NEWSLETTER: Australia & Arbitrary Detention, Lebanon and the ICCPR, Whither ATDs and More

Global Detention Project Newsletter February 2022 Welcome to the Global Detention Project’s roundup of current research, publications, and events. For any questions about our content, please contact us at admin (a) OUR LATEST PUBLICATIONS Immigration Detention in Australia: Turning Arbitrary Detention into a Global Brand Australia’s migration detention system is an extreme global outlier: […]

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Immigration Detention in Australia: Turning Arbitrary Detention into a Global Brand

Australia’s migration detention system is uniquely severe, arbitrary, and punitive. It includes a range of extreme and controversial policies–mandatory, indefinite, offshore, fully privatised detention–which are given blanket legal cover, are vigorously defended in the face of growing global opprobrium, and are spreading to countries near and far. […]

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Libya: Covid-19 and Detention

The UN reported in January that there were more than 12,000 people being detained in 27 prisons and detention facilities across Libya, often in “inhumane conditions in facilities controlled by armed groups or ‘secret facilities.’” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that many of these detainees were being arbitrarily detained after the country undertook security operations […]

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Argentina: Covid-19 and Detention

In December 2020, Argentina launched a national COVID-19 vaccination campaign that includes all refugees and migrants irrespective of migration status. However, the country has struggled to acquire sufficient vaccines. According to UNHCR, there were 3,965 refugees, 9,176 asylum seekers, and 171,659 displaced Venezuelans in the country in 2020 and as of mid-2021, there were 4,007 […]

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GCM 13 webinar: Alternatives to detention

A global network of migrants-rights organisations held a webinar to discuss best approaches for building on the the Global Compact for Migration’s Objective 13 on ensuring that immigration detention is used as a last resort and implementing alternative measures. The webinar is part of a free online certificate programme on the GCM that is aimed […]

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Lebanon: Joint follow-up report to the UN Human Rights Committee

The MENA Rights Group and the Global Detention Project jointly issued a report to the Human Rights Committee as part of the committee’s follow up procedure its third periodic report on Lebanon’s implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. […]

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Rwanda: Covid-19 and Detention

The United Kingdom is reportedly considering sending asylum seekers to Rwanda as part of an offshore resettlement and processing scheme that would be allowed under the UK government’s proposed new Nationality and Borders Bill. Ghana was also named as a possible destination, although Ghana’s foreign minister quickly disavowed such a possibility, saying that the country […]

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