In mid-March, the Honduran government declared a state of “health emergency” and suspended all visits to prisons following reports of two confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country. In addition, staff and detainees must wear masks in Court. The GDP has been unable to obtain information concerning measures taken within the “Centros de Atención al Migrante Irregular” to avoid the spread of Covid-19. However, the Honduran government has put in place a plan of action in the “Centros de Atención al Migrante Retornado” to avoid contamination as it is estimated that between 250 and 400 Hondurans are returned to the country daily. Honduran authorities have indicated that “special treatment” to all returned persons will be provided and that the protocols established by the WHO are being followed.
- M. Medina, “Suspenden visitas en cárceles de Honduras para prevenir contagio de coronavirus” HRN, 13 March 2020, https://radiohrn.hn/suspenden-visitas-en-carceles-de-honduras-para-prevenir-contagio-de-coronavirus/
- Proceso Digital, “Controlan retorno de migrantes para evitar Covid-19,” 8 March 2020, https://bit.ly/345XQWg
- Global Detention Project, “Immigration Detention in Honduras,” https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/countries/americas/honduras