Texas International Law Journal Symposium

Michael Flynn gave a presentation titled “Concealing and Revealing: The Role of Liberal Norms in the Evolution of Detention Regimes” at the Texas International Law Journal Symposium “Immigration and Freedom of Movement” (University of Texas at Austin, 5 February 2015). […]

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Migrations et frontières: chercheurs, praticiens et artistes croisent leurs regards

Izabelle Majcher and Mariette Grange gave a presentation entitled “Les frontières de la détention administrative” at the University of Geneva conference Frontières et migrations : Chercheurs, praticiens et artistes croisent leurs regards, held on the 17th of September 2014. Read more about the programme here. […]

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The EU Returns Directive and the Use of Prisons for Detaining Migrants in Europe

Can immigration detainees be held in prisons? Can they be confined alongside ordinary prisoners? On 17 July 2014, in its decisions on the joint cases of Bero & Bouzalmate and the case of Pham, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered its opinion on these practices. […]

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