On 6 March, the World Health Organisation (WHO) convened a global technical consultation aimed at establishing priorities for its global research agenda concerning health and migration. The Global Detention Project (GDP) was one of a handful of civil society organisations invited to participate in the event, which included stakeholders from UN agencies and other international […]
News & Events
NEWSLETTER: Looking Back at 2022
As we approach the end of 2022, we take a moment to look back at the GDP’s work and achievements. From urging immediate international action to address the detention of non-nationals in Ukraine and contributing to the WHO’s first ever report on refugee and migrant health, to successfully encouraging the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to assess Botswana’s immigration detention […]

The Continued Detention of Non-Nationals in Ukraine’s Volyn Detention Centre
The GDP has received alarming reports detailing the detention of 44 non-nationals in Ukraine’s Volyn Detention Centre (Volyn PTPI) – despite the GDP having called for the release of detainees from the facility in March 2022. Conditions in the facility are reported to be dire, raising serious concerns for detainees’ safety and wellbeing. […]

Global Immigration Detention Observatory: The GDP Hosts Second Advocacy Week for Observatory Partners
In November, the GDP hosted its second Geneva Advocacy Week for Global Immigration Detention Observatory partners. Representatives from Lawyers for Human Rights ((LHR), South Africa) and Türkiye-based International Refugee Rights Association (IRRA) joined the GDP in Geneva, attending meetings with key human rights mechanisms to learn more about their work and to bring attention to […]

#FreedomForAll: End Detention Now
On 29 November, the GDP’s Executive Director Michael Flynn joined a panel of international speakers at a People’s Migration Challenge (PMC) webinar exploring global efforts to end immigration detention. Examining the campaign to end the detention of children, Flynn considered some of the lessons that have been learned from this advocacy effort – and how this can help us work towards an end to immigration detention. […]

NEWSLETTER: Ensuring that Local Detention Conditions Receive Global Attention
The GDP’s November 2022 roundup of research, publications, and events – including our latest submission regarding the treatment of immigration detainees in Botswana, September advocacy visits to Geneva, the latest from our Transparency Initiative, and recent updates to the Immigration Detention Monitor. […]

Global Immigration Detention Observatory: Bringing International Attention to Detention Issues in the Gulf and South Asia
On 26-30 September, the GDP welcomed to Geneva representatives from partner NGOs based in the Gulf and South Asia – the GCC-based Migrant-Rights.org and the Migration and Asylum Project in India. Their visit was part of the GDP’s Global Immigration Detention Observatory project, a collaborative initiative between the GDP and partner organisations around the world […]

NEWSLETTER: The Global Compact v. The Migrant Workers Convention?
The GDP’s September 2022 roundup of research, publications, and events – including our assessment of the gaps between the Global Compact for Migration and UN Migrant Worker Convention; news about our latest webinar; and our recent work highlighting concerns regarding Türkiye’s treatment of immigration detainees. […]

Sahar Okhovat Elected as New President of the Global Detention Project
The Global Detention Project’s Executive Committee has unanimously elected Sahar Okhovat as its new President, replacing outgoing President Roberta Cecchetti. Sahar is a Senior Policy Officer at the Refugee Council of Australia and previously served as the Vice Chair of the detention committee for the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network and as a Humanitarian Observer […]

GDP Hosts Third Interactive Webinar: The Role of OPCAT in Preventing Harmful Immigration Detention
On Monday 5 September, the GDP hosted the third in its series of interactive webinars aimed at building stronger connections between local civil society organisations and international human rights instruments and exploring how these instruments can be applied to protect the rights of detained refugees and migrants. Examining the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT), this webinar explored the role of the OPCAT bodies—the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT) and National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs). […]