Although the GDP has not been able to find reports of authorities taking steps to protect persons in immigration detention, various reports have highlighted that in Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps – which some observers have likened to immigration detention facilities (although the GDP does not classify them as such) – temperature screening has been introduced at camp entrances. Supermarkets within the camps are also open for longer hours, to help facilitate social distancing, and quarantine and self-isolation shelters have been constructed. All lock-down measures applied to Jordan also apply to the camps.
The State Security Court has, meanwhile, released some 1,500 persons from prisons, who were awaiting trial for national security offences, in order to mitigate health risks. Previously, on 14 March 2020, all visits to prisoners were suspended until further notice. On 16 March, it was reported that two prisoners had died following riots in Irbid prison (in response to the suspension of visits).
- Africa News, “Coronavirus – Africa (UNHCR): Staying and Delivering for Refugees Amid Covid-19 Crisis,” 6 April 2020, https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/06/coronavirus-africa-unhcr-staying-and-delivering-for-refugees-amid-covid-19-crisis/
- P. Keziah, “Zaatari Camp Quiets Under Curfew as Refugees, Staff Brace for ‘Real Threat’ of Covid-19 Outbreak,” Jordan Times, 31 March 2020, http://www.jordantimes.com/news/local/zaatari-camp-quiets-under-curfew-refugees-staff-brace-%E2%80%98real-threat%E2%80%99-covid-19-outbreak
- Reuters, “Jordan Tightens Lockdown to Combat Coronavirus,” 14 March 2020, www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-jordan/jordan-tightens-lockdown-to-combat-coronavirus-idUSKBN2110S3
- Gulf News, “Jordan Says 2 Dead in Prison Riot After Visits Banned Over Coronavirus,” 16 March 2020, https://gulfnews.com/world/mena/jordan-says-2-dead-in-prison-riot-after-visits-banned-over-coronavirus-1.1584317753578
- T. Luck, “Jordan Announces Sweeping New Measures to Combat Coronavirus,” The National, 17 March 2020, https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/jordan-announces-sweeping-new-measures-to-combat-coronavirus-1.993768
- Global Detention Project, Immigration Detention in Jordan, https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/countries/middle-east/jordan