Pakistan Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)

Pakistan Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Pakistan, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Pakistan Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Pakistan: Country Page Pakistan: COVID-19 Updates Pakistan: International Law […]

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Kuwait: Covid-19 and Detention

According to GDP partner, which has posted a dedicated page updating responses by all GCC countries to Covid-19 and its impact on migrant workers in the Gulf (see link below), the government of Kuwait has taken a series of measures that affect migrant workers in the country, including with respect to detention and deportation. […]

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United States: Covid-19 and Detention

The detention visitation group Freedom for Immigrants has updated its map of U.S. detention centres with a “Covid-19 Reporting” filter that provides updated information about infections in detention centres as well as other impacts related to the pandemic. The Center for Migration Studies has launched a dedicated Covid-19 policy developments page, which focuses mainly though […]

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Japan: Covid-19 and Detention

According to a lawyer who represents immigration detainees in Japan, to date the Immigration Services Agency has taken no action to safeguard or release detainees. This has prompted NGOs and advocates in the country to issue an appeal on the Immigration Review Task Force Facebook page demanding urgent action by the government. […]

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The GDP Launches the “Covid-19 Global Immigration Detention Platform”

As the coronavirus pandemic changes the lives of societies around the world, countries are being forced to alter their detention and deportation decisions. The GDP has launched a new, dedicated Covid-19 global tracking platform to monitor governments’ treatment of immigration detainees during the crisis. […]

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United States: Covid-19 and detention

Facing pressure from rights groups and civil society, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released a small number of immigration detainees. However, as the United States has the largest Immigration detention system in the world, which can reach some 40,000 detainees on any given day, the challenges the country confronts are enormous. Those released to […]

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Pakistan: Covid-19 and detention

There are reports indicating that Pakistani authorities have taken some steps to mitigate the impact of the virus on the country’s prison population, which includes non-citizen detainees imprisoned under the 1946 Foreigners Act. The government has suspended visits to penitentiaries and court hearings. On 16 March, the Sindh provincial government began screening inmates and prison […]

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Iran: Covid-19 and Detention

According to UNHCR, “There are close to one million refugees in Iran, mostly from Afghanistan and also Iraq. From the onset of the pandemic, the Government of Iran has made every effort to ensure that all refugees have access to the same health services as Iranians, so that they are fully included in the national […]

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Lebanon: Covid-19 and Detention

The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating whether measures have been taken to safeguard migrants and asylum seekers in detention in Lebanon, in particular at the country’s main immigration detention centre in Beirut. Many migrants and refugees can also end up in prisons for extended periods of time. But there are growing […]

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