Despite announcing a new “humanitarian approach” to migration and asylum affairs in 2013, many migrants and asylum seekers continue to face harsh treatment, including arbitrary arrest, forced displacement, detention, and deportation. […]
Submissions & RecommendationsTargeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Targeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Joint Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Tunisia
Global Detention Project and Forum Tunsien pour les Droits Économiques et Sociaux Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (85th Session, 7-25 September 2020) Tunisia: Issues related to immigration detention The Global Detention Project (GDP) and the Forum Tunsien pour les Droits Économiques et Sociaux (FTDES) welcome the opportunity to […]

Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Cyprus
Global Detention Project Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (85th Session, 7-25 September 2020) Cyprus: Issues related to immigration detention The Global Detention Project (GDP) welcomes the opportunity to provide information for consideration of the combined fourth to sixth periodic reports of Tunisia (CRC/C/TUN/4-6) to the Committee on the Rights of […]

Submission to the Universal Periodic Review: Lebanon
An estimated 73 percent of Syrian refugees in Lebanon lack legal status, limiting their access to services and rendering them vulnerable to abuse. In this submission to the UPR, the GDP highlights the country’s discriminatory treatment of refugees – as well as its policies vis a vis migrant domestic workers – and suggests various recommendations that the UPR Working Group should consider proposing. […]

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review: Oman
Despite its reliance on foreign labour, Oman features particularly restrictive immigration and sponsorship policies that make many non-nationals vulnerable to arrest, detention, and deportation. In a joint submission to the UPR, the GDP and highlight key concerns related to the country’s detention practices as well as the situation faced by foreign domestic workers who are excluded from labour laws. […]

Submission to the UN Committee against Torture: Bulgaria
According to reports from national and international human rights monitors, the conditions that immigration detainees are held in in Bulgaria remain deeply concerning, with observers highlighting poor material conditions and instances of abuse. […]

Submission to the UN Committee against Torture: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conditions within detention and reception facilities in Bosnia and Herzegvonia have long been a matter of concern for rights observers – and the Covid-19 crisis has only exacerbated these. In this submission to the UN Committee against Torture, the GDP highlights areas of concern and urges the committee to address various priorities prior to the presentation of BiH’s report. […]

Immigration Detention of Children and Adequate Reception and Care
Global Detention Project Response to Questionnaire of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants 15 May 2020 The Global Detention Project (GDP) completed a questionnaire for the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants concerning his thematic study on immigration detention of children. Questions addressed included: 1. Information on laws or policies […]

Submission to the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice: Romania
Submission to the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice (WGDW) in preparation for its visit to Romania on 24 February to 6 March 2020. The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an independent research centre based in Geneva, Switzerland, which investigates the use of detention as a response to international immigration. […]

The Use of Private Military and Security Companies in Migrant Detention Centres
United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights Geneva, 25-27 November 2019 On 27 November, the GDP’s Michael Flynn will join a panel organised by the Working Group on the use of mercenaries to discuss the use of private military and security companies (PMSCs) in immigration detention, as part of the United Nations Forum on […]