The GDP Participates in the 22nd International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights

Between 8-17 March, Geneva hosted its 22nd International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH). Hosted at the heart of the “international capital of human rights,” the festival is one of the world’s most important events dedicated to human rights and cinema. Every year, the festival exposes human rights violations through films and debates, […]

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Immigration Detention in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China): Severe Detention Regimes and Paltry Conditions

Detention is a key immigration enforcement measure in Hong Kong, despite the fact that detention facilities have long been criticised for poor conditions and complaints of mistreatment. […]

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Urgent Appeal on the Situation of Myanmarese Refugees in India

India has become an increasingly important destination for refugees fleeing Myanmar since the 2021 coup d’état. While the Indian government has condemned the violence, it has simultaneously ordered several frontline states to identify “illegal immigrants” with a view to deporting them. As states expand their detention systems there are increasing reports about mistreatment in custody, paltry detention conditions, and pushbacks along the border. […]

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