Sharp increases in the numbers of unauthorised border crossings from Slovakia into neighboring Czechia have led to tensions between the two countries. Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger planned to meet with his Czech counterpart in Prague on 10 November to discuss Czechia’s introduction of border controls, which Slovakia claims may undermine Schengen freedom of movement […]
Czech Republic
Immigration Detention in the European Union
This book offers a unique comparative assessment of the evolution of immigration detention systems in European Union member states since the onset of the “refugee crisis.” By applying an analytical framework premised on international human rights law in assessing domestic detention regimes, the book reveals the extent to which EU legislation has led to the adoption of laws and practices that may disregard fundamental rights and standards. […]

Czech Republic Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)
Czech Republic Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Czech Republic, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Mexico Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Czech Republic: Country Page Czech Republic: COVID-19 Updates Report: Immigration Detention in the Czech Republic: “We Will Not Accept Even One […]

Czech Republic: Covid-19 and Detention
Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, the Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman) of the Czech Republic reported that no moratorium on new immigration detention orders had been established and that no such measure was under consideration. However, the Czech Ombudsman said that despite this, it seems that authorities have minimised the numbers of […]

Czech Republic: Covid-19 and Detention
According to information provided to the GDP by Hana Frankova (Organisation for Aid to Refugees), Czech authorities have continued to arrest non-nationals during the pandemic. After their arrest, non-nationals have been moved to Bělá Jezová Detention Centre, which has been temporarily converted into a quarantine reception centre. All new asylum seekers have also been required […]
NEWSLETTER: International Women’s Day – Focusing Attention on the Abuses Women Suffer in Immigration Detention
Last week, reports emerged concerning a 24-year-old Honduran woman’s premature labour and subsequent delivery of a stillborn baby while in custody at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centre in Texas. While officials were quick to offer the awkward qualification that “for investigative and reporting purposes, a stillbirth is not considered an in-custody death,” the incident nevertheless added fuel to the growing criticism of the Trump administration’s treatment of vulnerable individuals in detention. […]

Immigration Detention in the Czech Republic: “We Will Not Accept Even One More Refugee”
The Czech Republic (Czechia) became an important transit country for asylum seekers attempting to reach Europe during the height of the “refugee crisis.” Like in its Visegrad neighbours, this new-found status spurred a sharp public backlash in the country, which was fed by anti-migrant political rhetoric. The government significantly ramped up the country’s detention capacity […]

Immigration detention in Italy
As the main European destination for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants crossing the Central Mediterranean by boat, Italy confronts considerable migration challenges. It has responded by ramping up its domestic detention system, implementing the controversial “hotspot” approach to process maritime arrivals, boosting interdiction efforts, and adopting new legal measures that restrict avenues for asylum. The […]

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR): the Czech Republic
Czech Republic Joint Global Detention Project, Organization for Aid to Refugees and Forum for Human Rights Submission to the Universal Periodic Review 28th session of the UPR Working Group, October-November 2017 Submitting organisations The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an independent research centre based in Geneva, which investigates the use of immigration-related detention as […]

Immigration Detention in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has experienced a surge in negative public attitudes towards Muslims and other foreigners. According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, there are credible reports indicating that the country systematically abuses migrants’ rights as part of a deterrent strategy. The number of detained migrants rose from a few hundred in 2013 […]