With the Covid-19 crisis provoking a state of “panic” across Algeria, the country has announced a “plan d’urgence.” Authorities have continued their efforts to block unauthorized migration from sub-Saharan countries, including detaining “migrants clandestine” and arresting alleged traffickers. However, simultaneously, the Ministry of Justice announced that it was temporarily suspending court functions. In addition, all visits to prisons have been suspended and lawyers may only see their clients through a glass separation. The GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have taken measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers, including those in detention.
- Algerie Presse Service, “Ghardaïa: démantèlement d’un réseau de déplacement de migrants clandestins du Sud vers le Nord,” 25 March 2020, http://www.aps.dz/regions/103401-ghardaia-demantelement-d-un-reseau-de-deplacement-de-migrants-clandestins-du-sud-vers-le-nord
- L. Redouane, “Coronavirus en Algérie: Les parloirs et visites en prison suspendus”, 17 March 2020, https://www.dzairdaily.com/coronavirus-algerie-visite-carcerale-parloir-prison-covid-19/
- Global Detention Project, Immigration Detention in Algeria, https://www.globaldetentionproject.org/countries/africa/algeria
- L’OBS, Face au coronavirus, l’Algérie ‘est en état de panique’”, 28 March 2020, https://www.nouvelobs.com/coronavirus-de-wuhan/20200328.OBS26736/face-au-coronavirus-l-algerie-est-en-etat-de-panique.html