Michael Flynn gave a presentation titled “Concealing and Revealing: The Role of Liberal Norms in the Evolution of Detention Regimes” at the Texas International Law Journal Symposium “Immigration and Freedom of Movement” (University of Texas at Austin, 5 February 2015). […]
Ressortissants étrangers retenus en vertu de la législation relative à l’immigration (relatif à la visite effectuée 2015 au Luxembourg par le Comité européen pour la préventionde la torture et des peines ou traitementsinhumains ou dégradants (CPT)
1. Remarques préliminaires (Read full CPT report)100. Lors de ses précédentes visites, le CPT a examiné à plusieurs reprises la situation deressortissants étrangers privés de leur liberté, notamment dans le centre de séjour provisoire pourétrangers en situation irrégulière situé au Centre pénitentiaire de Luxembourg (voir paragraphe 32).Le CPT se félicite que, conformément à ses précédentes […]

February 2015 Newsletter
Global Detention Project Newsletter February 2015 NEW GDP DETENTION REPORT Libya With Libya experiencing large-scale internal displacement as the country becomes increasingly engulfed in civil war, migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees are finding themselves systematically exposed to arbitrary and indefinite detention. Concerns highlighted by observers include the increasing absence of oversight at detention facilities as […]
January 2015 Newsletter
Global Detention Project Newsletter January 2015 NEW GDP DETENTION PROFILE Austria In early 2014, Austria opened its first specialized immigration detention facility. The development comes after more than two decades of criticism from national and international observers, who have pressed the country not to detain migrants and asylum seekers in prisons and other criminal facilities. […]
Discipline and Punish? Analysis of the Purposes of Immigration Detention in Europe
Pre-removal detention is usually considered an administrative measure aimed at the facilitation of the removal of irregular migrants by preventing them from absconding during removal proceedings. The administrative nature of immigration detention implies that persons subject to this measure do not have access to the fair trial guarantees that criminal detainees are entitled to. However, the assessment of pre-removal detention under European Union and Swiss legislation demonstrates the penal nature of such detention despite its formal administrative classification.
Global Detention Project launches as independent association
The Global Detention Project (GDP) announces today that it has re-launched as an independent non-profit research centre after being based for eight years at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.