (EMN) contact point, the University of Luxembourg, reported that a moratorium on new immigration detention orders had been established, mainly as returns were no longer possible. EMN Luxembourg said that there had not been any cases of Covid-19 within the Findel Detention Centre […]

Luxembourg: Covid-19 and Detention
Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported (on 17 June) that the country has not established a moratorium on new immigration detention orders and has not implemented new immigration, asylum or border policies. The ministry stated that on 16 March, 19 detainees (“retenus”) were released, in part because […]
Luxembourg: Covid-19 and Detention
As of 15 April 2020, Luxembourg had 3,373 confirmed cases of Covid-19 along with 69 deaths. On the same day, the Prime Minister announced that from 20 April 2020, confinement measures would be de-escalated, with construction works restarting and DIY stores opening. Luxembourg has also begun to receive unaccompanied children, relocated from camps on the […]

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Luxembourg
In 2013, following its examination of the combined third and fourth periodic reports of Luxembourg, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) recommended that Luxembourg adopt legislation to prevent the detention of unaccompanied children. Today, however, the country’s legislation continues to allow for their detention. In our latest submission to the CRC, the GDP poses key questions that Luxembourg should be urged to address. […]

Immigration Detention in Luxembourg: Systematic Deprivation of Liberty
Immigration Detention in Luxembourg: Although Luxembourg has a very small immigration detention system, the number of detainees has risen in recent years. Since opening a dedicated detention facility in 2011, observers have noted a general improvement in material conditions. On the other hand, detention appears to be systematically applied as officials regularly conclude that apprehended migrants […]

Ressortissants étrangers retenus en vertu de la législation relative à l’immigration (relatif à la visite effectuée 2015 au Luxembourg par le Comité européen pour la préventionde la torture et des peines ou traitementsinhumains ou dégradants (CPT)
1. Remarques préliminaires (Read full CPT report)100. Lors de ses précédentes visites, le CPT a examiné à plusieurs reprises la situation deressortissants étrangers privés de leur liberté, notamment dans le centre de séjour provisoire pourétrangers en situation irrégulière situé au Centre pénitentiaire de Luxembourg (voir paragraphe 32).Le CPT se félicite que, conformément à ses précédentes […]

Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Access to Information Request, 15.04.2013
The Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s official response to an information request submitted by the Global Detention Project and Access Info Europe in 2013 as part of a joint project to map access to migration-related detention data in several dozen countries in Europe and North America. The results of the investigation were reported in the […]