C. Situation particulière des migrants irréguliers; (Read full CPT report) 37. Pour la première fois lors d’une visite du CPT, la délégation a abordé la question dutraitement des migrants. Pour ce faire, elle a consulté des dossiers des forces de l’ordre –Gendarmerie et Police civile – concernant la prise en charge de groupes de migrants […]
European Union
Rethinking Pre-removal Immigration Detention in the United States: Lessons from Europe and Proposals for Reform
In this article for Refugee Survey Quarterly, Christina Fialho, a former research intern at the Global Detention Project and founder of the California-based Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), examines the legality of lengthy detention of non-citizens held in pre-removal immigration detention in the United States, while presenting a comparative analysis of the European Union and […]
Detention at the Borders of Europe: Report on the Joint Global Detention Project– International Detention Coalition Workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, 2‐3 October 2010
On 2-3 October 2010, the Global Detention Project (GDP) held a workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, on migration-related detention that included representatives from organizations in 12 countries in Europe and neighbouring regions, as well as several international migration scholars and advocates. The workshop, which was jointly organized with the International Detention Coalition (IDC), an umbrella group […]

Joint Global Detention Project and International Detention Coalition Workshop: Detention at the Border of Europe
Read the report on the event here. […]