Nabatiyeh Prison
Country: Lebanon
City & Region: Kafr Jouz, Nabatiyeh (كفر جوز- النبطية), Middle East
Latitude, Longitude: 33.39289925664053, 35.48761677959405
Contact Information
Nabatiyeh Prison (سجن النبطية) is located in Kafr Jouz, Nabatiyeh (النبطية - النبطية). The prison has a phone number of 07-530012 and a fax number of 07-531204. It has a minimum capacity of 30 inmates and a maximum capacity of 70 inmates. The prison is situated at the Kafr Jouz intersection, within the Internal Security Forces complex, on the lower floor (مفرق كفر جوز - مجمع قوى الامن الداخلي - الطابق السفلي).