NEWSLETTER: Immigration Detention Across the Globe – The GDP 2018 Annual Report

Last summer, people across the globe expressed outrage as U.S. immigration officials forcibly separated children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. Overlooked in much of the criticism was the fact that children are detained for immigration reasons in dozens of countries across the globe, all of which—with the notable exception of the United States—have […]

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GCM Indicators: Objective 21: Cooperate in Facilitating Safe and Dignified Return and Readmission, as well as Sustainable Reintegration

As part of the Refugee Law Initiative’s blog series exploring the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), GDP Researcher Izabella Majcher addresses Objective 21 (“Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration.”) Majcher proposes focusing on six indicators, which draw from the provisions of binding international treaties, including the Convention against […]

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Immigration Detention in Croatia: Shrinking Space for Independent Monitoring

Immigration Detention in Croatia (2019 Report): Traditionally a transit country for people attempting to reach Western Europe, Croatia took on new importance for refugees and migrants in late 2015 when the main migrant route shifted through the country. Since then, the government has grown increasingly security-focused, albeit while maintaining a humanitarian narrative. Non-citizens may be […]

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Consultation of the UN Network on Migration with Civil Society

Consultation of the UN Network on Migration with Civil Society Geneva 4 April 2019    On 4 April, the GDP participated in the inaugural “Consultation of the UN Network on Migration with Civil Society.” The Network on Migration was established by the UN to assist Member States in implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular […]

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Immigration Detention in Niger: Expanding the EU-Financed Zone of Suffering Through “Penal Humanitarianism”?

Immigration Detention in Niger (2019 Report): Niger has been a principal migration hub for people criss-crossing the Sahel region of Africa for generations. It has also served as an important transit country for migrants and asylum seekers on the Central Mediterranean route through Libya to Europe. More recently, the country has begun receiving third-country nationals who […]

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Global Working Group of National Societies Working in Immigration Detention

On 20 March, the GDP was invited to make a presentation about our report “Harm Reduction in Immigration Detention” at the annual meeting of the Global Working Group of National Societies Working in Immigration Detention, a gathering of National Societies of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement co-hosted by the International Committee of the Red Cross. […]

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Harm Reduction in Immigration Detention - GDP & Norwegian Red Cross

Annual Study Visit of the MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (University of Oxford)

On 12 March, GDP Senior Researcher Mariette Grange was invited to address a group of students from the University of Oxford’s MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies programme who were visiting Geneva to learn about the work of relevant international organisations and research institutions based here. Discussing the issue of immigration detention around the world, […]

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