Submissions & RecommendationsTargeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Targeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Submission to the European Ombudsman
Submission in relation to the European Ombudsman’s own-initiative inquiry concerning the means through which Frontex ensures respect for fundamental rights in joint return operations. […]

Submission to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD)
This submission is provided in response to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s March 2015 Call for Input on the revised “Draft Principles and Guidelines on remedies and procedures on: The right of anyone deprived of his or her liberty by arrest or detention to bring proceedings before a court without delay, in order that the court may decide […]