New EU recommendation on return procedures a “slippery slope” to solve European migration challenges – UN experts Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights GENEVA (9 March 2017) – EU countries must explore alternatives to increased detention and swift returns to uphold the human rights of migrants, UN experts* urge, as the EU […]
Alternatives to Detention
Engaging Governments on Alternatives to Immigration Detention
A leading organizer of the global effort to promote alternatives to immigration detention explores advocacy strategies for spurring detention reforms and the rationale behind the alternatives campaign. […]

Odysseus Conference
On 6 February 2015, Mariette Grange chaired the session “Introducing the notion of alternatives to detention in the EU policy-making” at the final conference of the Odysseus Network’s “Made Real” Project, “Alternatives to Immigration Detention in The EU: The Time For Implementation,” which was held at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. […]
Does making immigration detention more humane make it more widespread?
Online debate between Michael Flynn (Global Detention Projecy) and Michelle Brané (Women’s Refugee Commission) over the strategies for countering the growth of immigration detention. Read entire debate here. […]
Whither Alternatives to Detention
Contribution to the “Border Criminologies” program at Oxford University regarding the debate over the impact of “alternatives” to immigration detention. Read post here. […]