September 2017 Newsletter

GLOBAL DETENTION PROJECT NEWSLETTER September 2017 New Publications New Book News & Activities GDP on the Record Job Announcement   NEW FROM THE GDP Global Compact on Migration The GDP submitted comments to the UN Special Representative for International Migration as part of the preparatory phase for the Secretary-General’s report on the Global Compact for […]

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Immigration Detention of Children: Coming to a Close?

Immigration Detention of Children: Coming to a Close? The GDPs Michael Flynn participated in this two-day conference co-hosted by the Council of Europe and the Czech Ministry of Justice (25-26 September 2017). “Are There ‘Alternatives’ for Children?” By Michael Flynn Summary:  Is it possible to develop “alternatives to detention” in a way that does not […]

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Immigration Detention in the European Union: Research and Advocacy

Izabella Majcher gave a presentation titled “Immigration Detention in the European Union: Research and Advocacy” at the Open Society Initiative for Europe‘s (OSIFE) Protection and Rights of Migrants Grantee Convening “Between Politics And Enforcement: Safeguarding And Advancing Migrant Rights In Europe.” Madrid, 18 – 19 September 2017. […]

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Mariette Grange

Mariette Grange Mariette Grange, Senior Researcher at the Global Detention Project, is a researcher and human rights practitioner. She co-established the Amnesty International office to the United Nations in Geneva and later provided leadership to Human Rights Watch during the institution-building years of the Human Rights Council. She worked on migrants and refugee operations at […]

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Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR): Germany

Germany Joint Global Detention Project and Jesuit Refugee Service Germany Submission to the Universal Periodic Review 30th session of the UPR Working Group, May 2018   Submitting organisations The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an independent research centre based in Geneva, which investigates the use of detention as a response to international migration. Its objectives […]

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Global Detention Project Submission concerning the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration

The GDP submitted comments to the UN Special Representative for International Migration as part of the preparatory phase for the Secretary-General’s report on the Global Compact for Migration. The submission focuses on immigration detention, improved transparency and data collection on the human rights of migrants, and concerns about the human rights commitments of international organizations involved in global migration governance. […]

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Global Compact

Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists, and Policy-Makers

Governments increasingly rely upon detention to control the movement of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. Approaching detention from an interdisciplinary perspective, this new edited volume brings together leading writers and thinkers to provide a greater understanding of why it is such an important social phenomenon and suggest ways to confront it locally and globally. […]

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Spatial Control: Geographical Approaches to the Study of Immigration Detention – Global Detention Project Working Paper No. 24

This paper surveys research on immigration detention conducted using geographical methods, highlighting how geography’s conceptualization of detention as a form of spatial control offers tools to scholars and activists working to contest this form of immigration control. […]

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Immigration Detention through the Lens of International Human Rights: Lessons from South America

Why hasn’t South America witnessed the same growth in immigration detention regimes that has occurred in the rest of the world? This Global Detention Project Working Paper discusses developments across the region through the lens of international human rights standards. […]

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