NEWSLETTER: Committe On Migrants Workers on the Right to Liberty; Updates on Afghanistan, Greece, Australia, Egypt, Poland, Italy

LATEST PUBLICATIONS Afghanistan Situation Report:  Decades of internal conflict and foreign military interventions have turned Afghanistan into one of the world’s leading source countries for migrants and refugees, with several million Afghan nationals living outside the country. The evacuation of U.S. and other international forces in 2021 spurred a new surge in Afghans seeking to […]

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Border Criminologies Panel on “Monitoring Detention and Borders”

As part of the Border Criminologies three-day online conference “Landscapes of Border Control and Immigration Detention in Europe,” the GDP’s executive director will chair a panel on monitoring detention and borders, which will include representatives from several regional and international human rights and detention monitoring institutions. The full line-up of speakers will be confirmed in coming days – but registration for the conference is now open. […]

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GDP Participates in Informal Meeting Held by the UN Committee on the Rights of Migrant Workers

On 14 April, the UN Committee on the Rights of Migrant Workers (CMW) held an informal meeting with states and other stakeholders, in which participants discussed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrants and ratification of the Convention, among other topics. During the meeting, committee members emphasised the pandemic’s disproportionate impact upon migrant workers […]

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NEWSLETTER: Immigration Detention Laws and Practices in Mexico; Lengthy Detention Stays for Asylum Seekers in New Zealand

LATEST PUBLICATIONS Immigration Detention in Mexico: Between the United States and Central America Mexico has one of the largest immigration detention systems in the world, employing several dozen detention centres—euphemistically called estaciones migratorias—and detaining tens of thousands of people every year. Intense pressure from the United States and continuing migration from turmoil-wracked Central America have helped drive […]

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