99th Pre-Session – September 2024 Issues Related to the Arrest, Detention, Removal, Separation, and Safety of Refugee and Migrant Children (See also: Oral Submission to the Committee, 19 September 2024) This submission reviews progress on Ethiopia’s efforts to protect the human rights of child migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers since the country submitted its “Combined sixth […]
Ethiopia: Growing Concerns about Treatment of Refugee Children
Over the past year, numerous reports have surfaced about the detention and separation of children in Ethiopia who are fleeing conflicts in nearby countries, particularly Sudan and Eritrea. In a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Global Detention Project summarises these concerns and makes a series of recommendations aimed […]

The GDP Submits Information Request to the Government of Ethiopia
The GDP submits information request to the Government of Ethiopia […]

UN Experts Call on Ethiopia to Halt Mass Deportations and Detentions of Eritreans
Ethiopian authorities must halt the mass deportation of Eritrean refugees, UN experts say. The country, which has hosted thousands of Eritreans for years, has also been accused of arbitrarily detaining large numbers of Eritreans, often on the ground that they lack documentation–despite the fact that the country’s Refugee and Returnee Service (RSS) stopped registering newly […]

Ethiopia: Covid-19 and Detention
In 2020, the GDP highlighted several reports documenting the dire detention conditions and appalling ill-treatment that thousands of Ethiopian migrants had faced in Saudi Arabia (see, for example, 6 October 2020 Saudi Arabia update). Following international pressure–including from the European Parliament, as well as groups such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) who urged Saudi Arabia […]

Ethiopia Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)
Ethiopia Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Ethiopia, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Ethiopia Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Ethiopia: Country Page Ethiopia: COVID-19 Updates Ethiopia: International Law […]

Ethiopia: Covid-19 and Detention
Following Human Rights Watch’s report highlighting the dire conditions that Ethiopian migrants have been held in in Saudi Arabia during the pandemic (see our 21 August update on Saudi Arabia on this platform), the Telegraph has revealed that the Ethiopian government has attempted to silence those stuck inside Saudi detention facilities. A leaked document submitted […]

Ethiopia: Covid-19 and Detention
Ethiopia has a history of sheltering refugees and has long maintained an open-door asylum policy. The country hosts an estimated 769,000 refugees and other “people of concern.” Unlike in many other countries in the region, refugees have the right to access health care services in Ethiopia. However, after the onset of the Covid crisis, there […]