Hybrid Side Events the 57th Session of the Human Rights Council Tuesday, 8 October at 15:00-16:00, room XXV Migrants continue to face widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses in transit that remain inadequately monitored, documented, or addressed, feeding impunity and exacerbating the dehumanization of migrants. The Human Right Council adopted resolution 53/24 on prevention and […]
Detention Monitoring
Reports of Inhumane Conditions and Worrying Lack of Transparency at Milan’s CPR
In February, a detainee protest concerning harmful living conditions and health risks in a detention centre in Milan was met with violent repression. This latest event, one of a string of similar incidents in Italy’s network of CPRs (Centro di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio), has raised broader concerns about the disregard for human rights across […]

Suisse : Le GDP assiste une délégation norvégienne dans l’examen des opérations au centre de détention pour migrants de Frambois à Genève
En mai, le Global Detention Project (GDP) a aidé une délégation officielle du Ministère norvégien de la Justice à visiter le centre de détention de Frambois à Genève, en Suisse. La délégation était composée de membres du Conseil norvégien de surveillance des expulsions forcées et de la détention des migrants qui surveille les opérations au […]

Switzerland: GDP Assists Norwegian Delegation in Examining Operations at Geneva’s Frambois Detention Centre
In May, the Global Detention Project (GDP) assisted an official delegation from Norway’s Ministry of Justice in visiting the Frambois Detention Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation was comprised of members of the Norwegian Supervisory Board for Forced Deportations and Immigration Detention, which monitors operations at the Trandum immigration detention centre, located near Oslo. The […]

GDP Webinar: The Many Tools of OPCAT for Preventing Harmful Migration-Related Detention
The third instalment of the GDP’s webinar series on how civil society organisations can mobilise international and regional human rights monitors to protect the rights of detained refugees and migrants focuses on the various mechanisms established by the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT) that can help prevent human rights violations in migration-related detention, including the Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT) and National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs). […]

Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists, and Policy-Makers
Governments increasingly rely upon detention to control the movement of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. Approaching detention from an interdisciplinary perspective, this new edited volume brings together leading writers and thinkers to provide a greater understanding of why it is such an important social phenomenon and suggest ways to confront it locally and globally. […]