Hybrid Side Events the 57th Session of the Human Rights Council Tuesday, 8 October at 15:00-16:00, room XXV Migrants continue to face widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses in transit that remain inadequately monitored, documented, or addressed, feeding impunity and exacerbating the dehumanization of migrants. The Human Right Council adopted resolution 53/24 on prevention and […]
Toward Ending Immigration Detention for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Human Rights Council 57th Session Side Event, 18 September 2024 STATEMENT BY ABDUL AZIZ MUHAMAT (GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT) I would like to thank UNHCR for inviting me to participate in this important event aimed at rolling back use of immigration detention across the globe. As a refugee who spent many years in immigration detention, I have […]

South Africa: Submission Concerning Arbitrary Detention and Other Violations of the Human Rights of Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
Human Rights Committee, 142nd Session List of Issues Prior to Reporting CONTENTS Introduction and information about the authors Background and context Issues for consideration by the Committee ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR Arbitrary and summary arrests of asylum seekers and refugees at Refugee Reception Office (‘RROs’): (Article 9,10,12) Detention of children in immigration […]

Lithuania’s Border Guard Provides Limited Responses to Detention Information Requests
As part of its collaboration with the Global Detention Project-sponsored Global Immigration Detention Observatory initiative, the Vilnius-based Human Rights Monitoring Institute, issued an information request to Lithuania’s State Border Guard Service concerning key statistics and practices related to the arrest and detention of migrants and asylum seekers. Although the border guard promptly responded to the […]

Thailand: “Champion Country” or Abusive Detainer of Migrant Children and Asylum Seekers?
Thailand’s recent decision to withdraw its reservation to a key provision in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child appears to support its status as a “champion country” of the Global Compact for Migration. However, many rights observers say Thailand continues to detain children—as well as other at-risk migrants and refugees—in often paltry, […]

Ethiopia: Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
99th Pre-Session – September 2024 Issues Related to the Arrest, Detention, Removal, Separation, and Safety of Refugee and Migrant Children (See also: Oral Submission to the Committee, 19 September 2024) This submission reviews progress on Ethiopia’s efforts to protect the human rights of child migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers since the country submitted its “Combined sixth […]

Saudi Arabia: Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
ISSUES RELATING TO THE RIGHTS OF MIGRANT WORKERS, ARBITRARY IMMIGRATION DETENTION, AND DEPORTATION (see also, GDP Oral Presentation at Informal Session with CEDAW) Context Detention and Deportation Legal Framework and Discriminatory Policies Migrant Domestic Workers Recommendations [1] Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “Concluding observations on the combined third and fourth periodic reports of Saudi […]

Iraq Summarily Deporting Refugees
Numerous news outlets and human rights groups have in recent months reported on Iraq’s increasing detention and deportation of Syrian refugees, in a breach of its non-refoulement obligations. Deportees have included registered asylum seekers with UNHCR documents as well as people with valid Iraqi residence permits. Reports also suggest that there are growing public calls […]

Poland: Joint Submission to the 76th Session of the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Issues Related to Refugee and Migrants Rights, Immigration Enforcement and Detention CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. DETENTION CONTEXT III. CONCERNS & RECOMMENDATIONS RELATED TO CONVENTION PROVISIONS I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Association for Legal Intervention (Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej, or SIP) is a Warsaw-based civil society organisation that promotes the legal equality of all people, with a particular focus on refugees and […]

Qatar: Persistent Concerns Regarding the Treatment of Migrant Workers Despite Reforms
Qatar has adopted important reforms to protect the rights of migrants workers, but weak implementation and ongoing violations reveal inherent problems in the country’s labour system. Recent reports by human rights groups point to persistent exploitation of workers as well as other human rights abuses, including arbitrary detention and deportation. Abuses and Exploitation of Migrant […]