In a submission to the Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW), the GDP draws attention to issues related to immigration detention in Chile. […]
Committee on Migrant Workers
NEWSLETTER: Human Rights Day 2020 -Respecting the Human Rights of All People, Regardless of Their Immigration Status
Today, the international community marks the 72nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at a time when the human rights of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are facing unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed countless lives across the globe, but perhaps none more so than those of undocumented migrants and other vulnerable non-citizens. According to […]

Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Draft General Comment No.5 on Migrants’ Right to Liberty and Freedom from Arbitrary Detention
In a submission to the Committee on Migrant Workers ahead of the publication of its Draft General Comment No.5, the GDP has submitted information regarding the General Comment’s treatment of the role of necessity and proportionality in immigration detention decision-making, and in particular the function of ATDs in establishing whether detention is both necessary and proportionate in all cases. […]

Submission to the Committee on Migrant Workers: El Salvador
Since opening a dedicated immigration detention facility in 2008, little information has surfaced regarding the conditions that detainees face inside. During the Covid-19 pandemic meanwhile, concerns have been raised regarding the country’s quarantine facilities in which large numbers of returnees have been confined. […]

Joint Submission to the Committee on Migrant Workers: Morocco
Despite announcing a new “humanitarian approach” to migration and asylum affairs in 2013, many migrants and asylum seekers continue to face harsh treatment, including arbitrary arrest, forced displacement, detention, and deportation. […]

UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Draft General Comment No. 5
In April, the GDP submitted information to the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their Families (CMW) following a call for stakeholders to provide inputs on a detailed questionnaire to be used in drafting General Comment No.5 on Migrants’ Rights to Liberty and Freedom from Arbitrary Detention. The CMW […]

Joint Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Algeria
Algérie: Problèmes Liés Á La Détention Des Migrants Information à destination du Comité des travailleurs migrants (CMW) 28ème Session (9-20 avril 2018) Genève, mars 2018 Le Global Detention Project (GDP) et le Collectif Loujna Tounkaranké apprécient l’occasion qui leur est offerte de fournir des informations en amont de l’examen du deuxième rapport périodique de l’Algérie […]

Immigration Detention through the Lens of International Human Rights: Lessons from South America
Why hasn’t South America witnessed the same growth in immigration detention regimes that has occurred in the rest of the world? This Global Detention Project Working Paper discusses developments across the region through the lens of international human rights standards. […]

Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Libya
Global Detention Project Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers 27th Session (4-13 September 2017) List of issues under the simplified reporting procedure – Libya Geneva, August 2016 Issues concerning immigration detention The Global Detention Project (GDP) welcomes the opportunity to provide information relevant to the list of issues under the simplified […]

Putting Immigration Detention in Interdisciplinary Perspective
What can we learn from the interdisciplinary study of immigration detention regimes? Michael Flynn explains in this essay for Oxford University’s “Border Criminologies” research network. […]