A. The removal operation: preparations and conduct; (Read full CPT report) 8. A main destination for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, Germany has over the past decade received the highest number of asylum seekers in the European Union (EU).8 Since 2015, the country has pursued several initiatives and restrictive measures to reduce the number of […]
Immigration detention facility in Estonia (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2014 visit to Estonia)
c. immigration detention facility ; (Read full CPT report) 31. The procedure for the detention and expulsion of foreign nationals is governed by the Obligation to Leave and Prohibition of Entry Act, the State Borders Act and the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens. Persons who have not been permitted to cross the border […]

Immigration detention in United Kingdom(from the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2023 visit to United Kingdom)
A. Background information; (Read full CPT report) 8. The CPT visit to the UK in March and April 2023 took place at a time when the Government was announcing its increased determination to detain and remove all foreign nationals2 who did not have a right to reside in the UK. Particular emphasis was being made […]

The removal operation & Repatriation Centre 127bis: preparations and conduct (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Belgium)
A. The removal operation: preparations and conduct; (Read full CPT report) 7. According to the data provided by the Immigration Office, published by the GeneralInspectorate of the Federal Police and Local Police (AIG)7 in its 2021 Annual Report on forced returnmonitoring, a total of 1 984 persons were subjected to a forced removal from Belgium, […]

Transfer to Larnaca International Airport from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Cyprus)
Transfer to Larnaca International Airport; (Read full CPT report) 40. Transport of detained foreign nationals on the airport for removal purposes is governed by Police Regulation 5/4 of 4 February 2021 “on the transport of convicts”. Amongst other things, the Regulation stipulates that, as a rule, handcuffs must be used, that escorting police officers shall […]

Immigration detention In Netherlands ( from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Netherlands)
1. Preliminary remarks ; (Read full CPT report) 49. In the course of the visit, the delegation visited all three closed immigration detention facilities in the Netherlands: it carried out follow-up visits to Rotterdam43 and Schiphol Detention Centres (DCs), and it conducted a first-time visit to the Closed Family Facility (Gesloten Gezinsvoorziening – GGV) at […]

Immigration detention in Latvia (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Latvia)
a. preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report) 28. One of the objectives of the 2022 visit was to examine the situation of foreign nationalsdetained under aliens legislation. For this purpose, the delegation visited the country’s two dedicateddetention facilities for foreign nationals, namely Daugavpils Immigration Detention Centre and Mucenieki Immigration Detention Centre.12 Both centres are managed […]

Foreign nationals held under aliens’ legislation (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2022 visit to Poland)
1. Preliminary remarks; (Read full CPT report) 25. The border crisis between the European Union and Belarus, which had begun in the summer of 2021, saw thousands of people, mostly from the Middle East, trying to enter the European Union through Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland from neighbouring Belarus. In response to an unprecedented increase in […]

Immigration detention in Lithuanian (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2021 visit to Lithuanian)
Preliminary remarks (Read full CPT report) 88. In 2021, Lithuania faced an unprecedented influx of foreign nationals irregularly entering itsterritory through its land border with Belarus. Between May and mid-August, 4 110 persons wereapprehended by security forces in this context. 89. This influx of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants led to the Lithuanian governmentdeclaring an […]

Foreign nationals held under aliens legislation (from report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture 2021 visit to Austria)
B. Foreign nationals held under aliens legislation; (Read full CPT report)37. The delegation carried out a follow-up visit to the police detention centre(Polizeianhaltezentrum – PAZ) at Vienna-Hernalser Gürtel in order to review the measures takenby the Austrian authorities to implement the recommendations made by the CPT after the previousvisit to the establishment.30 38. Although its […]