On 21 June 2022, the GDP and Migrant-Rights.org submitted freedom of information requests regarding immigration detention practices to UAE’s Ministry of Interior; Judicial Department (Human Rights Office); Federal Authority for Government Human Resources; Ministry of Human Resources Emiratisation; and Statistics Center. In particular, we requested the following information: The GDP and Migrant-Rights.org did not receive a response […]
Transparency InitiativeGlobal Detention Project surveys, targeted questions, and freedom of information requests to government agencies and official monitoring bodies.
Global Detention Project surveys, targeted questions, and freedom of information requests to government agencies and official monitoring bodies.
The GDP and Migrant-Rights Submit Freedom of Information Requests to Government Agencies in Saudi Arabia
On 21 June 2022, the GDP and Migrant-Rights.org submitted freedom of information requests regarding immigration detention practices to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior (General Department of Expatriate Affairs), General Authority for Statistics, and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. In particular, we requested the following information: The GDP and Migrant-Rights.org did not receive a response from […]

The GDP and Migrant-Rights Submit Freedom of Information Requests to Government Agencies in Qatar
On 21 June 2022, the GDP and Migrant-Rights.org submitted freedom of information requests regarding immigration detention practices to Qatar’s Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs; Planing and Statistics Authority; and Ministry of Interior (including its Legal Affairs Department; General Directorate of Civil Defence – Administrative Affairs Department; and General Directorate of Coasts and Borders Security […]

The GDP and Migrant-Rights Submit Freedom of Information Requests to Government Agencies in Kuwait
On 21 June 2022, the GDP and Migrant-Rights.org submitted freedom of information requests regarding immigration detention practices to Kuwait’s Central Statistical Bureau, Ministry of Social Affairs and Work, the Public Authority for Manpower, and Talha Deportation Prison (Ministry of Interior). In particular, we requested the following information: The GDP and Migrant-Rights.org did not receive a response from […]

The GDP and Migrant-Rights Submit Freedom of Information Requests to Government Agencies in Bahrain
On 21 June 2022, the GDP and Migrant-Rights.org submitted freedom of information requests regarding immigration detention practices to Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labour and Social Development, and National Institution for Human Rights. In particular, we requested the following information: The GDP and Migrant-Rights.org did not receive a response from any of the agencies. […]

Letter from the Permanent UN Mission of Libya in Geneva to the Global Detention Project
The Permanent Mission of the State of Libya to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland presents its compliments to Global Detention Project, and has the honour to acknowledge your organization participation and contribution to the review of the State of Libya, which took place during the 36th Session of […]

Paraguay Direccion General de Migracion Covid-19 Survey II (Información sobre Covid-19 y detención)
In a follow up to Paraguay’s official response to the GDP’s Covid-19 survey, the Direccion General de Migracion informed the GDP that it does not maintain statistics on the number of people placed in immigration detention nor does it have facilities for this purpose. […]
Paraguay Direccion General de Migracion Covid-19 Survey
Paraguay’s Immigration Service reports that although the country has not implemented a detention moratorium during the pandemic there have been no new detention orders because permits for foreigners have been temporarily extended. […]
Croatian Interior Ministry Covid-19 Letter to the Global Detention Project, 7 August 2020
Croatia Interior Ministry Covid-19 Letter to the Global Detention Project, 7 August 2020 […]

Bosnia and Herzegovina – Human Rights Ombudsman – COVID-19 Survey Response
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Human Rights Ombudsman’s official response to the Global Detention Project’s COVID-19 survey. The GDP submitted information requests to government agencies, international organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, and NGOs requesting information pertaining to the treatment of immigration detainees during the pandemic. Responses were documented on our COVID-19 Immigration Detention Platform. More information about Bosnia […]