Switzerland: GDP Assists Norwegian Delegation in Examining Operations at Geneva’s Frambois Detention Centre

In May, the Global Detention Project (GDP) assisted an official delegation from Norway’s Ministry of Justice in visiting the Frambois Detention Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation was comprised of members of the Norwegian Supervisory Board for Forced Deportations and Immigration Detention, which monitors operations at the Trandum immigration detention centre, located near Oslo.  The […]

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2022 Annual Report: Building Partnerships, Harnessing Data, Ending Arbitrary Immigration Detention

Policy-makers, scholars, and advocates often obsess over detention numbers: How many people were detained last year? How many more people are being detained now? How many are detained in a given detention centre? But there is another statistic that receives much less attention: how many people die in immigration detention? […]

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Türkiye: Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

In a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the GDP and the International Refugee Rights Association assess Türkiye’s laws and practices concerning detention of children for immigration-related reasons. […]

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Lithuania: Follow-Up Report to the UN Committee Against Torture

The Human Rights Monitoring Institute and the Global Detention Project jointly issued an alternative follow-up report to the UN Committee on Torture (CAT) with regards to the recommendations contained in Paragraph 12 of the committee’s Concluding Observations CAT/C/LTU/CO/4 on the fourth periodic report of Lithuania. […]

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“THIS IS A SLOW DEATH”: An Urgent Appeal on the Plight of Afghan Refugees Indefinitely and Arbitrarily Detained in the UAE

For a year and a half, thousands of Afghan refugees fleeing Taliban persecution have been trapped in a de-facto detention facility in the United Arab Emirates. Evacuated from Afghanistan by private actors, the refugees have languished in prolonged arbitrary detention at an emergency evacuation compound in Abu Dhabi called the “Emirates Humanitarian City”. Evacuated, But […]

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Open Letter Calling for Canada to Stop the Use of Provincial Jails for Immigration Detention

The GDP has joined 39 Canadian and international organisations in an open letter calling on Canadian authorities to cease detaining migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in provincial jails. As the GDP has previously documented, Canada has regularly attracted criticism for its persistent use of jails for immigration detention – and in particular, for its placement […]

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Global Research Agenda on Health and Migration: WHO Technical Consultation

On 6 March, the World Health Organisation (WHO) convened a global technical consultation aimed at establishing priorities for its global research agenda concerning health and migration. The Global Detention Project (GDP) was one of a handful of civil society organisations invited to participate in the event, which included stakeholders from UN agencies and other international […]

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