Welcome to the Global Detention Project’s monthly roundup of recent publications and activities. For any questions about our content, please contact us at admin@globaldetentionproject.org OUR LATEST PUBLICATIONS Italy’s Confusing and Arbitrary Detention System. As the main European destination for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants crossing the Central Mediterranean by boat, Italy confronts significant […]
News & Events
The Global South and the World: Past, Present and Future
The Annual Conference of the Association of Global South Studies, held in Marrakech 14-16 December, featured a presentation from the GDP’s director entitled “How the Global North is turning the Global South into an immigration detention gulag,” as well as a presentation of the new GDP volume, “Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists and Policy-Makers.” More […]
October 2017 Newsletter
GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT NEWSLETTER October 2017 New Publications News & Activities GDP on the Record NEW PUBLICATIONS Immigration Detention in Germany Germany’s immigration detention system has undergone major changes since a 2014 ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union condemning the country’s use of prisons for immigration purposes. Since then, the […]
Is Ending the Detention of Children an “Alternative”?
The GDP’s Michael Flynn gave a presentation on the challenges of pursuing an end to the immigration detention of children through advocacy of “alternatives to detention” at a colloquium at the University of Geneva titled “Migrations, State Obligations, and Rights in a Globalized Context.” The event, which took place on 12 October 2017, was part of Geneva’s […]
Détention et autres entraves à la liberté de circulation
Mariette Grange gave a course on “Détention et autres entraves à la liberté de circulation” during the first course on the rights of migrants held in French by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in partnership with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Some fifty participants, mainly from francophone Africa, attended the course, entitled: « […]

September 2017 Newsletter
GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT NEWSLETTER September 2017 New Publications New Book News & Activities GDP on the Record Job Announcement NEW FROM THE GDP Global Compact on Migration The GDP submitted comments to the UN Special Representative for International Migration as part of the preparatory phase for the Secretary-General’s report on the Global Compact for […]
Immigration Detention of Children: Coming to a Close?
Immigration Detention of Children: Coming to a Close? The GDPs Michael Flynn participated in this two-day conference co-hosted by the Council of Europe and the Czech Ministry of Justice (25-26 September 2017). “Are There ‘Alternatives’ for Children?” By Michael Flynn Summary: Is it possible to develop “alternatives to detention” in a way that does not […]

Immigration Detention in the European Union: Research and Advocacy
Izabella Majcher gave a presentation titled “Immigration Detention in the European Union: Research and Advocacy” at the Open Society Initiative for Europe‘s (OSIFE) Protection and Rights of Migrants Grantee Convening “Between Politics And Enforcement: Safeguarding And Advancing Migrant Rights In Europe.” Madrid, 18 – 19 September 2017. […]

Laws and Practice of Immigration Detention in the European Union: European Union Law vs. International Human Rights Law
Izabella Majcher presented a paper on the the EU detention regime and its compatibility with international human rights law at the Migration Law Section of the 2017 Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Conference taking place in Dublin on 5-8 September. […]

August 2017 Newsletter
GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT NEWSLETTER August 2017 NEW FROM THE GDP Immigration Detention in Malta Malta is the most densely populated country in the European Union and has one of the highest concentrations of refugees in the world. Although at one time it served as a key destination for migrants and asylum seekers crossing the […]