Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Malaysia

Global Detention Project Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Pre-sessional Working Group for the 69th session (24-28 July 2017) Malaysia Geneva, June 2017   Issues related to immigration detention   The Global Detention Project (GDP) welcomes the opportunity to provide information relevant to the Consideration of the combined third […]

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May 2017 Newsletter

Global Detention Project Newsletter MAY 2017   NEW FROM THE GDP  Austria Immigration Detention Profile Austria has sharply increased the number of people it places in immigration detention after years of declining detainee populations. While it continues the controversial practice of placing immigration detainees in “Police Detention Centres,” the country opened a new dedicated immigration detention […]

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Putting Immigration Detention in Interdisciplinary Perspective

What can we learn from the interdisciplinary study of immigration detention regimes? Michael Flynn explains in this essay for Oxford University’s “Border Criminologies” research network. […]

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Immigration detention in Belgium

Belgium has long received scrutiny for its immigration control policies, in particular its controversial use of forced deportation flights. However, the numbers of people placed in detention annually has declined substantially during the past 15 years, even as the detention of asylum seekers at borders has increased. The country has also pioneered the promotion of […]

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Immigration detention in Austria

Austria has sharply increased the number of people it places in immigration detention after years of declining detainee populations. While it continues the controversial practice of placing immigration detainees in “Police Detention Centres,” the country opened a new dedicated immigration detention centre in 2014, which is partly operated by the controversial multinational security company G4S. […]

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Submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR): Argentina

EXAMEN PERIÓDICO UNIVERSAL – 3º CICLO APORTE AL EXAMEN DE ARGENTINA Derechos de las personas migrantes Estimados y estimadas: Nos dirigimos a Uds. en representación de Abogados y Abogadas del Noroeste Argentino en Derechos Humanos y Estudios Sociales (ANDHES)[1]; el Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)[2]; el Colectivo para La Diversidad (COPADI)[3]; la Comisión […]

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When the Exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move

Izabella Majcher to give a presentation titled “Trends in Immigration Detention in the European Union,” which outlines the GDP’s ongoing research on immigration detention in EU countries, at the conference When the Exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move, hosted by International Institute for the Sociology of Law, in Oñati, Spain, 4-5 […]

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