Malaysia: Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review

Malaysia’s immigration enforcement regime—including detention, forced removals, criminal prosecution, and corporal punishment—is one of the world’s more punitive, arbitrary, and harmful systems. In a submission to the UPR, the GDP and APRRN highlight areas of particular concern. […]

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China: Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review

In a submission to the Universal Periodic Review, the GDP and APRRN raise a number of concerns regarding immigration detention practices in Hong Kong – including the ongoing detention of children, arbitrary detention without established time limits, and the significant number of recent deaths and suicides in detention. […]

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Submission: General Comment on Enforced Disappearances in the Context of Migration

The GDP has submitted comments to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances regarding its draft “General Comment on Enforced Disappearances in the Context of Migration.” About the CED General Comment Every year, thousands of migrants go missing en route to their destination country, or in the destination country itself. Among those missing are persons who […]

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Türkiye: Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

In a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the GDP and the International Refugee Rights Association assess Türkiye’s laws and practices concerning detention of children for immigration-related reasons. […]

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Lithuania: Follow-Up Report to the UN Committee Against Torture

The Human Rights Monitoring Institute and the Global Detention Project jointly issued an alternative follow-up report to the UN Committee on Torture (CAT) with regards to the recommendations contained in Paragraph 12 of the committee’s Concluding Observations CAT/C/LTU/CO/4 on the fourth periodic report of Lithuania. […]

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Lithuania: Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 95th Session – January/ February 2024 Issues Related to the Immigration Detention of Children The Global Detention Project (GDP) and the Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI) welcome the opportunity to provide information relevant to the fifth and sixth periodic review of Lithuania with […]

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BOTSWANA: Joint Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

In a joint submission with Lawyers for Human Rights, the GDP has submitted information to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) addressing issues related to immigration detention in Botswana. Amongst various recommendations, the GDP and LHR urge CERD to call on Botswana to ensure that child migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are not detained; to end the practice of arbitrary detention; and to reform national legislation that is discriminatory in content, language, and application. […]

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Oral Submission: Statements Concerning the CMW’s General Comment No.6 on the Convergence Between the Global Compact for Migration and the Convention

The GDP’s Executive Director Michael Flynn spoke at the UN Committee on Migrant Workers’ half day of general discussion on its draft General Comment No.6 on the convergence between the convergence between the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and the Migrant Worker Convention. Reiterating points raised by the GDP in its written submission to the CMW, Flynn provided comment on three aspects of the GCM that concern migration-related detention – alternatives to detention, the detention of children, and criminalisation of migration-related violations. […]

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Oral Submission: GDP Partner, IRRA, Provides Input on Issues Related to Immigration Detention in Türkiye at the UN Committee on Migrant Workers’ 35th Session

On Monday 19th September, the GDP’s Türkiye-based partner – the International Refugee Rights Association (IRRA) – delivered a virtual presentation at the 35th Session of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families. This oral submission drew the committee’s attention to Türkiye’s laws and practices […]

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Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: General Comment No.6 on the Convergence of the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Global Compact for Migration

To support the UN CMW’s work developing its new General Comment (No.6) on the Convergence of the Convention and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the GDP has provided comments – particularly regarding Articles 16 and 17 of the ICRMW and Objective 13 of the GCM. […]

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