B. Centro Dakota Immigration Detention Facility (read full CPT report) 67. In the course of the 2014 visit, the delegation carried out a targeted visit to the Centro Dakota immigration detention facility. Foreign nationals held under aliens legislation have been detained at this facility since February 2013. Immigration detention on Aruba falls under the responsibility […]
Detention Data
Bělá-Jezová Detention Centre for Foreigners, (from the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torturer 2014 visit to Czech Republic)
Detention of foreign nationals under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report) 23. The delegation visited, for the first time, the Bělá-Jezová Detention Centre for Foreigners, the only establishment of its kind in the Czech Republic. The Centre was opened in 200611 and is located in a forest, some five kilometres away from the nearest municipality. […]
International Law and Migration Detention: Coding State Adherence to Norms
Final Report of the Global Detention Project to the Swiss Network for International Studies This is the final report of the Global Detention Project’s three-year academic project assessing the relevance of intentional human rights norms to migration-related detention, which was funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies. The project, which was initially launched by […]
Situation particulière des migrants irréguliers à San Marino (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2013 visit to San Marino)
C. Situation particulière des migrants irréguliers; (Read full CPT report) 37. Pour la première fois lors d’une visite du CPT, la délégation a abordé la question dutraitement des migrants. Pour ce faire, elle a consulté des dossiers des forces de l’ordre –Gendarmerie et Police civile – concernant la prise en charge de groupes de migrants […]