February 2017 Newsletter

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    Global Detention Project

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Global Detention Project Newsletter
February 2017


When Is Immigration Detention Lawful? The Monitoring Practices of UN Human Rights Mechanisms 
By Mariette Grange and Izabella Majcher
This Global Detention Project Working Paper details the normative framework governing immigration detention established in core international treaties and discusses how human rights bodies apply this framework when reviewing states policies and practices. The authors’ assessment of the impact and implementation of fundamental norms reveals gaps in the international protection regime and highlights how states’ responses to this regime have shaped contemporary immigration detention systems. Read paper.

New Walls in Europe: Immigration Detention in Estonia 
Estonia has among the fewest asylum seekers in Europe and places less than 100 people in immigration detention annually. However, fears over Russian aggression and an influx of new migrants have spurred the country to build a 70 million euro wall on its eastern border. Read the new GDP profile

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Spain
In this joint submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Global Detention Project and Pueblos Unidos point to gaps in Spain’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child with respect to the detention of child migrants and asylum seekers. Read submission



“Immigration Detention in the Age of Migration Control”
The GDP’s Michael Flynn will be a panelist at this one-day workshop hosted by USC Gould School of Law on 7 April 2017. More information about the event is available here: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/immigration/2017/02/usc-workshop-immigration-detention-in-the-age-of-migration-control-.html.

“Protecting Stateless Persons from Arbitrary Detention”
The GDP’s Mariette Grange will hold a workshop at this this conference put on by the European Network on Statelessness on 4-5 May in Budapest. The workshop is titled “Measuring and gathering data on immigration detention for evidence-based advocacy.” More information about the conference is available here: http://www.statelessness.eu/news-events/news/conference-registration-protecting-stateless-persons-arbitrary-detention-4-5-may.

“When the exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move”
The GDP’s Izabella Majcher will give a presentation entitled “Trends in Immigration Detention in the European Union” at this conference hosted by the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law on 4-5 May. More information available here: http://www.iisj.net/en/workshops/when-exception-becomes-rule-european-union-societies-move.



“Providing mental health care in detention, arriving migrants suffer high levels of mental illness,” PICUM Bulletin, 3 February 2017, http://picum.org/en/news/bulletins/51932

“Awareness and Application of CEDAW in the Judicial Systems of Germany and France,” Katrin Lange, Observatory for Sociopolitical Developments in Europe, January 2017, http://www.sociopolitical-observatory.eu/uploads/tx_aebgppublications/2017_AP_15_CEDAW_EN.pdf

“Expulsion or Imprisonment? Criminal Law Sanctions for Breaching an Entry Ban in the Light of Crimmigration Law,” Jim Waasdorp and Aniel Pahladsingh, Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2017, http://boap.uib.no/index.php/BJCLCJ/article/view/1070

“Only God Can Stop the Smugglers,” Clingendael – Netherland Institute of International Relations, February 2017, https://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/only_god_can_stop_the_smugglers.pdf

“Wie die EU afrikanische Staaten für die Flüchtlingsabwehr einspannen will,” FFM-Online, 25 February 2017, http://ffm-online.org/2017/02/25/kollaborateure-gesucht/