Argentina – Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) – COVID-19 Survey

The Argentinian prison ombudsman’s (Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación – PPN) official response to the Global Detention Project’s COVID-19 survey. The GDP submitted information requests to government agencies, international organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, and NGOs requesting information pertaining to the treatment of immigration detainees during the pandemic. Responses were documented on our COVID-19 Immigration […]

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Denmark: Covid-19 and Detention

In response to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, the Danish Ombudsman’s office, which also acts as the country’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), forwarded to the GDP a letter it had sent to the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT), the international body established by the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture. […]

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Thailand Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)

Thailand Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Thailand, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Thailand Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Thailand: Country Page Submission to the Human Rights Committee: Thailand Report: Immigration Detention in Thailand Thailand: COVID-19 Updates […]

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Immigration Detention in Hungary: Transit Zone or Twilight Zone?

Hungary’s efforts to block asylum seekers were at the centre of an important May 2020 European Union Court of Justice ruling concerning its “transit zone” detention sites, located along the border with Serbia. For years, Hungary refused to acknowledge that people were “detained” in these facilities, going so far as to refuse the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention entry during its visit to the country in 2018. […]

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Thailand: Covid-19 and Detention

In mid-May, the governor of the Tak Province in Thailand issued a warning about the movement of Muslims from Myanmar and Bangladesh entering Thailand, stating that this posed a purported Covid-19-related threat. The announcement stated: “Tak is a province bordering the country of Myanmar that has movements of [migrant] workers, and also the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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Pandemic Borders Webinar: Pandemic Vulnerabilities

On 24 June, the GDP’s Executive Director will be participating in a webinar hosted by Ryerson University (Toronto) exploring the particular vulnerabilities migrants and asylum seekers face during the Covid-19 pandemic. Michael Flynn will join Margarita Pintin-Perez (OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants), Petra Molnar (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto), and Dr. […]

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Guatemala: Covid-19 and Detention

Responding to the Global Detention Project’s Covid-19 survey, Guatemala’s immigration authority (Instituto Guatealteco de Migración) reported that no moratorium on new immigration detention orders has been established. The Guatemalan immigration authority also reported that currently only Guatemalan national residents and accredited consular diplomats are allowed to enter the country. Non-citizens are only allowed to leave […]

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Ukraine: Covid-19 and Detention

According to information submitted to the GDP by the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Ukraine, the number of newly detained migrants in the country has decreased during the pandemic. In Zakarpattia Oblast, those who have been apprehended while entering the country during the crisis have been placed in Border Guard […]

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Germany: Covid-19 and Detention

There are an estimated 200,000 – 600,000 undocumented migrants in Germany. Authorities have stated that everyone, regardless of their status, may access Covid-19 testing and treatment. Although this is technically true, migrant rights advocates have highlighted concerns amongst undocumented migrants that should they seek testing and treatment, they will face sanctions. Hospitals and GPs in […]

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Panama Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)

Panama Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Panama, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Panama Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Panama: Country Page Report: Immigration Detention in Panama Panama: COVID-19 Updates […]

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