A leading organizer of the global effort to promote alternatives to immigration detention explores advocacy strategies for spurring detention reforms and the rationale behind the alternatives campaign. […]
European Union
The Immigration Detention Puzzle
We should be shocked that so many countries fail to provide even basic details about their immigration detention practices. And yet, for those who have worked on this issue over the last two decades, the absence of public accountability about detention comes as no surprise.

The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover in Spain ( from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2016 visit to Spain)
The joint flight: preparation, execution and handover. (Read full CPT report) 9. The practice of removal of foreign nationals is a frequent and widespread practicethroughout Europe. For Spain, removal operations to Latin America in particular are commonplace.In the CPT’s experience, removal of foreign nationals entails a manifest risk of inhuman anddegrading treatment (during preparations for […]

THE UNCOUNTED: The Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Europe
Based on a two-year investigation seeking basic details and statistics about immigration detention practices in 33 countries across Europe and North America, this joint report by the GDP and Access Info Europe reveals that in many countries it is impossible to obtain an accurate picture of the number of migrants and asylum seekers being held […]

The CJEU’s Ruling in Celaj: Criminal penalties, entry bans and the Returns Directive
In its ruling in the Skerdjan Celaj case (C-290/14), rendered on 1st October 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) addressed once again the relation between immigration and criminal law and in particular the compatibility of national penal measures imposed as a punishment for irregular migration with the EU Returns Directive.
Mariette Grange gave a presentation on immigration detention practices in Europe at this Jesuit-organized initiative aimed at improving cross-border dialogue, which was held in Madrid on 28 May. More information about this initiative is available here. […]

The Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Mediterranean Region
With the recent tragic surge in the number of deaths at sea of asylum seekers and other migrants attempting to reach Europe, enormous public attention is being focused on the treatment of these people across the Mediterranean. An important migration policy employed throughout the region is detention, including widespread deprivation of liberty of asylum seekers […]

University of Athens
On 20 March Izabella Majcher presented a paper titled “Immigration Detention under EU Law and International Obligations of Member States” at the conference “Regulating ‘irregular’ migration: International obligations and international responsibility,” held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. […]

Odysseus Conference
On 6 February 2015, Mariette Grange chaired the session “Introducing the notion of alternatives to detention in the EU policy-making” at the final conference of the Odysseus Network’s “Made Real” Project, “Alternatives to Immigration Detention in The EU: The Time For Implementation,” which was held at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. […]
Ressortissants étrangers retenus en vertu de la législation relative à l’immigration (relatif à la visite effectuée 2015 au Luxembourg par le Comité européen pour la préventionde la torture et des peines ou traitementsinhumains ou dégradants (CPT)
1. Remarques préliminaires (Read full CPT report)100. Lors de ses précédentes visites, le CPT a examiné à plusieurs reprises la situation deressortissants étrangers privés de leur liberté, notamment dans le centre de séjour provisoire pourétrangers en situation irrégulière situé au Centre pénitentiaire de Luxembourg (voir paragraphe 32).Le CPT se félicite que, conformément à ses précédentes […]