The GDP is pleased to provide the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) the following submission in preparation for its visit to Austria in 2021. The submission concerns the detention of migrants and refugees. As such, it is informed by the CPT’s relevant standards as included in “Foreign Nationals Detained Under Aliens Legislation” (7th General Report of the CPT, CPT/Inf (97)10, 1997) and “Safeguards for Irregular Migrants Deprived of their Liberty” (19th General Report of the CPT, CPT/Inf (2009)27, 2009). […]
Flughafengefängnis, Boudry et Kantonaler Polizeiposten Flughafen In Switzerland (From the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2021 visit to Switzerland)
E. Personnes faisant l’objet de mesures de contrainte en matière de droit des étrangers, (Read full CPT report) 236. Le CPT a examiné la situation des étrangers détenus en vertu de la législation sur les étrangers lors de sa visite en Suisse en 2007158. Au cours de la visite de 2021, la délégation a effectué […]

Migration detention centres (förvar) in Sweden (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2021 visit to Sweden)
B. Establishments for foreign nationals deprived of their liberty under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report) 18. There had been no major changes to the legal framework for immigration detention since the 2015 visit. 23 As previously, the maximum period of detention of an adult foreign national deprived of his/her liberty under aliens legislation was […]

Vranidoll Detention Centre for Foreigners (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2020 visit to Kosovo)
Preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report) 39. For the first time, the CPT’s delegation visited Vranidoll Detention Centre for Foreigners, which is the only establishment of this type in Kosovo*. The Centre was opened in 2015 and it is managed by the Department of Citizenship, Asylum and Migration (DCAM) of the Ministry of the Interior. […]

Foreign nationals deprived of their liberty in Malta (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2020 visit to Malta)
1. Preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report) 8. Malta, a small densely populated Mediterranean island of around 515,000 people, measuringsome 246 km², is situated in a highly strategic location at the border of Europe, lying directly northby sea from Tripoli, Libya. For asylum seekers and migrants crossing the Mediterranean, some fromconflict-ridden home countries and others […]

Metsälä Detention Unit for Foreign Nationals from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2020 visit to Finland)
B. Foreign nationals deprived of their liberty under aliens legislation (Read full CPT report)25. There had been no major changes to the legal framework for immigration detention since the2014 visit. As previously, foreign nationals could be deprived of their liberty by the police or theBorder Guard if it was necessary to establish their identity, to […]

Ježevo Reception Centre for Foreigners from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2020 visit to Croatia)
Ježevo Reception Centre for Foreigners (Read full CPT report)44. The CPT’s delegation visited the Ježevo Reception Centre for Foreigners, the largest of the three pre-removal facilities for the administrative detention of foreigners in the country,51 for the first time since 2007. The establishment consists of two residential units (one of which is for vulnerable groups). […]

Immigration detention In Ireland (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2019 visit to Ireland)
Immigration detention (Read full CPT report) 24. In the course of its previous visits to Ireland, the CPT has reiterated that a prison is bydefinition not a suitable place in which to detain someone who is neither suspected nor convicted ofa criminal offence. In those cases where it is deemed necessary to deprive persons of […]

Border Police establishments & Immigration detention facilities from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2014 visit to Bulgaria)
A. Border Police establishments; (Read full CPT report)7. Under the Law on Aliens in the Republic of Bulgaria (LARB), foreign nationals may be detained by the Border Police, on their own authority, for up to 24 hours. If it is needed to prolong the period of detention beyond the 24 hours, the foreign national must […]

Cas particulier des personnes non admises à la frontière franco-italienne (from the report of the European Committee for thr Prevention of Torture 2018 visit to France)
Cas particulier des personnes non admises à la frontière franco-italienne (Read full CPT report) 94. Afin de comprendre la situation des personnes déclarées non-admises sur le territoirefrançais à la frontière franco-italienne, la délégation s’est rendue à Menton. Elle a d’abord observéle déroulement de plusieurs interpellations effectuées en gare de Menton-Garavan avant de serendre au poste-frontière […]