Detention of foreign nationals under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report) 23. The delegation visited, for the first time, the Bělá-Jezová Detention Centre for Foreigners, the only establishment of its kind in the Czech Republic. The Centre was opened in 200611 and is located in a forest, some five kilometres away from the nearest municipality. […]
Situation particulière des migrants irréguliers à San Marino (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2013 visit to San Marino)
C. Situation particulière des migrants irréguliers; (Read full CPT report) 37. Pour la première fois lors d’une visite du CPT, la délégation a abordé la question dutraitement des migrants. Pour ce faire, elle a consulté des dossiers des forces de l’ordre –Gendarmerie et Police civile – concernant la prise en charge de groupes de migrants […]